Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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I, 191 6 323 r.UlURES AND THE PICTUREGOH> ■ iwn 1>\ 1I1 ili.'.i 1 11 1 lire il .1 i.iliif win. ii m ,1 under I he weight i)l • I lllill he .ilc "in Mouthful Ik IVIlli'UI I tli ii < hi bright I'lioorful 1 n wna no! till a\\a\ Iruni lh<' >.■.!> ||,. I,. |( |||t. ||,,,| , . . . . -. Ill II S In. I. 11 with lois stai-thiK "ii hi ei inn. I iiut woliltl hl.MK uliiilni's to til"' ■ 1 iiumy lit ili' ones. 11 II 1 uight'il Suiitii Clans, as ho |,. H tlio il<>( '..1 s hou-v mih ;i irk iinu'li tighter than whi'ii ho ontoroil. .Inst 0110 mill then I nni tint-heil. So -ay inn ho .1 tlio in \t atnl l.i-t hou-e mi lii rmiiul. .. hi' was loa\ 1111; hr -aw mi tho luhlo in the uiiilillo ol the loom a honiitit'nl -kotrh 111 mil white ol hiniM'lt w ill) a uroiip •■! nii'iiN pooplo i'oiiikI him. On tho top ol Iho book* writ ton in largv whitr letters, was in .1 ' (liri-tinis Niimltoi I'll 1 1 ':r.s \st> I' \li ' llii 1 :i lit 1*1 I Bin sniv ho laii'.hi'il as ho slipped it into his now eiiii.ti -ark. Xi \t morniiii; not only tlif ihililivn wo iv happy, hut also old Santa, who for -0010 time devoured Christmas Pli iri.'KS. Vlter that da\ Simla rontinued lu road ih.' pap.-r. and all Fairyland has ne siilisiiil \ '■' l'.'i, v Vi omaiis 1; ■ I run Stanley 1 Burnle\ Uettj J '. nit) nioel 1. Mi 'Jew] "it). Frank » "• nnio I.,m: \ ilarjorie Kaniswortli (Not ' nr. Winilivd Keader I Birmingham), Lillian Burgess (.Swaiisroinlu . Dorothy -ii :»li 1'uddi 1 ELISABETH RiCDON PRIZES. A lovely Ooll for the girll A Jigsaw Puzzle for the boy! 1 told yon the other week thai Blisa" Kisdon. tin uroal Brit sh film ai-'.i' --. «;i il* -iiiHi of present iiijjf two I ".uitifnl prizes to a lucky niece and iliew of I'lH-le Tim. No« she ills' Hi" that she has finished dressinn; the dully, and leaves it to me to you what to do to win it. Please, •. w rite your very best verses, just as you please) on Miss who. as ) .hi are all aware, has played the leading chaiacter in a great number of British films. Many of these you must havi seen, but I will refresh tr memories. The films include The I" / ■ f'the" liirkenhead," ig way to Tipperary. The Idol /'■ ,v, II r "Samel ess Child, A Honey,■ Three. I ■ ■■ Sightingafe, utij'tt? Jim, Jlr Luck in London, I' s firlto Dnrhess,and her recent it " London Film" triumph as Glory tie in The Christian, \vhieh you will at your cinema later. Miss Risdon. received the liuge total of over 1 w>.no votes in our great voting contest. \ow write your very best verse about and toher. and t»ost to Mis Elisath Risdon. Pictures Offices, 85-86, Long Acre, W.C., on or before Tuesday. ir\ Ith. Remember that on this special occaBiiss Risdon herself will award the prizes, and not your ' ncle Tim. WANTED VOLUMES 4, 5, acd 6 of PICTURES." . a.'er having those for sale, uhu's to tho Editor as soon REPLIES THE EDITOR, "Pictures, " 85. Lon( Acre, London, W.C It 1 1 ii ' loon F i| Co., I 427, Bron I ( in. aw>, D s a. Tbi I ditor i.|. hoi • | ii .i plioto .•( Boyd M u Wrestler" •• i ",'■ l\. BusUinan . w iut. is. Lieveile Btiyi " Hor l'.e 1 M. Lefi Bi ro il ^ itsli bum , " '1 bo Lion," PtivJ Uaas. • I oe. 1 i\, vi ■■ .1 . Wo li\ n .i bi aid that k . ■ . ii i i, linabeen playing lately, nor d know wheie yon ea,n write tobim. i ■ . i want yoi r Mime and full add rets on your lei Eilkkn (Dub'in). s.i glad you liked your P.O, i Winifred ii eenwood and E.I. Conch ployod ia "Bi i with Qeo, Field, — Norman I . d " Frit* von T.iili'iilu'im " in "Buperi ..i Hentzau" t London Film). Pleased to welooino you, i v. adei . una tl .ink you lor intei in I'iruBis. Ken, we like typewiitt i'. {(■■ \ Ion to hi ir from i render r away . \'. itcards, &o,, ou :i tli and bopo the* nave arrived •. . ili k yon for Christinas greetings, which ' all tin-' stall heartily reciproco o. I . i-i OOl). ■■ " P ■ ■> I ! II ' 'ii " Vivian Bidi ; 1 Qnlbr ith : "Coi son," Harry Von Ueter; "Granny," Louise Lester j "Big Lbw," Bieliardson; "Audy," Harry Fheber. "The enator's Brother" (Vltogrnph) : — " The itor," Wm. Humphrey ; "The Brother," A. Ban toll" -. " The ^ ife " nnd "Tl Dan [hter," I.. Il Hail'it " S ceil. I \\ '1 1 Ihers were not gi Alice ani> Jrnkie . — Xainos and addresses next time, twins, please. Address Herbert Bawlinson, c.o. Universal Vilm l 1,600, Broadway, New York Oity, U.S.A. R< mi t lances for postcards should bo made by i -tamp< (the former preferred;. The ■ ditor thank you for kisses, Isabel (Leigh-ou-Sea). Elisabeth Ri-don played "Flare Flare" in"TbeIdolof faris." 1'ercy Winton played lead in " Moths." — No other films liavo been rc■>1 featuring H> my Ainloy. Hopeful (Newportl.-^Tour that \vc ild publish u li-t of players containing names of ti'O-e renreseiited in our Puzzle Pictures would make the competition a "walk-over. ' V. B. R. (Myatta Park).— Addresses you ■ M..r M-i'ir.' Snow, c . Metro Film Co., l.i.r-, Broadway, N w York City: Victoria I. Co., 20, East Kan.1. Iph Street, Cb cago; Stewart Borne, c.o. HepwoitU Film Co., alton-onlliain, : and Bryant; \V ;s|i! urn, c.o. E. auay Film Maiiii .liOMiring Co., fci ' Street, Chicago. W. :?. iWestniinst. r . Hare so;it your congi laii'ii to Mary Pickford. The cost you i was not rAlblisued. TLe uiatrnconial questions arc I. yond us. M'.r.v's Coy < Ill'ordi.— You wiU see we hano | )i>I ai. Youaskus'to issue binding' -, but most ■ deis prefer I i liouu.l volumes, Thanks for all your k ud visiles. A Beajdeb (Birmingham).— Tontiink Picnii "a lovely book," and your friends who cow it through yOi r recoras endation think the samp. iend, and many thanks. I.ovkr of Pictui I Or en).— Bcfcrt advertisements of Turner an t I'leal I OS. or the nan eaturing Florence Turner, Balfour p'.ayrd in " The Woman Wb S.S Fn" . i Maid Brighton>.^-Tbe Envrlisb have gi i: ■ ah ad tin ' by them, an ! within the next twelve inonl will aninl er of films by no . industry than America, cu'lyyousce moic of the latter. I at Br ghton, bnt ii U a bLANCHE SWEET, THE LASKV STAR. This i one of our new Coloured Postcar* IImpv a.o l.t a i;y (Liverpool).— Our little to " How to Write a Picture IT iy " would belp >on considerably. 1 he price is '2id. ;jost-f i eo. COSTEE (Birmingham).— All letters are answered here in their turn— and that depcii number we rei U see it may take .t nth or six week-. Your previous letter l a week or so ago. Nestor Film issued under the Universal banner, and have m> connection with Keysl i; the latter Ccan ].nl. i-h no east.-i of their films, but Mints Durf. e played in" Leading Lizzie A -nay. ' Famous Flayers Film Company is* the title ading American producing firm. Hebbebt (Nottingham).— The Fosteard Ma) lias sent you a list and he i> now waiting for y< ur order, Bertie. D. A. (Surbiton). — Cilad you like your prize— w.e knew you would. Address Florence Turner, co. 'Turner Films, Ltd., WoUou-on-Thu Thank* . us new reader the more the merrier). Have scut your love to Mary Piekford and a postcard list to yourself. WiLKii. (Canonburyl.-'ilie cast of " The i'r of Zenda " (London Film) is:— "The Kiica" and '! Itmlolf Uhss udyll," i enry Ainley ; " ( . Sapt," ' bas. Rock ; Michael Duieof Stielsau," A. ttclmes Gore; "Co ot Bupert of Hentzau," Gerald Ames; "Antoinette de Mauban," Mario Anita. Bazzi; "Princess Flavin," Jane (ail; "Fiitz von Tarlei h im," Norn an Yates a r. Gore was, we regret to Kay, killed in the Darda, -. 1 ist posted to you as desired. (Continued on nert / PHOTOGRAPH*. Photo Postcard elf, Is. 3d. D I'r ..ii any Photo. 1 x 10 El ,, 81, S. E. mfJKITr. Works: .Tct.v Komi. LiVRHPO^t. GASLia iT, BROMIDE, o P.O.P. POST CA393. Ji,..>l. 100, Is. C J. lTit.-i and Papers L'aftt'o S. F. HftCK.fTT.