Photoplay (Jul-Dec 1938)

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Now— Apply Vitamin '/ tyH€<M^ Right on Your Skin OR YEARS we have been learning about the importance of the various vitamins to our health. A-B-C-D-E-G — who hasn't heard of them? Now conies the exciting news that one of these is related in particular to the skin ! Lack of this "skin-vitamin" in the skin produces roughness, dryness, scaliness. Restore it to the diet, or now apply it right on the skin, and our experiments indicate that the skin becomes smooth and healthy again! That's all any woman wants to know. Immediately you ask, "Where can I get some of that skin-vitamin' to put on my skin?" Pond's Cold Crearn now contains this Vitamin Pond's Cold Cream now contains this "skinvitamin." Its formula has not been changed in any way apart from the addition of this vitamin. MRS. ALEXANOER C. FORBES, young New York society -woman, granilniece of MRS. JAMES ROOSEVELT: "With Pond's Cold Cream, my skin looks soft — not rough or dry." It's the same grand cleanser. It softens and smooths for powder as divinely as ever. But now, in addition, it brings to the skin a daily supply of the active "skin-vitamin." Use Pond's Cold Cream in your usual way. If there is no lack of "skin-vitamin" in the skin, our experiments described in the next column show that the skin is capable of storing some of it against a possible future need. If there is a lack of this vitamin in the skin, these experiments indicate that the use of Pond's Cold Cream puts the needed "skin-vitamin" back into it. Begin today. Get a jar of Pond's, and see what it will do for your skin. Same Jars, sanie Labels, same Price Pond's Cold Cream comes in the same jars, with the same labels, at the same price. Now every jar of Pond's contains the active "skin-vitamin" — Vitamin A. Most People don't know these Facts about Vitamin A and the Skin . . . Fir9t Published Reports In 1931 and 1933, deficiency of Vitamin A ("skin-vitamin") was first recognized as the cause of specific skin disorders. In the cases reported, a liberal Vitamin A diet made the dry, roughened skin smooth and healthy again. Later reports confirmed and extended the evidence of this. In hospitals, other scientists found that Vitamin A ("skin-vitamin") applied to the skin healed wounds and burns quicker. Tests with Pond's Creams Experiments were made concerning possible causes of deficiency of "skin-vitamin" in the skin. I. Dietary — The skin may lose "skin-vitamin" from deficiency of it in the diet. In our tests, skin faults were produced by a diet deficient in "skin-vitamin." Without any change in the diet, these faults were then treated by applying "skin-vitamin" to the skin. They were corrected promptly. II. Local — Our experiments also indicated that even when the diet contains enough "skin-vitamin," the stores of this vitamin in the skin may be reduced by exposure to sun, and also by exposure to warm, dry air together with frequent washing. In further tests, marked irritation resulted from repeated use of harsh soap and water. This irritation was then treated by applying the "skin-vitamin." The skin became smooth and healthy again. It improved more rapidly than in cases treated with the plain cold cream or with no cream at all. The experiments furnished evidence that the local treatment with "skin-vitamin" actually put the "skin-vitamin" back into the skin! All of these tests were carried out on the skin of animals, following the accepted laboratory method of reaching findings which can be properly applied to human skin. Even today it is not commonly known that the skin does absorb and make use of certain substances applied to it. Our experiments indicated not only that the skin absorbs "skin-vitamin" when applied to it, but that when "skinvitamin" is applied to skin which already has enough of it, the skin can store some of it against a possible future need. The Role of the "Skin-Vitamin" The "skin-vitamin" functions like an architect in regulating the structure of the skin. It is necessary for the maintenance of skin health. When the skin is seriously deficient in the supply of this vitamin, the skin suffers. Signs which may indicate "Skin -Vitamin" deficiency Dryness, Roughness, Scaliness resulting in ance. Dull Appear MRS. WILLIAM RHIINELANDER STEWART, heautiful as when she came out: "The use of Pond's Cold Cream has helped me to keep my skin fresh and bright and smooth." Copyright. 1938, Pond's Extract Company