Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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Sex and Your Perspiration Q. Do you know there are two kinds of perspiration? Q. Which perspiration is the worst offender? A. It’s true! One is "physical,” caused by work, heat, or exertion; the other is "nervous’,’ stimulated by emotion or sexual excitement. It’s the kind that comes at moments when you are tense or emotionally excited. Q. How can you overcome this "sex perspiration"? A. Science says you need a deodorant specifically formulated to overcome offensive "sex perspiration” odor. And now it’s here . . . ARRID CREAM with exclusive Perstop*. Perstop* makes ARRID so effective, yet so gentle. A. Doctors say that this "sex perspiration" is the big offender in underarm stains and odor. It comes from bigger, more powerful glands — and this is the kind of perspiration that causes the most offensive odor. Q. Why is ARRID CREAM America's most effective deodorant? A. Because of Perstop*. Gentle ARRID gives you the extra protection you need. ARRID CREAM stops perspiration stains and odor without irritation to normal skin. Protect your pretty dresses with ARRID CREAM Deodorant. Proved the most effective deodorant you can buy. New ARRID fortified with Perstop* used daily, stops underarm dress stains, stops perspiration odor completely for 24 hours. Get Arrid CREAM today! Don’t Be HalfSafe! Use ARRID To Be Sure! * Carter Products Trademark for sulfonated hydrocarbon surfactants. GOSSIP SECTION continued And these hours were never meant for Hugh. They may never let Stephen Boyd back in Rome after what he said about Italians. In no uncertain terms he condemned the Roman Empire of being nothing more than a Disneyland, "La Dolce Vita" style. When everyone thought Kay Gable had settled on Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., she showed up with George Montgomery. Aren't Shirley Jones and Jack Cassidy having problems again? They didn't look like lovebirds at a recent party. Juliet Prowse had better find another Frank Sinatra quick. Critics practically blasted her out of New York on the poor taste of her art with Eddie Fisher at the Winter Garden. Maybe it was for her own good that Frank demanded she give up her career if they married. Another Hollywood tragedy. Sandra Edwards was destined for stardom two years ago when Warner Bros, decided to roll out the red carpet to promote her as another Elizabeth Taylor. They groomed her in every department, giving her exposure in their television stable and in features. Then one day she revealed (couldn't hide it anyway) that she was pregnant. Tom Gilson, a lanky character actor, and Sandy had eloped to Tijuana, so she said. The studio, fearing a scandal, dropped her from its contract list. Sandra soon was forgotten until one nightmare last October when she pumped two shotgun blasts into Gilson's stomach. On one of his drunken rampages he had threatened to kill her, and a coroner's jury ruled the actress acted in self defense. "I loved him ... I loved him. I loved him." These were her words as she cried at his graveside. Yet she can never mourn as a widow. They had never married. There were plenty of fireworks when Darryl F. Zanuck removed Joe Mankiewicz from his post as director (and script writer) of the well-known "Cleopatra." The film is supposedly finished, except for cutting — which the director usually oversees. Joe cried foul loud and clear. Said Mankiewicz, "It's not a matter of legality — but morality." He also stated that 20th 's efforts to blame Liz for the fantastic cost of the film were ridiculous. "She may have had problems of illness, and emotional problems, but she didn't cost 20th any thirty-five million dollars." Liz, who among other things is a loyal friend, took Joe's side in the battle. Who's side am I on? Well, even though it doesn't happen much here in good ol' Hollywood, I think a lady should go home from the ball with the guy who brung her. You may argue that "Cleopatra" ain't no lady — but I still think Joe got a rotten deal! Puzzler of the Month: Who's the matinee idol and recording star who spends more than a thousand dollars a year trying to prevent his worst fear? He's only in his late twenties but is losing his hair and takes hair restoration treatment. Already, though, he has a bald spot on the top of his head. THE END