Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1957)

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young ideas: BABY TALK * Time was when babies weren’t mentioned in Hollywood — but all’s changed! Here’s the baby section you asked us for! Qeveral months ago, Vera Miles, mother of two and more than somewhat pregnant, instructed her agent to find her a picture that started two weeks after September 22nd — expected delivery date for her third baby! “Why not?” asks Vera, blonde, delicately beautiful and glowing with energy. “One of the nicest things about being pregnant is that it can do as much for your good looks as a well-supervised nine-month beauty program. Even if you don’t have a perfect figure to start with, you can wind up with one after the birth of your baby.” Modern obstetricians confirm Vera’s experience. The routine they prescribe to assure healthy pregnancy ( Continued on page 109)