Photoplay (Jan-Jun 1963)

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continued P why do more women buy Lovable’s #491 than any other bra in the world? Beautiful fit. Smooth shape. Long wear. Superb comfort and $ support. No wonder 6,900,000 women bought this famous bra in the past year alone! All yours, in the greatest size selection ever . . . now improved at four vital points . . . and it’s still only 1 LOVABLE (PADDED, $1.50) THE LOVABLE COMPANY/NEW YORK 16/L0S ANGELES 16/ALSO IN CANADA/ BRAS, GIRDLES, PANTIES, GARTER BELTS unDeR HeDDas HaT Kay Gable sold the Palm Springs home she and Clark built because it had “too many memories.” Elvis Presley offered her $3500-a-month rental for it but she didn’t want to see it again. She and Clark used to go down in January and stay until June. She cooked; he played golf — it was a heavenly life! Nobody knows exactly why Dolores Hart’s romance with Don Robinson blew up before the wedding. All she said to me was “People who advise long engagements certainly know what they’re talking about. You should get to know the man you’re going to marry very well. When you do, sometimes you don’t want to marry him.” Warren Beatty who’s made only three pictures because he hasn’t liked the scripts offered, now says he’s mentally ready to go back to work. Yes, but are we ready for him? James Dean still has a faithful fan. Jose Maria Maldonado of New York wrote me, “I’ve seen his four films over a thousand times — there has never been anybody like him. I visit his grave in Claremont, Ind. every year and pray by it. I collect his photographs. I know his relatives well. They are fine folks. I read what you wrote about Jimmy in McCall’s and can’t wait to get your book ‘The Whole Truth And Nothing But.’ ” That’s all the news for now. I’ll write you more next month. 28