Picture Play Magazine (Jul - Dec 1929)

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2G riicto by Duncan Dorothy Gulliver has at last graduated from "The Collegians." SOME one ought to get out a weekly book of etiquette to guide me in what not to say to actors," Fanny remarked in a still, small voice that showed that she had recently been crushed. "It used to be quite au fait to remark, 'What are you working in at present?' secure in the knowledge that you would hear a long monologue, but now " Fanny groaned. I knew that she would confide in me eventually, more to unburden her mind than to save me from making the same mistake. But at the moment she was gazing at Thomas Meighan, who had just come into the Algonquin. He was looking much more gay and youthful than he did in the days when one picture followed closely on the heels of another. "Well, it's like this," Fanny finally revived enough to speak. "The Actors' Equity has practically fied that they don't know whether to <&iander every one so ternadmit that they are working or not. Every one is suspected of favoring Equity — and why not? If you ask a player if he is working, likely as not you will follow it up with an embarrassing question about whether Equity approved the contract or not. So people just glare at you with a none-of-your-business air, or else act gay and carefree, as though work was the last thing to enter their minds. "Richard Dix is one of the stanch supporters of Equity. I've heard that is one of the reasons why he hesitated before he signed with RKO. Another reason is that Richard is slightly past the juvenile, romantic age, and yet he has all sorts of big ideas about the kind of pictures he wants to make, and the salary he ought to get. "Of all the girls in pictures, Ann Harding has taken the bravest stand. She has a perfectly good contract with Pathe, signed before the Equity manifesto, but she has gone on record as saying that she will do whatever Equity asks of her. And any one who knows Ann is sure that she would gladly forgo a big salary, or getting on the right side of producers, for the sake of a principle." "Maybe she doesn't like pictures, anyway," I suggested, always one to look for a tattered lining on the back of every rosy cloud. Fanny glared at me. "She loves them," she declared, "and what is more to the point, the camera and the microphone look on her as a gift from heaven. I'm all set to get seriously annoyed when her first picture comes out, and a lot of people remark that she didn't go into pictures until they became vocal. She could have gone into pictures any time she chose. Four or five years ago, when she was making her first hit on the stage, Mrs. Valentino made a test of her for Rudy. He thought she was one of the most exquisite and sensitive actresses he had ever seen He wanted her to work with him, but a good play came along about that time, and she decided she would rather stick to the stage. Then First National wanted her. And now that she has started making pictures, I for one, will break down and weep if Equity allows her to make the grand gesture and walk out when it really isn't necessary. "Ben Lyon is another door-die Equity supporter, and that is brave on his part as he is a free lance. But Ben can always go back to the stage. In fact, I've heard Ina Claire will honeymoon in London.