A pictorial history of the silent screen (1953)

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GRETA GARBO WITH LEWIS STONE and bove WITH NILS ASTHER, IN "WILD ORCHIDS" (M-G-M) GRETA GARBO, NILS ASTHER. Above: GARBO WITH JOHNNY MACK BROWN AND NILS ASTHER IN SCENES FROM "THE SINGLE STANDARD" (M-G-M) Top row: PORTRAITS OF GRETA GARBO The film industry was hysterical over plans for the new audible screen. They realized that talkies could no longer be treated as a novelty but were here to stay. Silent screen stars with no stage experience were frantically taking voice lessons. Companies were scrambling to sign stage stars. Pictures were advertised with the magic words, "A talking picture." Bv the end of the year the majority of the theatres were "wired for sound," and the majority of the films, whether all-talkie, part-talking or silent, were synchronized with sound effects. The whole country was talking talkies. JOHN GILBERT, GRETA GARBO (also above with DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR.) IN "WOMAN OF AFFAIRS" (M-G-M) '' — S GRETA GARBO IN "THE KISS" (M-G-M) GRETA GARBO, LEV/ AYRES IN "THE KISS" (M-G-M) JEAN HERSHOLT (UNIVERSAL) JAMES GLEASON (UNIVERSAL) AUDREY FERRIS (WARNER BROS GUINN "BIG BOY' WILLIAMS (WARNER BROS.) MARY LUPINO MAY GILBERT DUNCAN LANE ROBSON ROLAND (FOX) (EDUCATIONAL) (PATHE) 3!