Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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F. *i*URES AND THE PICTUREGOEK 294 Week eni s -. Dec. 25, 1915 PHOTOGRAPHS of all the most popular cinema actors and actresses, beautifully arranged In Artistic Border Designs make this charming & fascinating book the most wonderful treasure-house of Beauty and fame ever offered for 2d. Everywhere To-day, I am now in Splendid Health Thanks to Dr. Cassell's Tablets. *» Mrs. A. Petersen, of 12, South Molton Road. Canning Town. London, E. " It is some time now since I first found my health failing. I just lost strength and alwavs felt tired. Then I began to lose appetite, and what little food I did eat disagreed v\ ith me. for I suffered dreadfully with flatulence. Headaches were another affliction, very frequent and very severe. At last I became SO ill that 1 consulted a doctor. The trouble had turned to jaundice, and after that I continued in a low, weak state. I also became very nervous, and my skin and my eyes remained quite yellow. '■ 1 began to think 1 was never going to get better, for I had tried a lot of things without finding any benefit, but in the end I chanced to hear about Dr. Cassell's Tablets, and made up my mind to try them. I did. and it was truly astonishing how soon they did me good. Thev soothed my nervesalmost at once, and rapidly 1 picked up health and strength again. ' Now I feel ever so well, my appetite is excellent, and my skin as clear as ever in my life, lii fait lam in splendid health." Dr. Cassell's Tablets. SEND FOK A IRE£ BOX. Send \ our name and address and two penny stumps for postage, &c., toDr.CasseirsCo.,Ltd., Bos !?.<;. 50, Chester Road, Manchester, and you will receive a trial box Free, Dr. Cas sell's Tablets are Nutritive. Restorative, Alterative. Anti-spasmodic, and of great Therapeutic value in all derangements of the Nerve and Functional Systems in old or young. ■rant: They are the recognised modern home rcmed\ for Nervous Breakdown Nerve Paralysis Spinal Paralysis Infantile Paralysis Neurasthenia Nervous Debility Sleeplessness Anaemia Kidney Disease Indigestion Stomach Disorder Mal-Nutrition Wasting Diseases Palpitation Premature Decay Specially Valuable -for Nursing: Mothers and During the Critical Periods of Life. \ chemists and stores in nil parts of the world, including leading chemists in Australia, Ne» Zea'and, Canada, Africa, and India, Prioea: is., is. 3d., mid Ss.— th< sing Ihi most economical. _i