The Photo-Play Journal (May 1916-Apr 1917)

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THE PHOTO-PLAY JOURNAL FOR APRIL, 1917. PAGE 51. her until he packed his valuable papers. While Richard was thus engaged in the adjoining office Helen by consummate adroitness succeeded in pushing a specimen of gold ore which laid on a table beside a telephone under the receiver, raising it just enough to signal the central girl. Realizing that she would not dare to place the receiver to her ear, she turned on Gregory fiercely, taking particular care to keep her mouth as close to the telephone as possible. "How dare you hold me — Helen Ogden — against my will !" she demanded. "I won't be still. If the police knew the head of the Montana Investing Company was skipping with the funds — " The central girl, being unable to get further information, immediately notified the police of what she had heard over the phone. In a very short time Jack Burton, a plainclothes officer and Helen's lawyer arrived in the outer offices. Within a twinkling a veritable raid of the place was under way with Jack leading it. Richard managed to escape from his office by way of the fireescape, and he climbed up on the roof. Jack discovered him as he mounted the iron ladder, and he pursued him with agility. Once on the roof the two men engaged in a deadly combat, Jack fighting desperately to prevent Richard from pushing him off to death many feet below. By this time a large squad of policemen had been despatched to the scene of the trouble. Helen had frantically climbed up to the roof to help Jack, and she was followed by a policeman, who arrived just in time to save Jack from being hurled over a parapet. In the end Richard, Gregory and Carter were made prisoners, and immediately upon being revived from the exhaustion his fight with Richard had induced, Jack Burton lapsed into noticeable dejection. "Now, what's the matter, my brave boy?" Rev. Granger asked Jack with solicitude. "Well, the mine will be restored to her," he replied sadly. "Oh it's the barrier her money makes, eh ?" the good minister asked with a merry twinkle in his eye. "Don't be foolish, children. A wedding ring won't prevent you from using that money for good." Both Helen and Jack saw the forceful truth of Rev. Granger's argument. They gazed into each other's eyes and loved. They would be happy in spite of the money mill's output. It was a happy Helen who submitted to the manly embrace of Jack Burton. From the photoplay of Roy L. McCardcll. Produced by Vitagraph, starring Dorothy Dalton. The Alliance of Cupid and Ananias {Continued from page 26.) ' Tlll''l. II I ; :l i'i lililllllilHIIIIlll gushed as she carefully climbed down the ladder. "I told her when I left that I never intended seeing you again, and that I just hated you." Then she stepped onto the ground and confronted the waiting Tom. "Well, I do hate you," she continued after a moment's hesitation, "but I'm going to marry you anyway right out here under this tree the first Wednesday that comes along." Then a boy in white flannels and a girl in a blue dress (the hats were forgotten and left on the grass) walked hand-in-hand back to the house. The girl talked so fast about "only one white dress here" and how vexed Madge would be because she couldn't be bridesmaid, but she didn't care if she was angry, that the boy couldn't get one word in edgeways nor couldn't understand more than one out of every three she said. Upon reaching the porch they stopped. Bess faced Tom with an expression of sheepishness on her face. "Tommy," she said, "I knocked that ladder down on purpose." "I know you did, you little liar," he replied quickly but gently as he kissed the erring, little daughter of Ananias. "You did know it ?" she asked. "Yes, certainly." "Then did you really hear me when I whispered to myself something about you being nice to me after all?" she asked. "Sure I heard it," he replied. "How could you when you were so far away at the time?" she asked showing some amazement. Tom thrust his hand in his hip pocket and pulled out a small, round, black object resembling the end of a telephone receiver and then looked down upon it meditatively. "It's some kind of a patent ear attachment for deaf people," he remarked. "It is !" she exclaimed. "Yes, I borrowed it from Mr. Botts, whose hearing is impaired," Tom explained. "And it was with the aid of this modern device that you started my undoing in single blessedness?" she asked as she examined the object closer. "Yes, sweetheart, by being able to catch that one remark of yours which convinced me of your weakening in my favor, I gathered all the courage necessary to press my suit to a successful end. Thus and with this I effected the alliance of Cupid and Ananias." Whereupon he held the ear-attachment aloft triumphantly. "I confess I did everything — even fibbed — to keep from giving in to you — now, but since there's been a new alliance I'm glad, because I won't have to be up a tree again," she replied, submitting to an embrace. Every Blemish Removed in Ten Days I Will Tell Every Reader of This Journal How FREE Your Complexion Makes or Mars Your Appearance. PEARL X.A SAGE, former actress who now offers to tell women of the most remarkahle complexion treatment ever known. This great beauty marvel has instantly produced a sensation. Stubborn cases have been cured that baffled physicians and beauty specialists for years. You have never in all your life used or heard of anything like it. Makes muddy complexions, red spots, pimples, blackheads, eruptions vanish almost like magic. No cream, lotion, enamel, salve, plaster, bandage, mask, massage, diet or apparatus, nothing to swallow. It doesn't matter whether or not your complexion is a "fright," whether your face is full of muddy spots, peppery blackheads, embarrassing pimples and eruptions, or whether your skin is rough and "porey," and you've tried almost everything under the sun to get rid of the blemishes. This wonderful treatment, in just ten days, positively removes every blemish and beautifies your skin in a marvelous way. You look years vounger. It gives the skin the bloom and tint of purity of a freshly-blown rose. In ten days you can be the subject of wild admiration by all your friends, no matter what your age or condition of health. All methods now known are cast aside. There is nothing to wear, nothing to take internally. Your face, even arms, hands, shoulders are beautiful beyond your fondest dreams. All this I will absolutely prove to you before your own eyes in your mirror in ten days. This treatment is absolutely harmless to the most delicate skin, and very pleasant to use. No change in your mode of living is necessary. A few minutes every day does it. To every reader of this paper I will give full details of this really astounding treatment. Let me show you. You do not risk a penny. Send me no money — just send your name and address on the free coupon below and I will give you full details by return mail. r FREE COUPON -- ! I'EARL LA SAGE, Suite 4SK{ | ailO Michigan Ave.. Chicago, 111. | T am a reader of this paper and am entitled to know ■ I full details of the sensational, harmless, scientific i method for giving marvelous beauty to the complexion I iand removing every blemish in ten dn.vs. There is no « obligation whatsoever on my part for this information. I I Name ' I Street I City Slate '. . ,. Mr. Edison's Wonderful New Phonograph The world's greatest inventor has made the music of the phonograph life-like, at last. Success — after years of labor on his favorite invention! Read ourofferonhis wonderful new phonograph. Thomas A. Edison Only $ fOO — and after trial An astounding offer — the New Edison, Mr. Edison's great new phonograph with the new Diamond Stylusreproducerandyourchoice of all the brand new Diamond Amberoj Records will be sent to you on free trial without a penny down. Tbefinest, the best that money can buy at very, very much less than the price at which imitations of the genuine Edison are ottered — a rock-bottom otferdirect from us. Entertain Your Friends Hear all the latest up-to-date song hits of the bigcities. Laugh at the side-splitting minstrel shows. Entertain your family and your friends with everything from Grand Opera toComic Vaudeville— then if you choose, send the outfit back to us at our expense. Rock-Bottom Direct Offer If you wish to keep Mr. Edison's superb now instrument, send «9 only $1.00 after the free trial. Pay the balance on the easiest kind of monthly payments. Think of it— a Si. 00 payment, and a few dollars a month to pet this outfit of Mr. Edison's new phonograph with the Diamond Stylus reproducer, the life-like music— the same Diamond Amberol Records— all the musical results of the highest priced outfits — yes, the greatest value for $1.00 down, balance on easiest monthly terms. Convince yourelf — a free trial first! No money down, no C. O. D. unless you choose ^ not one cent to to keep the instrument. Our New Edison »■■■■■■ #* To f F. K. Babson Catalog Sent Free / Ptao^j-butors Your name and address on a > 1851 Edison Blk postal or a letter (or just the <T Chicago, m.' coupon) 13 enourh. No oblitfalinnd * in asking for the. catalog. Get ♦* Gentlemen: 1 lease Bond this offer —while this offer .»♦ , me Vm New Edison Catalasts. Fill out coupon today. > ,, K , full particulars of # your free trial offer on the F. K. BABSON ♦ new mociel Edison Phonograph. Edison Phonograph Distributors * 1854 Edison Block J> Namt Chicago, III. ,♦ Canadian Office : >♦ Addrra, 855 Portage Ave. .♦ -Adtlrest _ Winnipeg, f Manitoba. -♦