Adventures in Silverado (Columbia Pictures) (1948)

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ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON’S OWN ADVENTURES COLUMBIA PICTURES presents DVENIURES’ IN SILVERADO WILLIAM BISHOP GLORIA HENRY EDGAR BUCHANAN FORREST TUCKER EDGAR BARRIER : Screenplay by Kenneth Gamet, Tom Kilpatrick and Jo Pagano Suggested by the story ‘Silverado Squatters” by ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON Directed by PHIL KARLSON = Produced by TED RICHMOND and ROBERT COHN 148-Line Ad Mat No. 205 — 2 Cols. x 74 Lines SPECTACULAR ACTION AND ROMANCE ON THE OLD FRONTIER... immortalized by Robert Louis Stevenson — BISHOP GLORIA HENRY EDGAR BUCHANAN FORREST TUCKER > EDGAR BARRIER Suggested hy the story “Silverado Squatters” by Robert Louis Stevenson ‘ Directed by PHIL KARLSON = Produced by TED RICHMOND and ROBERT COHN Screenplay by Kenneth Gamet, Tom Kilpatrick and Jo P 86-Line Ad Mat No. 204 — 2 Cols. x 43 Lines WILD LOVE FLARES in the flame of a bandit's fire! WILLIAM GLORIA EDGAR BISHOPHENRY: BUCHANAN : FORREST TUCKER EDGAR BARRIER F Suggested by the story “Silverado Squatters”’ by ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON Screenplay by Kenneth Gamet, Tom Kilpatrick and Jo Pagano + Directed by PHIL KARLSON + Produced by TED RICHMOND and ROBERT COHN 74-Line Ad Mat No. 203 — 2 Cols. x 37 Lines ADVENTURES’ _ IN SILVERADO Suggested by the story ' ‘Silverado Squatters’’ <2 by BDEERT LOUIS. STEVENSON SS; “A COLUMBIA PICTURE b nf SPPPS PIS PPP PPP PS SSS SPSS SOS OS SPS PSS POPS SPOS OPPS POS OON SS 28-Line Ad Mat No. 201 — 2 Cols. x 14 Lines SSSSE CAST and STAFF Bill Foss............William Bishop Sam Perkins........ Paul E. Burns Jeannie Manning..Gloria Henry Lucey.......................... Patti Brady Docter Henderson....Edgar Hatfield sc)... 0. :.-.. Fred Sears Buchanan Tim Quong.................. Joe Wong Zeke Butler........ Forrest Tucker Sheriff.................... Charles Cane Stevenson.............. Edgar Barrier Will Thatcher.......... Eddy Waller Jake Willis............ Irving Bacon Mrs. Thatcher........ Netta Packer McHugh ............ Joseph Crehan Mike................. Trevor Bardette Sereenplay by Kenneth Gamet, Tom Kilpatrick, Jo Pagano; Suggested by the story “Silverado Squatters” by Robert Louis Stevenson; Directed by Phil Karlson; Assistant Director, Carter DeHaven; Director of Photography, Henry Freulich, A.S.C.; Art Director, % Harold MacArthur; Film Editor, Henry Batista; Set Decorations, x George Montgomery; Musical Director, Mischa Bakaleinikoff; Desx ert scenes in this picture taken in Joshua Tree National Monument through the courtesy of the National Park Service, United States Department of Interior; Sound Engineer, Russell Malmgren; Pro x duced by Ted Richmond, Robert Cohn. A Columbia Picture. STORY (Not for Publication) Into California’s 1880 frontier country rides Robert Louis Stevenson, the novelist, looking for story material “in a land of stagedrivers and highwaymen.” He soon finds it when Bill Foss (William Bishop) arrives in the mining town of Silverado with a new stagecoach and is challenged to a race by Zeke Butler (Forrest Tucker), driver for the established stage-line operated by pretty Jeannie Manning (Gloria Henry). Bill is forced off the road and his best % horse injured. Doctor Henderson (Edgar Buchanan), noted for his philanthropies to the miners, advises him that he can’t run the horse for some time to come. Forced to go to work, Bill takes a job with Jeannie, hauling water to Squatters’ Flats, a desert waste which requires irrigation. When Zeke, carrying gold from Last Dog Ditch mine to Silverado, is robbed by a mysterious bandit called The Monk, he suspects % Bill. To clear himself, Bill suggests both stages take the next gold shipment, and secretly shifts cargo without Zeke’s knowledge. The Monk, however, spots the gold in the hiding place known only to Bill and Jeannie, but is wounded while making his getaway with the loot. Zeke accuses Bill of being The Monk’s confederate and Bill’s threatened lynching is prevented by Stevenson, gun in hand. Bill then discovers that Doc is The Monk. He dissuades Doc from giving himself up at once, proposing, instead, a deal whereby the mine company will irrigate the wasteland in return for The Monk’s capture. Zeke, meanwhile, sets a new trap for The Monk—a fake gold shipment. Doc has fled Silverado, leaving a confession with Bill and Jeannie. Trying to save Doc, Bill races Zeke to the locale of the trap and reaches him in time only to see a sheriff’s bullet kill Doc. Bill and Jeannie merge their interests—and Stevenson has found his story. Official Billing COLUMBIA PICTURES presents with My) Edgar $ William Gloria BISHOP HENRY Forrest Tucker ee ae me % muusceted by the story ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON 2 “Silverado Squatters” by