Is Paris Burning? (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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(starring in alphabetical order) 3 JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO -CHARLES BOYER ; ; "LESLIE CARON JEAN-PIERRE CASSEL AND NOW IT IS / GEORGE CHAKIRISALAIN DELON PARAMOUNT PICTURES "KIRK DOUGLAS: GLENN FORD: GERT FROEBE EXCITING Hay | SUN sa stan | YWES MONTANDANTHONY PERKINS. ALL AMERICAN "Sra 4 ites Produced by PAUL GRAETZ directed ty RENE CLEMENT AS N fq OTH . 2 : ~~ Soreenplay ty GORE WIDAL ani FRANCIS FORD COPPOLA tai nae Music Composed and Conducted by MAURICE JARRE 2 ; CTU RE 4 N Dee Based on the Best Selling Book by LARRY COLLINS and DOMINIQUE LAPIERRE ae Additional Material for French Scenes by MARCEL MOUSSY Boer eet Co-Production TRANSCONTINENTAL FILMS-MARIANNE PRODUCTIONS 0 iM n Tl M E I a: eg oe a APARAMOUNT Release > PANAVISION' =* = ee os oS Now continuous performances at popular prices directly from its exclusive reserved seat engagement. UILD YOUR BOX OFFICE WITH THESE TABLOID NEWSPAPER HERALDS SHIP PING u 50 IMPRINTING ; This cost in addition to cost Large orders by Motor Freight. ® Per Thousand (F.0.B. Plant) . ri oa sach, ines of type Small orders by parcel post : . entra at 1,008 $6.00 ee special. We prepay and bill you WE IMPRINT FOR YOU...One day service to Imprint & Ship “$4.80 per 1.000 for ‘shipping charges. Please Imprinting cost extra... see prices in box at right. Over 4,000 send check ormoney order with your order unless you have IMPRIN Q HERE established credit with us. Specify Whether You Wish Imprinting Or Not But Send Playdates For Our Information. . THERE IS PLENTY OF ROOM In This Imprint Space FOR A MERCHANT'S AD To Help You Defray Cost of These Heralds or to Give a Merchant in Exchange for Distribution. Rush Your Orders Direct To Harry K. Mc Williams Associates, Inc. 431 WEST 28th ST. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10001 Phone 212 695-0061 For Rush Orders