Pictures and the Picturegoer (April - September 1915)

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Wj l K ; Bl In Dud i iv i athcr's str< »>: [>ii>e. '1 be Spiril of (Smoke 11 <d curries Dud ;i • the clouds, fav above the stavs, and |i uvea liim banking on n ■ the trd i liai he forma a lake and drowns himself. Dud tells the moon a fnuuj story, and lii in] ed off into sjuu'e for his pains ih's boisterous laughter. He wakes up on the Boor of his |.,-ili\'"iit. and declares to Wag thai ha will never smoke ngain. iou "ill scream with delight when yon see this picture, nnd your parents will laugh until tin \ u eep. A NEW PAINTING COMPETITION. 1 am giving you a drawing of one of Dud's "Wake-nps," and for this week's Competition 1 shall ;i»k you to colour it. When j ou ha\ e done so, paste on a postcard, or slip into an envelope (if left nnfastened a halfpenny stamp will do), addressed to "Dud." L8, \d.un Street, Miami. W.C. It must reach me by Monday, Septembei 27th, and for tintwo best paintings 1 will present the b< nders with a box of paints each. The ■■ Award of Merit " to the next best will be registered as usual. (Tow some of yon will want to know the result of " My Best Film " Competition. There were a goodly number of entries, and some of the "best films" given were Fane f< on tht Cricket, A Night /.■ Kent ley, A Dog's 1 i I irginian, ' . '/'/. tdiddU man. Sign (,)' i i, i >../ "', Dardanelles, T ild o' mi/ Heart, A Boy's Best ] ri, ml is his Mother, t'h< Lion'i Cubs, Peril, Wild/lower, A Patriot o!' France, Court-martialled, My Old Dutch, and the Adventures '.</' Kathlyn* The winninir cards were as follows:— '"1 think Behind the Scenes is best, because it shows how beautiful Mary Pickford is and how naturally she acts. I do not think that any of the audience while they were looking at the film realised that it was only acting and not real life." Patricia Vignaux, River View, r's Hill. S.E. "The beet film I saw was The Child Killers, which shows in full the German atrocities. It is a good film for recruiting, and should be shown in every town." Arthur Coe, 5, Gas Street, D'esi \ih. Norlhants. A.wabd of Merit (six of these bring' y« u a special prize). Leo Alston (Prest n). Irene Hockey fCardiff), Alfred Crick (Desborough), Violet Burges3 (Swanscombe), Lilian Burgess (Swanscombe), 0. H, Dennis (Grimsby). Albert Barnard (Sheffield), Betty .Ton.' iNantyjnoel), J. Mawson (Oxford). Alan Dudley (Cat ford). See next week's issue for the great new Picture Puzzle Competition, as. Well as another little one from L'nci.k Tim. CINEMA ACTING AS A PROFESSION Keep yom guineas for tuition until yon have read the book "Cinema Acting as a Profession, by an Expert, ft will save yon pounds. Cloth gilt, postfree. 5s. R. Dkkry.47. Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C, PICTURES AND THE PICTUr REPLIES Kamt and address (not for publication) mutt be hrough tin pott. Letters are dealt with in kotation. catts art required nam* 0/ Company muft be given. David behind the I i Do I i oor John I'u n> la, ilai ' no do .,ii's CbapUu La mi Uugliabman, and ployed the pari ..f toe Drunken Swell In Fred H 'e ■ \ii, , m ' ■ be 1 1 lyed For the tiim. We sold i s' week thai he la not married. J'HTis (Croydon)*. 1 be Editor will be i fi','ii yonr autograph-nlbuni, eo Bend it. Pippin. * be ".is not in when you called , belter luck next time. Thnuk yon, Pippin, Oi.n I'm) (Stamford Hill). I 1 •■ Kites raid I Mm : of one reel which runs for about fifteen minutes ore from 10s. 6d. npwjxda. Borne one-reelera ma] be worth Like every thing eles, the prioeaare governed by the quality, and an I deal depends auronpon the buyer. For a two-reeler the prioe thould be double I. Sorry, we '1" no post. Aimkuk (London, B.E.).— Toe photo of Alma Taylor waa not token by the Miami Brm yon msotaon, When Alma Taylor first applied to Hepworth8 she was told to conic the next day to a children's party at the studio, and, having done bo, enjoyed il very much, aud quite '■ '■• ■■ lit woe a real p«rty, not knowing she was hoing filmed. And her success to .lay is, in a great .in", due to her believing in the part she playi hence the reason she is called "The u.rl Believed." Amateur | ai-diff).— The American Co., of 6,227, Broadway, Chicago, U.S.A., are ih ■ proprietors of Plying A films. Good luck to you in your efforts to place a film plot, Glad you like us. It. I>. B. (Liverpool).— It is against our rules to reply to poet, It we did, we Bhonld never go to bed. We presume the firm you refer to is the Kiucmaeolor Co., 80-33, Wardour St., W. EvrLYS (Glasgow).— Thinks for getting us new readers. Our publishers are sending you the copies you ask f jr. Glad to h?ar you are doing your "bit" by entertaining the soldier-boys. " The best of goo! luck to you," too. " CHARLIE AT WORK." One of our set of six Chaplin postcards which ought to be iu jour album. S.nry Hi t is different to all o film | liyi rs V\ ■■ are afr.u i " le chance iudi ed, I . • u • I. ktany pin • BUp( ir i too I I livelih lod at the s irt. aud you ai fr..i. to k|' t in eugngemi n We mmend our readers to pay : tor training. Wish Oak).— We should say Ch.. i haplln is tin) highest salaried film Mary Hoktord tops tl • Hal i"i ''■ Speaking generally, we should iay tie men xet the I lories. Another injustice to tbo ladies, bless '■ HI. MuSICKIEOBAN (l.on.lon, N'.W.i. -"Sandy .ill Shorty " were the tilui names of Robert County and Ge< rge .Stanley in a Vitagraph serial. These two [ill e a are still with the Vitagraph. Bo yon think (be Angel Picture Theatre, Islington, and the New Gallery Kinema, Regent the two test in the London Metropolitan district, for programme and music. There are so many good picture i.ilaccs, it is difficult for us to any. Detskr Erxi (Cardiff). — Your friend the operator can give yon more help than we ci n Hi the spot you >e'. In forty-two weeks, in one cinema, joi have seen on an average thirty-live pictures a xe Ic, and you think yours is a recor I. We think so too. The Essanay end Keystone studios are In America. Max lAldgate). — Oh yes, we remember yon. Mar, as being the daring reader who bearded tbo Editor in his den. The Editor will be pleased to seeyour visit described iu the II He cannot, however, make any iron Ise to write on article for the same pa] e , as he is a very busy man. Ed. Coxen in not mnrrkd to Winifre I Grrenwood. The Essanay to., of 146, Charing CiOis Kd., Loi.doc, might let you have the synopsis you want. Violet (Battersea Fark).— We have handed your postscript to our publishers to deal with. Thank you for interesting youise'.f in our welfare, Violet. Chicken iTcddington). — James Cruze and Margaret Snow are not related. We have never heard of t leo Madison's mother playing for the pictures. June Gail is in .America playing for one of the Trans A 1 intic brands with King Baggot. Tickie (Edinburgh).— We will put Mablon Hamilton on our list, Tickie, and sea if we can i b'ige you. We love all " constant " readers. Bookwohm (Peterborough). — Charles Clary ilayed "Prince Urobilin," in "The Adventures of Kathlyn" (Selig). Your jmsteaid was very busin -ss-like. Hope you'll get a reply from C. C Mabel (Edgbistcn).— Lucky girl! A letter ami autographed portrait from Harold Lockwoi something to be proud of ; and if you are happy — why, so are we. Don't k"pua waiting so long for the next letter, Mabel. Thomas (Great Vnrmcuth). — Edna Pnrvance It nainc ol tiio player with Chas. t Ibapl u. We ha\ e a postcard of the t«o together, hut not one of Edna alone. E. f. (Failsworth). — We have sent you a post' li-t. It is all the hard-worked Editor can do to get one number of the P. ani> P. out e ci « Two a week aie out of th ■ question. Hope yi ur hi.bhy returus from the Flout covered with glory and honour. A»a L eds).— Chi issie White is and Alma I ish t masrii d. We Lave sent your letter to ~ i .. per, 3Ii-s(). W. (Clnvsate).— Theptoiy of " Tessible of the Sto: in Country " was published iu P. ami P, i ated .June 20th, 1914. Phtli is i: slutbe d .— Address F'orence Eeed, c.o. Famous Plnjeis Film Co., 213, W New Yi rk C ty, U.S.A. The ot). r information we regret is u.iav..i able. BeKNAKS (Manor Park'.— We have no postcards of Mai el Normand or Blanche Sweet (.1 aphne Wayne),