Pictures and the Picturegoer (October 1915 - March 1916)

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PICTURES AMD THE PICTUREGOER 343 U'KEK *: Jan. 8, i v»:6 Iv v i \\ ::\! ird).— Bo'ore you read this yon Will have ■ I tlic mldresg yon ngi for. How'doybu iiian:ui to think ol all the bice tilings you say i nbput Pictures ? Tbankyou Ivy. i.'ii.KiNs iBrixton). "The Poel .f 11k Peiks" (Flying At i the liim you si» ; the casl is: " I. villi," Vivian Bich; " Dane Strong," David Dythgor; " Phillip," H. ron Meter; "Mirtingay," J. Richardson: "Mrs. Davis," Louise Lester. Pansi (Swansea).— A good idea, Pansy— getting us two n.'w readers every week. TbanJ jiiiirh. •• Winning Hack " (TUonbonserJ :—'.' Bath Castle," Chtra William]; " Bex." Hurry Keannn • "Yvette," Louise Glaum; "Wallace lastlc," Geo. Fisher. C\i:.mi:n (Bridlington).— "We replied to yonr letter a week or so ago, dear girl. Yes, we hive hundreds to answer on this pane, hut all get answered in their turn. Some of the mure interesting I 098 are quoted in " Our Letter Bag; " that's. why yours attained that honour. Jambs (Liverpool).— C. K. Young played lead in "Lola "—we have nor the full cast. Any cf Smith's bookstalls ought to he able to get the hook you want from their head office. There are o:my right difficulties in obtaining picture postcards of some players, bu we hope to have some of those you mention later on. Our new competition ought to please you, James, Kixkfax (Leicester).— The players are human, after all, an I so they xo "where money is," as Tennyson has it; consequently they are frequently changing companies, Nat Pinkerton and Sick Winter we have not lately heard of. Costelloite (Bristol) has no desire tj bj a picture act res 3, eo we record s ich an uncommon statenun . Judging from the etiers we get for this page, 999 out of 1,10J have an ardent desire to figure on the films, "(ailed Back" (Londcn Films): "Gilbert Vaugh'an," Henry Ainley; Macajr/i," Chas. Bock; " Petrort," Aker'man May ; " Anthony," Vinent ('live; "Or Ceneri," Geo. Bellamy ; ' Pauline," Jane Gal. H ,ve sent your love to the players you mentioned and kept io:ne ourselves without blushing. Daphke (Bristol).— You ar« a glutton tor player^' autographs, Daphne. A lucky irirl Pearl White is playing for Pat'je at their Ameri : .idios. "The Bomony Kie" (Neptune): "Bomany Bye," Gerald Laurence; "Philip rad»n," Don.-! Knivett," Doug] "Goliath Lee," K. .1. Arltoa ; "Laur Cordell; "Ivy Adrian,' Evelyn Maude: " Gertie Beckett," Joan Uitz ; "The Moulding" (Vitagraph) : "Walter Bemingtm," Gladden i " Meg-," Anita Stewart " ilrs. Carson," Bose Tapley ; " Walter's Mother," Florence Badinoff ; ■' Walter*. Father," Anders Bandolph; "Mr. Anderson," E. K. Lincoln. "In MidAtlantic " (Path.-): " Kene Shotler," M. Alexandre; "Captain Shelter," Ueuri Meyer; "Monsieur Salvary," M. Dorny; "Lucille Palvary," Simoue Mareix ; "Gaby DjS Roses," Gabrielle Bohiuue. Other casts unobtaii Nos-Wobrieu (Cardiff). — Thi cast yo-i want wis not published, but as all firec films were pr • duced by the sime company it is quite likely most 01 the players appeared in all. F. X. Budunan is now playing for Metro Films. Patty and Pbiscuxa (near Liverpool i.—E. K. Lincoln is now playing, aud his b?eu f >r some time, for World Film Corporation. " The G Girl" (Famous Player : — "Flavin," Ma-imerite Clark: " King of Cainela," Moarie Salisbury : ' Marie Teresu." Constancy Johusoa ; '■ Duke of Malaira." E. N. Dun'mr ; 'Prince Regent of Caniela," Sidney Dean ; " Count d' Alcove," James Neill, "DeSimoai," L. Pjyton ; "Caimichael," B. E. Peters; " Gi-como," H. B. Carpenter. Ndli.i Seccsdus iMinoriesj asks if we "think, cinematography will lost or die a natural deith us Standard Bread did." Yes, dear hoy, it will last as long a? death and taxes. Dorothy Kelly still plays for Vitagraph, uud Lillian Gisbis now with Majestic. The Cautions (Manchester).— Name and address next time, please William W orthin.'t m ..laved "Professor" and " Lord " in "The B'ack Box" (Universal). The matrimonial conundrums we give up. All Scotch. First Down-at-heel Actor : "Oh! yes; I know old MeTavish. A good sort. Did a very kind action for me once when the clonds were dark and threatening, and everything seemed black." Sbcont) Ditto : " What did he do ? " First Ditto : " Lent me an umbrella."' "Scene," but not Heard. Two film actors are fishing from a boat whilst the camera is working. Suddenly one accidentally falls overboard. As he rises to the surface with his mouth full of mud, his friend asks, "Hullo! where have you been ? " •' Been ? ! !***??? Only to see if my bait's all right— you ! ! " All Three Understood. Two young fellows, both telegraph operators (says Ansicevs}, were seated in a picture-palace, when a young lady entered an I seated herself beside one of them, while her male escort had to slip into the row behind. The one next her promptly began i : 1 1 > l > i 1 1 ij,' his fingers in apparently a careless way on the arm of his chair; hut his friend understood. He was saying, by the Morse code : "What a peach sitting beside me! Think I'll kiss her when the lights go down again ! " But his cheeks turned pale when the stalwart young man in the seats behind tapped his pipe out on the heel of his Do 'i For the heel-taps were saying: "Try it on, and I'll wring yonr neck! " Our Cinema Pianist (after "seeing in the New Year) playing to " tlio pictures," at •_' a.m. § Studio Sarcasm. First Little vDbar : "Physical culture's awfully good for you. I'm taking beauty exercise Second Little Deajb : " You've not been taking them long, have you? " Taken at His Word. A picture bouse recently displayed the Sign, " Football results received heie ev^ry Saturday." One Saturday a young fellow supporting a friend said to the manager "Von receive football results here. Well, here's one! Keep him till he comes round, w ill you : " B.vBS (Barnes).— Why not write ti the p] r ask him his age and if he is married ? W e do Luow, Bate. Id* l Yonr turn nw, Idi. AddrerH Edii e.o. I. >nJ ii Film Blarsiiret;,. Twickenham; Mary ¥\\ Universd Film I era Iw iv. Si : "i lyn William . c -" Jimmy," Roy "Nellie," I. r:|,a I'umlimi : "Mike, Ed d . " Prj'. I.ovc you nuiv get (South Wales) has thirt graphs ot film players, some ol which -. md i t ry proud ol thfiu. Yi-.ur Ut was forwurJe 1 as desir«-d. Thanks lor y< offer, which we will hear iu mind. A. U. (Lirerp ■ '. . -J.un s Kirkwood played vr Mary Pickford ii " H-hiii'l 'the have uo postcards yet ol Henry Ainley. 17.illace (Dundee).— II you have difficulty getting Pictluk-. a stealing order with y( newsagent will bring it regulars . Gvt (Wimhlelon). — Your difficulties will by re i lias no, pr Is. 2d., post-free frcui PiCTCRM ' ' Long Acre, Londou. Our little bonkle to H'r f a l'\cture Pla;;, price would also help yo-i in ittrially. Type plays before s.adins them to the '.last). — You coul] writ E.iglish Companies for a posiiion on the fil hut a certain amount of traiuiug is «Iw-.o Whe.i you come to London you inivht The Victoria College, of 3*, Ra'hl Oxford street, as they would t after thre. r which you won! pay a. fee) wiietie you hive suffce r wai rant further training. Even if sn> petting on a film, the work would on!' sional at tir-t. an 1 yon oould not l making sufficient to live upon. * Mani Out and In. Poet : " Is the Editor in r " Exit office-boy. Enter office-boy^ "Please, sir. the Editor says he's Poet: "Then oblige me by putting my poem in the wastepaper-basket ! Exit Poet. N9t What was Meant. Manager (to theatre-cleaner): "Look here. Mrs. Jones, if you can't work better [ shall get some one else!" Mrs. Joxf.s: "Oh. thank yon, sir: I always said as "o\v there's enough work for two of its." Tell-tale Tobacco. Irate Master: "Jane, who bronghfi you home from the pictures last niirht ? " Servant: " My Aunt Elizabeth, 6ir.' Irate Mastbh . " Next time you sea her tell her she left a pipe and an ounce of tobacco in the front porch." Banking and Tramping. Affablk Passbngbb i " So yon are a picture actor ? Well. I'm a hanker, and it must be fifteen months since I was a cinema.'" Picture a.croB (regretfnllj : "It's fifteen years since 1 was in any hank except those of the roadside type." Editorial matters should be add THE EDIT JR. " Pictures anlThe Picturejorr." 85 & 86. ION. ACRE, LO\Di)v. H.C. Telephone Gerrard 2595. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 6 6 Six Months 3 3 Three Months I 8 Publishing Offices: 93 and 94. Long Acre. W.C.