Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1947)

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Natural color photographs by Carlyle Blackwell , Jr.. Hollywood Of course you use flattering face powder and just the right lipstick. But do you neglect your most important feature — your eyes? Here’s something smart modern girls are realizing; when make-up stops with just a nice complexion and brilliant red lips, neglected eyes appear dull and drab by contrast. It’s so easy to give your eyes their full share of beautv-magic with MAYBELLINE! A few simple brush strokes of this famous Mascara will make your lashes look naturally dark, long, sweeping. And it’s so easy to shape your brows gracefully with the soft, smooth Mas belline Eyebrow Pencil. Then behold the difference! Your eyes are so much lovelier! Your entire face is more attractive, for your make-up is perfectly balanced,— raw pletely flattering. . ' So never, never forget to accent your eyes, daytime or evening. Only be sure you use MAYBELIJNE, the eye make-up in good taste — preferred by smart women everywhere. MAYBE CLINE CAKE MASCARA in new nil and Hold-tali': nietu! v.initj . SI . Refills, 50c. Shades: Bfack, Brown, Blue. Also in 25c and 10c; sizes. I , : M AY BEl.LINE CREAM MASCARA (applied without water! comes in handy leatherette case, Si. (Also in 25c and 10c sizes.) Shades: Black and Brown. MAYBELLINE EYEBROW PENCIL soft, smooth quality, tine point— so easy to Use! Black or Brown. MAYBELLINE EYE SHADOW in subtle shades of Blue. Brown, Blue-gray, Green, Violet-, Gray.