Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1957)

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WIN THE VACATION OF YOUR LIFETIME! YOUR JEWELER WILL GIVE YOU YOUR ENTRY BLANK FOR SPONSORED BY THE MAKERS OF £>eltah 97 Additional Valuable Prizes I Get your entry blank at your local jewelry store today! ... all entries must be postmarked no later than contest closing date— December 31, 1957 EASY! Just complete this sentence in 25 words or less— “I prefer to buy gifts at my Jeweler’s because ” Contest subject to Federal, State and Local Regulations. ANYONE CAN ENTER... NOTHING TO BUY! 3 fabulous First Prizes— at the CASTLE HARBOUR HOTEL I itt Btfimuk MILLIONAIRE’S VACATIONS for TWO m FREE! 7 Days at the most luxurious hotels, delicious meals included. Dancing— SwimmingSports, Glamorous Night Events. FREE! Eastern Airlines roundtrip for 2, from any town in continental U. S„ including meals. at BLUEBEARD'S CASTLE m n-Qo * at HOTEL EMERALD BEACH ittMmftit WHEN YOU 00 TO YOUR JEWELER • See the latest Oeltah simulated peart necklace and earring styles. • See Deltah’s beautiful Vanity Dresser Sets. ltah FORECAST: SHOWERS continued Future hostesses, note Pier’s smiling entrance with tray of tempting treats Gabor and her poodle Suzy) , we gathered around, still chattering and sipping champagne while 'Mar isa opened the presents. (Those who could not attend sent their gifts the day before.) They ranged from sheets, blankets and pillows to silver and, for herself, a bed jacket to wear in the hospital. The card read, “Everything can’t be for the baby.” Husband Jean Pierre got something, too: a large bottle of tranquilizer pills with a card that said, “For the forgotten man — the father.” Marisa continually expressed her appreciation for the gifts. And when refreshment time came, the guests voiced their delight over the little cakes decorated with baby shoes, the eclairs and fresh strawberry sandwiches (made by crushing fresh strawberries in mayonnaise). Also on the table, covered with a pale pink cloth, were pink bowls filled with nuts and trimmed with storks. Marisa could not indulge as much as we did because she was watching her weight, but this did not dampen the good time she had seeing old friends and catching up on the news (there wasn’t enough time for games!). We left at six o’clock wondering who had enjoyed the party the most — Pier, the gracious hostess. Marisa, the beaming guest of honor, or all of her many visiting friends! HELLER DELTAH INC.. 411 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 16