Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1959)

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p 2a C«ntury-FoK pfta0/ilt THE Entertainment THAT Rings ALL THE bells V IN YOUR X HEART ! COLOR by DE LUXE STurnuwni Wdic sound co-starsn^ I ’ I ■ RAY WALST6I Produced and Directed by ' FRANK TASH LIN Written by ROBERT OBRIEN continued The Rikishct J^att cory; toho yvy)/ This is Japanese movie-making at its finest. You’ll find here all the expected beauty of photography and settings — plus the frank emotion that many people don’t expect of Eastern peoples. Toshiro Mifune (seen in “Rashomon”) is not only a splendid figure of a man, husky and strong-featured — he also expresses all the violent temper, tender devotion and deep capacity for love that make his character a memorable one. He earns his living humbly, as a kind of human horse, pulling his rickshaw through the streets of a Northern Japanese city. Befriending an Army ofiicer’s widow (Hideko Takamine) and her son, he falls in love with the exquisite lady. But rigid class barriers keep the two lonely people apart. Fascinating details of an ancient way of life (dying slowly) give the movie a poetic air. Yet the characters aren’t the twodimensional shapes in a painting done on silk; they are very human. family Ask iXyyy Especially, ask Shirley MacLaine, at her brightest, breeziest and sweetest in this demurely sexy frolic. She can show you the way to an evening of mad fun — on film. Shirley’s out to learn the tricks of husband-hunting in New York, and what girl could ask a more delightful teacher than David Niven? He’s back at his old specialty as your favorite romantic comedian, coaching Shirley in techniques of man-trapping. The big game she’s after is Gig Young, as David’s girl-collecting brother. adult continued Any Girl M-C-M ; CINEMASCOPE, METROCOLOR 22 i