Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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J \N PICTURES /uND THE PIC'l UKhGOLR ®BT@ISflAIL FIND THE FILM ' ;i I. • '•*•• To all the many readers who witll kindly thought have sent us letters ami ds, and other forms of greeting, the BtafT joins me in a very sincere and In art) Thank you. • • • • On nnother page are full particulars and the first set <>t' pictures in our great Prize Competition. "Find the Film " opens up a new, l>right>and easy i to prizes, and 1 hope the thousands who follow Pictures Competitions will like this latest one. It will make you ler and still more interested iu the ires at yonrfavouritecineraa because all the films illustrated are already heleased, and yon have only to find them to become winners. The letters published beneath each picture w ill help and practically tell yon it' yonr title is correct. It oosts nothing to enter, so please do so and tell your friends to do s ». Elisabeth Kisdon Dresses a Doll. A tempting offer t.> reader's under fifteen years of age is made by Blisal> th Risdon. In a simple competition arranged on his page by " Uncle Tim." Miss RJsdon is to award a lovely doll dressed by herself to t ho girl winner, and a jig«eaw pnazle to the boy winner, and I imagine that young picturegoers will tumble over themselves in their efforts to win prizes from so popular an actress. Look dp the particulars. Cuddling In Colours. Congratulations to Essanay on the handsome Christmas Number of their ttade organ, the Photo-play Tleview, the coloured cover of which is adorned with a s rumtious love-picture of Edna Mayo in the arms of Bryant Washburn (hnkv Bryanl > and t he t « 1 1 p ige Gal lerj i f Bssanio players which appeared in our own Christ mas Number Have yoti had yonr oopj ofthelaal named issue yet P Hitter I. ate than Never. The Screen < !lub i »f London pn ■■■ I onlj a fen weeks ago is progressing by leaps and bounds, I have nol mel anj >rt « bo does n t think t he club is wanted, and I hear that the busy Secretary, Charles S lb 'bs. .n. has been bombarded with letters and calls a( Ancestor Moils.', t'ranbouiu Street, \V.(\. from those seeking more particulars. Filmplayers, exhibitors, and all who take pari in the film industry are Bnre to feel that they must join sooner or later. The Hepworth P.P.P. I have seen the i i i ■ 1 number of the Hepworth picture-play paper to be published monthly, and find it BO bright and readable, and ~o striking in make-up, thai I offer my congratulations to Mr, Whitcomb, of Hepworth Pnbliojty,.who i responsible for it. Readers should writ. for this i i i— t copy (mentioning PiCTUBEs), sent free from Hepwortb's, 2. Denman Street, W., and afterwards subscribe to this dainty little paper. Cock-a-doodle-doo ! The Rath-' "Gold Rooster" plays are an extra fine brand to be released regularly by this famous film-house, and already the trade are being treated to samples. I saw two of them recently — namelv. An Affair qf Three Nations and Via Wireless , and pronounce them both, especially the latter, to be remarkably strong and well-produced dramas. too Allies under the Sea! It is the most marvellous invention of modern times, and you may enjoy it by visiting the Philharmonic Hall, (ireat Portland Street. W., where the Williamsion Expedition Submarine Motion pictures are presented by TransAtlantic twice daily. Two hundred thousand feet of film were taken under the sea J Isn't it amazing? A special article on what and how it was done appeared in our SELC issue of June 5th last, and is well Worth reading again if yon haves copj bj •• Jumbkd Trade Mark Result. The curious design in our issue ■>.' December 25th so puzzled you thai only a comparatively tew replies came to band. The pieces formed the wellknown diamond trademark of Seb'e, with their name in the centre. The firsl letter opened contained the perfect solution reprodu I above. A cheque fo* one guinea has In en posted to the Bender, Mrs blary Turner. 56, Etosebank View, Hurley, Leeds. Only one other competitor to date was correct, and has received a consolation prize. F. I). PICTURED REPAIDiJ First 12 Words 2/ 2d . a Word . afterwards 3 Insertions price of 2. Adoerl'uemenl* MIST i„ pret .'. null reach Pit ii aKS. LM.,85, Long Acre, Itmton, n C, \\,<h> follovino Saturday veek rpYl'KW ,;I TEuS. --Ilia bargains. Ov.-r 50 excellent. X. machines ready for Immi diate delivery, from C2 U> £15 each : inspection cordially invited, or write forlfat. J. Knight ami (Jo.. 12. Sicilian Avenue, Southampton Sins J. Knight and Co.. Row. W (' T<' DBOtim 1219. A STRIKING SCENE FROM "THE FOUR FEATHERS,' by Cant. A. E. *V. Mason, the first release by " Lucoqne Ltd." It contnins some fine fighting scenes in the desert against Arabs and Turks. Ladies: Send a postcard to-day foi Fiee < M moth Catalogue ol Winter Fashion*, containing full particulars of everything to be worn daring the Winter months. Wonderful value offered. All orders over 5^. in ralne sent carriage paid in Dotted Kingdom See also onrenonnona collection of patterns of Dress Materials.&c, for home dressmaking. Patterns sent post-free on Approval, Etobinson Brown, Dept. 7", Macclesfield: BRIGHTEN Hon of best, handsomest, cheapest in world. Parrots. Patronised by Royalty. Riull, Specia Norwich. ARTIFICIAL : per tooth pinned on'vnlcanitc, 11*. silver, I gold; ■ Cash or ofl feed. — S. Cann ft Co.. 69a. Market Street, Mi K AIM CO WS, Snil Overcoa c. Ladi< Winter Coats and Costumes, B WaCbhes, Riu J rj , Gramopboi on ea State requirements. Pi price-list fri Masters, Ltd., 259, li Established 1 59 36 for 2s. 6d. Your selection or onrs. Hun to choose from. List free 0:1 application. — " Pict fipng Acre. London, w I I>EACH'S Lace Curtains an I l^u n . ii W listfreo. Nets, Muslins, I. men-, s. Peach and Sons, 253, The Looms. Nottingham. ENGLAND'S Cheapest Wholesal i Make . selling Remnants, La lies' 0 clothing, Men's shirt-:. General Drapery free. -Cochrane' s Warehouse, 10. Victoria Bridge t. ■• Bl ii' \ 1 1 \ lurues of " Pii I P , ' in handsome blue cloth, lettered in with index compl te. Vols VII and VIII ,prici each, post-free. Pictures Ltd .85 | P«. Long Aero. W < . STAai AlEKHKs. ntammer no more I booklet free —Win. Wareing, Nethcrrille, w Lance. __^__ fnu Picture-play Writers. U guide, "A JL Few Hints on How to Wiite a Picture phi) ," hy Victor Monteflore, price 24.1., post-free, from Pici Limited, 8^ .V ^h. T.or.g Acre. London, w C STAMPS. I >lee or. HlMxiMlig Ol hi ' mil send 100 all different and I mostly obsolete, for I*. 2d., post-iree. Letters only — Collector, 26, C'Ufdcn Road, Twickenham, Middh