Picture-Play Magazine (Jul - Dec 1929)

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|l!ll!ll!llllllllll!llill!lllllll!llllll!llllllll!lll!lllllilllim MONTHLY li:illlllilll!:i!l<]!!lllll]!ll!!l!lll!!!!l!llllillll!!!lll!i:illlll!llll!l Picture Play Volume XXXI Contents for December, 1929 Number 4 Tlie entire contents of this magazine are protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted without the publishers' consent. Edwin Schallert . The Bystander What the Fans Think .... Their thoughts are strongly expressed — and how! Airy, Fairy Marilyn ..... A graceful portrait of Miss Miller, in "Sally." Stingy? No, Just — er — Careful . Stars accused* of parsimony are entertainingly cited. Just Fancy! If popular sayings became literal. Checking Up on Dick . . . . William H. McKegg A comparison of Richard Arlen before and after fame overtook him. The Stars' Secret Code ..... Helen Louise Walker They lend a helping hand and say nothing about it. Teetering on Their Toes . . . . ... Pictures of dancing sprites. Over the Teacups ..... Fanny the Fan's perennial chatter. Strange Roads to Stardom .... Alma Talley . Unusual means employed by well-known players in starting their careers. Hotter and Hotter Eddie Nugent and Sally Starr practice a new dance. What a Guy! What a Guy! .... Samuel Richard Mook He's Glenn Tryon. Favorites of the Fans ......... Full-page portraits in rotogravure of eight you all know. Your Darts Strike Home ..... Ann Sylvester Leila Hyams admits that she reads "What the Fans Think." She Wears the Badge of Courage . . . Myrtle Gebhart You will agree when you read Anna Q. Nilsson's story. Billie Alfresco . . . . . . .... Sans spangles and plumes, Miss Dove is a different person. Dogging Lila's Footsteps ..... Romney Scott Three delightful encounters with Miss Lee, the first as a child. Hollywood High Lights Edwin & Elza Schallert News and gossip of the movie capital. Through Different Lenses A. L. Wooldridge . When President Hoover was snapped by a photographer of stars. The Stroller Ironic observations of Hollywood's idiosyncrasies. Continued on the Second Page Following Neville Reay 8 15 16 19 20 22 24 26 30 33 34 35 43 44 46 47 50 54 56 Monthly publication issued by Street & Smith Corporation, 70-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Ormond G. Smith. President; George C. Smith, Vice President and Treasurer; Gem-Re C. Smith, Jr.. Vice President; Ormond V. Gould, Secretary. Copyright, 1929, by Street & Smith Corporation, New York. Copyright, 1929, by Street & Smith Corporation, Great Britain. Entered as Second-class Matter, March 6, 1916, at the Post Office at New York, N\ Y., under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Canadian subscription. $2.86. Foreign, $3.22. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 SINGLE COPIES, 25 CENTS ALL MANUSCRIPTS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO THE EDITORS We do not hold ourselves responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts. lllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM