Picture-Play Magazine (Mar-Jul 1929)

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MAY 31 1929 / ©cib 301S8 V j|iiiiiiiiliiHi j j,i:::iir.:ir iiii 11; iiii; :ii minimum '"""MONTHLY111 111111111111 1 1 1 111111111111111 Picture Play / VolumeXXX CONTENTS FOR JULY, 1929 Number 5 The entire contents of this magazine are protected by copyright, and must not be reprinted without the publishers' consent. What the Fans Think . . . . ... . . . .8 Our readers express their opinions. The Lady Lies and Lies . . .15 A photographic study of Jeanne Eagels and Anthony Bushell, in "Jealousy." Pity the Poor Interviewer William H. McKegg . 16 Amazing experiences of those who write about the stars. Everybody's Doing It . . . . . ... . . . .20 The song and dance comes into its own on the screen. Stranger Than Fiction Carroll Graham . . 22 Some fantastic aspects of Hollywood. What's Become of Them? Samuel Richard Mook . 24 Erstwhile screen favorites are hunted down and interviewed. Mercy, It's Mary! 26 Photographs of Mary Brian in, amusing disguises. Pioneer's Luck Ann Sylvester . .27 May McAvoy rushed into talking pictures and now regrets it. Over the Teacups The Bystander . . 28 Fanny the Fan chatters away on all cylinders. History Repeats Itself Elsi Que . . .32 Do you remember when stage players flocked to the screen — and then stole back? Esther — As She Is Margaret Reid . . 34 The gentle nature of Miss Ralston is described. Favorites of the Fans . . . . ... . . . .35 Eight full-page portraits in rotogravure of the gifted. She Acts When She Chooses .... Alma Talley . . .43 Alice Joyce alone enjoys this distinction. Pat's Awakening Myrtle Gebhart . .45 The remarkable story of Pat O'Malley's absence from the screen, and his return. A New Face — and Welcome .... Margaret Reid . . 47 Of course you want to know all about Lola Lane. The Kids Grow Up 49 Pictures of junior stars you used to know as children. Hollywood High Lights Edwin & Elza Schallert 50 News and comment on activities in the cinema capital. You Can't Wear That! . . . . . Myrtle Gebhart . . 54 Clothes must be silent in the talkies. Continued on the Second Page Following Monthly publication issued by Street & Smith Corporation, 79-89 Seventh Avenue, New York City. Ormond G. Smith, President; George C. Smith, Vice President and Treasurer; George C. Smith, Jr., Vice President; Ormond V. Gould, Secretary. Copyright, 1929, by Street & Smith Corporation, New York. Copyright, 1929, by Street & Smith Corporation, Great Britain. Entered as Second-class Matter, March 6, 1916, at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., under Act of Congress of March 3, "1879. Canadian subscription, $2.86. Foreign, $3.22. YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION, $2.50 SINGLE COPIES, 25 CENTS ALL MANUSCRIPTS MUST BE ADDRESSED TO THE EDITORS We do not hold ourselves responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts.