Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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"&<rr into BLONDE HAIR Famous Swedish Way! The women of Scandinavia have always been envied for their glorious blonde hair. Now without tints, rinses or that ugly, bleached look, you can safely give your hair the radiant, golden shine and shimmering highlights that men love! Called BLONDEX, this new Swedish shampoo made especially for blondes, and prepared at home — fresh as you need it — billows into a richer, gentler lather that’s just right for delicate blonde hair. Contains ANDIUM to lighten and shine as it shampoos. Washes away dingy film that keeps hair dark and dull-looking — gives it lovely lustre and flattering lightness. Fine for children s hair too! Get BLONDEX today at drug and dept, stores. WOMEN AND MEN, 18 TO GO $4.00 to $6.00 for 1-hour treatment is the established charge for a skilled operator. Easy to learn and do. Diploma awarded. Open your own office or earn good income from Doctors. Hospitals. Clubs and other health or recreational centers. Wonderful part-time profession. Low monthly payments. Write today for free Anatomy Charts and catalog. No obligation. ANDERSON SCHOOL OF SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Dept. CI6, Princeton, Illinois A book everyone who likes to draw should have. It is free; no free obligation. Simply address book Cartoonists1 exchange Dept. 593 Pleasant Hill, Ohio DARLING PET MONKEY J This live Squirrel Monkey makes an I adorable, playful pet. 'Show it affection, I and receive companionship & joy from its company. Almost human with its I friendly eyes, children & adults love it as a pet. Approximately 6 months old, I simple to take care of & train. Eats same food as you do, grows about 12 I inches high. Free cage & instructions included. Live delivery guaranteed. I Only 519.95 express collect. Mail check or money order for $19.95 to: I Animal Farm, Dept. 284, Box 1042, mm mm Miami Beach 30, Fla. mmm mm Send HO MOHty | lw 1 idling | BILLFOLD ^PHOTOS < Get acquainted offer! 2% x 3>/z in. size on double weight, silk fin i hjnll|ing i ish, portrait paper . . . I — ..... ..J The rage for exchanging with friends, enclosing in letters or greeting cards or job applications. Original returned. Order in units of 25 (1 pose). No limit. Enclose payment ($1.25) and we prepay or SEND NO MONEY, (sent c o d. if you wish) 4 day service. Satisfaction guaranteed. Send photo or snapshot today, with this ad. DEAN STUDIOS, Dept. B3, 913 Walnut St., Des Moines 2, Iowa. f 94 UGLY BROKEN NAILS! “POSSESS" LONG NAILS IN MINUTES USE MIRACLE LIQUID NAIL FORMULA BEFORE An amazing miracle liquid! Changes ugly nails IN MINUTES into glamorous long nails STRONGER THAN YOUR OWN! Not a weak paste-on nail! Can be trimmed and polished. Stops nails from breaking, splitting and STOPS NAIL BITING! No matter what you do. These beautiful nails will stay on until your own nails grow out. Used by millions! NOW a special introductory offer! A LARGE $5 KIT for ONLY $1.98. Mail your orders to: HEALTH AIDS CO., DEPT. TS-3 Box I. Rugby Sta. • Brooklyn 3. N. Y. SEND $1.00 DEPOSIT WITH ALL C.0.0. ORDERS. HAYLEY MILLS Continued from page 50 And she’s also very forgetful, our Hayley is. She’s always leaving things behind. Always. Vital things. Her script, for instance — more than once I’ve had to rush that to the studio. And her purse, with money in it. Even when she went off to school in Switzerland last year — to this school in Rougemont, high in the Alps — she went without her warm sweaters and even without some of her lesson books. The sweaters, in time, Hayley wrote for. But the books — well, there was jolly little mention of them in her first letters. “She’s rather untidy at times, too. You think to yourself — and sometimes aloud — ‘How can one girl leave so many things scattered about?’ Her head, it seems, is always way up there in the clouds. She’ll be sitting somewhere, looking out the window, humming — for hours. And then suddenly you’ll hear her cry out, ‘Oh Lord, I forgot to do this’ — or, ‘I’ve got to be at an interview.’ And off she’ll run. “She’s not very punctual, except on the set, when she’s filming. And speaking of filming, you can often sit around of an evening and see Hayley sitting right here with you, listening to music perhaps and you wonder, ‘When in the world is she going to memorize her lines for tomorrow?’ But she does. Somehow. Before going off to bed she takes a peek at her dialogue. And she must have the most amazing sort of photographic memory, because the next day at the studio she’ll know every word and line letter-perfect. She shares this particular quality with her sister, who has the same uncanny knack. A beautiful thing “Is Hayley similar in temperament to Juliet? “Oh no. Not at all. Hayley admires her sister terrifically. When they were small it was a beautiful thing to see them together— the way Juliet mothered Hayley, the way Hayley simply worshiped her sister. “But there is quite a difference in personality between them. Juliet is more serious. I’d say, while Hayley is more volatile. Juliet told me soon after her wedding last October that when she’s working in a film she plans her menus for the week. Now I can’t imagine Hayley doing that — ever. Also, Juliet has only a few friends, but very close friends. While Hayley has loads of them, but not close ones. I remember well how when she first went to Elmhurst, a school Hayley attended, she had a different close friend every day. There would be mad letters written and secrets shared with one girl on a Monday, then the same thing on Tuesday and Wednesday and so forth — but always with different girls. It was very hard to keep up with these bestfriendships for a while. “Juliet has always been fantastically dedicated to acting. Hayley, well, the whole thing seems to be a sort of delightful part of her life — something she fell into quite by accident. “Hayley’s reaction to becoming an actress was quite amusing to me, by the way. She was twelve at the time. She’d never, never expressed any real interest in acting before this, though I had seen her in several school plays at Elmhurst and then at the Vicarage. She was always a superb little mimic — like her father. He foxes me, all right. He phones me sometimes and pretends to be a butler, or a foreigner. At any rate, Lee Thompson, the director, was here at the house one day telling Mr. Mills about a script called ‘Tiger Bay’ — about a detective who tracked down a Polish seaman wanted for murder and a little boy, a friend of the seaman. He was in the middle of explaining the plot, I remember, when he saw Hayley, her hair cropped, dressed in jeans and a gray sweater, playing outside in the garden. He stared out at her, and finally he said, ‘By jove, the script doesn’t call for a little boy at all, but a little girl. That girl!’ “When Mr. and Mrs. Mills told Hayley about Mr. Thompson’s suggestion, they were naturally quite serious about it. After all, a child with no acting experience might easily become unnerved by such a thought. But Hayley simply grinned a very large grin and she said to them, ‘Me? An actress? Oh, I think that would be just mmmmmmmarvelous! !’ . . . And she did really feel that way, in that happygo-lucky way of hers. A few days later, I remember, a more formal meeting between Hayley and Mr. Thompson was arranged, at a very special luncheon at the Ritz. Well, the car pulled up across the street from the hotel. Hayley and the rest of us got out and began to cross the street. Suddenly, Hayley began to walk in this strange new posture and her mother said to her, ‘What is it with this bent-knee department?’ Whereupon Hayley answered, ‘It’s just in case Mr. Thompson might think I’ve grown too tall for the role these past few days!’ She was in earnest, too. Hayley at four and qiib tov or. In twe seei iivi reli and not Chi mo % So the tin wit pel the fro cai pla of An f ing ai wil fit po bn to till da n ii| be !" In la : *1 “I first met Hayley when she was not tall at all, only three years old. That was back in 1948. I’d worked for a while in the public relations department of Associated British Cinema. Then I’d married, had a child and semi-retired for a bit. And finally one day, looking for work again, I was told that Mr. John Mills, the actor, and his wife Mary, the novelist, were seeking a private secretary. So I was interviewed by them, they took me on right away. Immediately, of course, I got to know the entire family, including Hayley. “The first thing I remember about her? “Without any doubt, it was her love for animals — a love she still is blessed with. Of course it’s Annabelle who is Hayley’s favorite — the pony you might have seen grazing in the west field. The brown-andwhite beauty. She’s rather small for Hayley now. Hayley got her when she was ten. But at the beginning Annabelle would follow Hayley about like a dog. Hayley, for instance, would be in the dining roomdfl eating, and in would scraggle Annabelle, sliding on the old stone floor — this was before the new rugs were laid — sliding, I