Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1957)

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r Good things come in small, large and medium packages. Marisa’s gifts varied in size and kind but were wrapped so beautifully that she hated opening them! Many had rattles or toys attached. This little sweater, knitted by a thoughtful and handy guest, thoroughly delighted Marisa The table was a treat to see with its silver service and display of tantalizing delicacies. Mrs. Casilli d’Aragona, wife of the Italian consul, had the honor of pouring for the guests ( you can serve coffee or tea or both), who helped themselves to the buffet, ate in the living room Sir Stork, perfect baby shower motif, has his hat adjusted by Pier. One of two white paper storks (trimmed with blue, the other with pink) , he stood on one side of the floral centerpiece of white stock, pink roses and blue delphiniums. Tiny dolls were hidden in the flowers on the table