Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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He is also very demanding of his busiess associates, though in all fairness it lould be said that many of his demands re for the benefit of his buddies, not him;lf. Jobs, for instance. He put his pal ennie Goldberg on the show as an extra, nd his gym buddy Ray Joyer as his stand1. He wangled a hard-to-get studio parkag space for his girl Sherry. He delanded, and got, an air-conditioned dresslg room right on the set, plus two private ihones and a desk for Goldberg, who doules as his secretary. He also started ariving late, displaying temperament and lowing up at times without knowing his »nes. By demanding these star-status symbols, ince is lashing out at the world in anger ir having been rejected so many years, i^hen his demands are met, he’s reassuring imself that he’s a Somebody. Every time e has to be satisfied and soothed, he feels ;ived and wanted. Not exactly a grownup’s ay — but Vince’s. And when he surrounds imself with old buddies, while it’s true 'e’s being loyal and providing jobs for lem, he’s also assuring himself of adulaon, sympathy and protection from a hosle world. He’s suspicious of new faces on le set. “Who’s that?” he’ll immediately sk. His friends suspect that he suspects ie new person may be a process server in isguise, or someone seeking to collect old ambling debts — the gamblers’ nightmare. le’II be “hexed!” As a result of all this, Vince is affable ather than friendly. He tries to parry enetrating questions by throwing in wise racks and irrelevancies. In this way he eeps people on the outside, he doesn’t let lem come too close. Possibly, like Sinatra, irando and Garbo — loners all — he’s afraid ). Perhaps, deep down where he doesn’t ven recognize it, Vince doesn't feel he de;rves his stunning success. He’s afraid to e envied for it, afraid he’ll be “hexed.” So e keeps new people at their distance. But e’s missing out on a great human expeience — the utter delight of making new riends. And that’s a pity. It’s a crazy world he moves in, anyway, he separation between real and unreal is 3 dim, it’s hard to know where one leaves ff and the other begins. When he makes personal appearance, people clutch at im and beg to be cured of ailments. Or ley tell him their symptoms and ask what ) do for them. “I don’t know what to tell them,” Vince anfessed in a Look magazine interview. I should say, ‘You boob, I’m an actor, ot a doctor.’ But I can’t. You never can ly what you think when you’re a star, ir fear of offending your fans.” But he alls this situation “the shocker of it all,” nd it must certainly add to his tensions, ecause basically Vince is honest and irthright. He’s not a fake. If Vince would only leave his “injustice ollector’s” scowl on Dr. Ben Casey’s face -where it belongs — and come out from ehind it a smiling Vince Edwards, he’d be happier man. And so would all his riends, who really like him and wish him 'ell. — Christopher Paul ee Vince in “Ben Casey,” ABC-TV. Monays 10-11 P.M. EST; “The Victors,” Col. CAN YOU READ THIS? Then You Are Only 6 Weeks Away From a Better Job and More Pay. ° Jr * ' f*. (Good Housekeeping) FOR SPEED WITH ACCURACY ® w y SHORTHAND No Strange Symbols, No Machines— Uses ABC's— Typing Available JACQUELIN STURM -SECRETARY CBS -TV "Before 1 enrolled in SPEED-. WRITING, 1 had a dull, clerk's job and earned a poor salary. Now, as a SPEEDWRITING graduate, 1 command a much higher salary and a much more interesting position in TV " Jacquelin Sturm Get out of that dull, routine job and move up into a higher paying, more interesting position— in only 6 weeks —with SPEEDWRITING. How can you do it so quickly? Because you use the ABC’s you already know ! No strange symbols to hold you back. SPEEDWRITING Shorthand gives you a 75% headstart. 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