Picture Play Magazine (Sep 1917 - Feb 1918)

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Some Filmy Fancies By Robert V. Carr LINES TO A CERTAIN KIND OF A "HAM." I WOULD know you anywhere By your wealth of rampant hair, By the way you work your tonsils when you talk; By your breath, I must confess, And your glad and noisy dress. By the way you spring your ankles when ycu walk. I would know you by the bull That you're always sure to pull. Of the offers of the managers and such; Of the things you used to be In the fall of ninety-three; I would recognize your quick and subtle "touch." I would know you as the guy Who white-slaved the pronoun "I," And I'd listen while you kept on getting worse ; Then I'd leap into the air, And I'd leave you lying there, Till some kindly, thoughtful person called the hearse. THE REAL VAMP. When she springs that baby talk, And that childish, draggy walk, When she starts to call you "Da-da" off the bat; Grab your megaphone, old bo, And let the whole world know That you're not exactly pos'tive where you*re at. Those straight vamps, let me insist, With the Theda twine and twist, To the post are tightly tied by gooie girls; For, believe me, I have seen More than one mowp bruise his bean, WTien some chicken called him "Da-da" thro' her curls. Let me whisper, never let Baby stare stick on your set, For she'll put her "sweet director" on the blink; Every close-up will she grab, And his watch and chain she'll nab, And she'll lead him like a goat is led to drink. There's no harm in wicked vamps, With their Cleopatra lamps, Their incense and their cigarettes and all ; But side-step those lispy girls With their mary-janes and curls, Else pick you out a spot on which to fall. "Drate big mans so strong and fine," Is a sample of their line, And the cue for every wise bird to take wing; Stick around, they'll make you meek, Pet your ego till it's weak, And add one jazz director to the string.