Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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PICTURES AND THE PICTUREGOE.S 2S0 Dec. >-. 1915 How to Capture a Misogynist FULL INSTRUCTIONS TO THE FAIR SEX IN AN ESSANAY FILM. The Island Hermit Returns, Paget as "John." Acfeed away. leaving for evermore wife and children the sacrifice of a noble man, •oii-umniated with heroic fortitude. In the inn where he at last dragged his weary steps he was recognised by the old woman that kept it, and she told him the history of the past ten years. Then he in turn told of the terrible privations and vicissitudes he had undergone, and the sorrow that seemed now to have broken him in body and seal. Through days of fevered delirium the old woman nursed him; then came a few lucid moments when her secrecy was asked for and promised to him. ■•1 die loving and blessing her,;' he, said. Then' his: face clouded over and the wil I, tortured look came back into his eyes. For a long while he lay there, gazing ahead with a kind of hopelessdespair as for so many years he had peered cut (<> sea, straining his eyes i"i the eight <>l' a passing vessel. At last hi eyes lit up. •A ship ! A ship! " he cried. \udwhen the old woman lifted him up lu's face shone with a beauty she, • 'in 11UI understand. Artistically tin four-reft] ''picture" is one of the mo3l notable aehijveintents of "the master pio.lueer." The familiar love-ston has been beautifully interpreted by Lillian < i i h. Alii ed Paget, and Wallace Reid. The settings are exquisite. The film is controlled by Dominion Co., of ;>,< Jerrard Street, Y . ACCORDING to all account-. Adam, if not exactly a misogynist, was, at any rate, completely indifferent to woman until he met Eve. Of course, in those days, competition not being brisk, jhe bad a fairly easy task in appropriating him. But the woman-hater proper is very much more difficult same to snare. For e.-nturi s his species has exercised a peculiar attraction over woman, and for fust as long she has puzzled her brains as to the best means for his subjugation." Ordinary men like you and me, dear reader, who think all women charming; are too easily captured to afford much zest in the operation, for woman, as Bernard Shaw proves in Man and Supi rjiiimi, is instinctively. a "sportsman." She loves the joy of the chase far more than man. and when man is her quarry she likes, as it were, to have a good run for her money. The Man with the Froz n Face. Now-, misogynists are of two kindsThere is the cold, silent man with the frozen face and the aggressive personality. The over-confidence of this type is often his undoing. In fancied security, behind his ramparts of reserve and obstinacy, he contemptuously awaits the foe ; but she frequently swarms over his fortifications in the most unexpected quarters, and, more often than not, forces him to an abject capitulation. The second type is much more difficult to catch, because much more unapproachable. Every weapon in the feminine armoury must be used, and with the greatest caution, and, even when apparently overcome, this species of misogynist may contrive to escape at the altar itself if there be any relaxation of care. The sport of misogynist-capturing has not had the attention it deserves in the 38, and there I want for a comprehensive text-book ou the subject. An 1 now comes the glad news that the Essanay Company have earned tie-, eternal gratitude of woman for all time by issuing, under the title of / i II Hater, a film containine' complete and full instructions as to the course t" be pnrsued. The Technique of the Game. Novitiates will be surprised at the technique of the game. How. when, and where to be. by turns, determined, coy. aggressive, indifferent, shy. strong, and weak, with the correct type of dreswear for each mood, and a hundred and one other valuable tips are contained in this* unique work. The whole picture is a lesson, not only to wi imen — win > we prophesy will tic >e-k tosee it in crowds — but also to the weaker sex. for it is so true to life. It -! how an ex-womaii-hater (in the pens of Henry B. Walthall) a mouth aftermarriage wonders how he could bate been such a fool as to try and avoid capture; and as charming Edna Mayo plays the part of the triumphant huntiv-s. hi-' regrets for wasted opportunities will be. readily understood. And. witnln a month after marriage, he becomes. such an ardent feminist that the only drop of bitterness in his cup of happiness is his regret for his unnecessary self-martyrdom iu the past. Short Story of "ThsWoman-hater." Jack Warder hated women like the very devil! Silly ass! Like Bernard Shaw's hero in Man and Superman, he believed that woman was the JtoTenl Pursuer and man the Helpless Quarry, and he determined to stave off capture as long as he possibly could. So he gladly accepted the invitation of his A s. im FROM '"Hi I'Mi,., \. 1 K-s\NAY C0HEDT "The Wouax Kates,