Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1950)

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It’s not Betty Grable’s famous legs that her tight gowns are designed to show. Below, with Jessica and Vicki THEIR Women may belong in the kitchen but not if Howard Duff’s around II7HERE did you get that hat?” I asked Loretta If Young. We were jammed in the doorway of Rouben Mamoulian’s beautiful home in Beverly Hills. Loretta glanced briefly at the six other waiting women and their spouses and said convincingly, “It was flown over to me from Paris.” She smiled as we crowded closer to scrutinize the wonderful white and black chapeau. Suddenly a contrite expression chased the complacency from Loretta’s lovely face. “I didn’t get it in Paris,” she confessed in a small voice. “It’s a copy — made in Hollywood. I mustn’t fib any more about my clothes.” Don’t feel so conscience-stricken, Loretta. We all have our vanity weakness. Yours happens to be fashion, and your reputation as Hollywood’s best-dressed star. Van Johnson’s weak spot on the vanity front is his teeth — that’s why he’s always smiling — the better to show you them, my dear. Kirk Douglas loves his muscles so much, some people say they have gone to his head. He’s also vain as a peacock over Irene Wrightsman’s financial aristocracy! Danny Kaye believes, ( Continued on page 84) 62