Is Paris Burning? (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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It all began a year ago when the book, written by Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre, was presented to the public. Receiving international acclaim, it immediately became a world-wide bestseller. The authors became the spokesmen for their book as well as ambassadors of good will for the film, which went into production. Hundreds of newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations covered the event—the most ambitious and extensive film-making project of the decade. Turning the clock back 22 years in the very streets where history once scorched the earth became headline and featured news throughout the world. Paris as viewed through the cameras of Rene Clement, was, in itself, a story of great magnitude and appeal. The magazine breaks alone read like a ‘“who’s who” in publishing—Life, The New Yorker, The Saturday Review, Time, Newsweek, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Town and Country, This Week, Parade, Argosy and many others. Major breaks, including recommendations and photographic layouts, appeared in the nation’s most important and wide-read school scholastic magazines (Literary Cavalcade, Junior Scholastic and Scope). The all-media crescendo for “Is Paris Burning?” was heard in every corner around the world. Paramount, in an effort to do justice to the importance and significance of the presentation of ‘Is Paris Burning?,” took out the largest ad in its history—a full 3 page ad in the New York Times. This announcement ad was followed by many others, all carefully developed and placed as part of a gigantic nation-wide campaign. The Eiffel ower Notre Dame Sacré Coeur The Arc de Triomphe Napoleon's Tomb The Louvre Opéra 1a Madeleine ‘ Hotel de Ville pe joe eases BURN THEM Alt On the anniversary of the liberation of Paris, special full page anniversary ads ran in the leading newspapers in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington, Paris, London, Brussels, Montreal, Hamburg and other cities creating tremendous excitement and editorial notice. A spectacular kit was being assembled, unprecedented in size and scope, which contained a special 98 page vinyl-bound care and handling manual for the broad and extensive merchandising of “Is Paris Burning?” The kit featured information and items dealing with the nationwide tie-in promotion with Allied stores, the intensive coordinated promotion of the paperback edition of the bestseller, the national campaign of the recordings, the dramatic and informative student study guide and wall map, the colorful and captivating souvenir book, the special sales flyers and programs, the puzzles and unique contests, the herald and four-page ticket mailer, the vivid and acclaimed teaser trailer, the three fascinating television featurettes and an unparalleled number of additional items to make the merchandising of this film the greatest in-depth, all-out campaign ever to support the release of a motion picture.