Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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was afraid something was wrong with that boy when I rented him that apartment . . . Come, calm down . . . I’ll go next door and talk to the boy.” By the time my uncle went out, the boy had jumped into his car and was off. Why he was like that My uncle then told me that he understood the boy had had a bad experience trying to get a job in a play. He had been rejected at the same time his girl friend had been chosen for a part. Apparently, he had become angry at all girls. I suspected that the boy was torn between wanting my advice about his career and his hatred of all girls. I went hack to my apartment and locked myself in. Then I brooded. Should I call the police? But I was afraid the police would probably be unable to charge him with assault since he didn’t actually touch me. Besides, I felt this type of police-case publicity would not do my career any good. I decided, instead, to call my boy friend. Tom went to his boss immediately and told him an emergency had arisen and he had to leave. Then he raced over to my apartment, an hour’s drive. After a while, my uncle phoned to say the boy had returned and was hysterical. “He says he didn’t want to harm you, and that it’s your fault for trying to get rid of him when he was aching to talk to you.” My uncle said he’d come over with the boy and we’d talk it over. When he arrived, l opened the door an inch, but kept the chain on. I was afraid to let the boy in, even with my uncle there. But as we were talking, Tom arrived. With Tom present, I had enough courage to open the door and let all three come in. At once, Tom wanted to hit the hoy; but I intervened, “Don’t hit him! I'm sure he didn’t mean to harm me!” Then I tried to get everybody to calm down. I offered the boy a cigarette and tried to make him feel we were his friends. I managed to get him talking about his career, and he confessed that he had been panicky about getting jobs. “I had been warned it was tough getting jobs in this town,” he confessed. “But it’s really terribly difficult. I don’t know where to turn!” He admitted he had been very depressed, that his head was hurting, that he felt exhausted. We sympathized with him, and urged him to return to New York where he had parents. After about a half hour, he was calm enough to leave. I was glad I hadn’t phoned the police. I knew it was not a police problem; it was an emotional problem. And I wanted to help him resolve his problem rather than to punish him. The next morning, my uncle told me that the boy had moved out during the night. A week later, a phone call came from New Mexico from the boy; but I refused to accept it. I was so afraid that he might misinterpret my sympathy. Hollywood is filled with such youths. And when they blow their top and select a girl on whom to vent their monumental anger ... it can be very dangerous! They represent only one of the many dangers that face the girl who lives alone. — The End Diane’s next film will be “Nine Hours to Rama,” for Paramount, soon to be released. REWARD $9,985.50 FOR THIS COIN! $500,000.00 SEARCH FOR RARE COINS! Stop spending valuable coins worth hundreds of dollars. New 1963 catalogue lists hundreds of coins we want to buy and gives the price range we will pay for these United States Coins. Certain half cent coins are worth up to $3,500.00 for Canadian Coins. Our valuable Coin Book may reward you many thousands of dollars. Coins do not have to be old to be valuable. Thousands of dollars have been paid for coins dated as recently as 1940 to 1956. Now you too can learn the rare dates and how to identify rare coins in your possession with our new 1963 catalogue. A fortune may be waiting for you. Millions of Dollars have been paid for rare coins. Send your order for this valuable coin catalogue now. Hold on to your coins until you obtain our catalogue. Send $1.00 for 1963 Coin Catalogue Book to Best Values Co., Dept. A-325, 285A Market St., Newark, N. J. ILLUSTRATED: 1804 Silver Dollar. 19.000 Minted, only 12 accounted for — where are the rest ? YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED IN FULL IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH THIS CATALOG. FOR CERTAIN COINS WE PAY UP TO CERTAIN Gold Coins Before 1929 $10,000.00 Pennies Before 1919 9,000.00 Silver Dollars Before 1936 8,000.00 Nickels Before 1945 6,000.00 Dimes Before 1946 5,000.00 Half Dollars Before 1947 4,500.00 Quarters Before 1941 3,500.00 Half Cents Before 1910 3,500.00 Lincoln Pennies Before 1940 200.00 | Best Values Co., Dept. A-325 j 285A Market St., Newark, New Jersey j I Rush your latest 1963 coin catalogue list I I ing the actual price range you will pay for I I United States Coins listed in the cata | | logue. I enclose $1. Send Postage Prepaid. | I | j NAME j [ ADDRESS I CITY STATE I L I A book everyone who likes to draw should have. It is free; no obligation. Simply address FREE BOOK lARTOONISTS Dept. 591 EXCHANGE Pleasant Hill, Ohio LAST CHANCE TO GET pr^ANyA«L._ri ?; si, ooo-oo 1963 Calendar Banks make it. easy. YOU MUST save 25c daily or Calendar won't change date. Also totals amount saved. Save for vacations, home, car, college, etc. Beg. $3.50. deluxe model now only $2.25 each; 3 for $6.50; 6 for $12.50. Add 25c a bank postage. Leecraft, Dept. TS, 300 Albany Ave., Brooklyn 13, N. Y. Sold by mail only. Prompt delivery. plan provides cash for any reason) . . on your signature only. Private, entirely by mail. No endorsers, nol personal interviews. Terms to fit] your budget. Small payments/ 24 months to repay. Fast service] everywhere. State supervised. Details sent in plain envelope No| obligation. Inquire now. $14.76 MONTHLY REPAYS $250 U Monthly F»»m«nli $120 $250 $450 $650 $1000 $ 7.09 $14.76 $25.91 $3614 $53.17 J WORLO FINANCE CO. Dept. TW-172 J 620 Symes Bldg., Denver 2, Colo. ■ Name Address. City Age -Occupation, POEMS WANTED To Be Set To Music Send one or more of your best poems today for FREE EXAMINATION Any Subject. Immediate Consideration. Phonograph Records Made CROWN MUSIC CO.. 49 W. 32 St Studio 560. New York 1 ANY PHOTO ENLARGED Size 8 x 10 Inches on DOUBLE-WEIGHT Paper Same price for full length or bust form, groups, landscapes, pet animals. etc., or enlargements of any part of a group picture. Original is returned with your enlargement. Send No Money 3 for $1 so Just mail photo, negative or snapshot (any size) and receive your enlargement, guaranteed fadeless. on beautiful double-weight portrait quality paper. Fay postman 67c plus postage— or send 69c with order und we pay postage. Take advantage of this amazing offer. Sendyour photos today. Professional Art Studios. 544 S. Main. Dept. 33A. Princeton, Illinois Finish _ HIGH SCHOOL /\t Home Vocational or College Prep. No classes to attend! High school graduates get the better job opportunities... enjoy bigger incomes . . .lack of high school needn't hold you back any longer. Now you can get your high school diploma in spare time. Many complete high school in 2 years. Individual instruction and easy-to-rollow lessons speed up your training and avoid wasting time. Take just the approved subjects you need for a diploma. If you have left school and are 1 / or over send coupon for catalog. Accredited Member , National Home Study Council Wayne School 417 So. Dearborn, Dept. 13-523, Chicago 5, III. Please send Catalog. Name Address City. . . . ._. Zone State . . . ..... 75