Love and Kisses (Universal Pictures) (1965)

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FREE TV SPOTS HITCH-HIKE THE "OZZIE AND HARRIET" SHOW This set of Television spots is designed to sell the fresh, hilarious family and teenage comedy that comes through in every scene of "LOVE AND KISSES."" While television viewers need not be told about Rick and Kristin Nelson, there still is a large potential boxoffice to be obtained from people who these filmed TV spots will reach. Hitch-hike them to the "Ozzie and Harriet" show on your local ABC-TV station on Wednesday nights, to be sure to reach your primary market, then schedule them elsewhere for additional audiences. THESE FREE TV SPOTS, all on 16 mm film, have been prepared in a variety of time lengths—60, 20 and 10 seconds—with sufficient silent footage for complete playdate information. ORDER the FREE TV SPOTS from HERMAN KASS, EXPLOITATION DIRECTOR, UNIVERSAL PICTURES COMPANY, 445 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 FREE RADIO Transcription Spots Pleasant hearing material has been packaged on one transcription, and created for the greatest ''want-to-see'' impact on an audience that, at best, does not concentrate wholly on what it hears. Teenagers should be a target for this portion of your campaign with their two idols, Rick and Kristin Nelson, as the stars of "LOVE AND KISSES," and a zany comedy that could hit home with any teenager. In addition to having the disk jockeys play the Rick Nelson records, buy time for these spots on the shows teenagers hear. Aim them at women on their programs and at men on news and discussion shows—all segments will identify with the hilarious comedy. These highly specialized radio spots have been prepared in a number of time lengths to fit any programming and ad budget, with sufficient time allowed for your playdate information. Order Your FREE RADIO SPOT TRANSCRIPTION from RADIO DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL PICTURES, UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIFORNIA Get A Strong Extra Push — Kisses Are An Angle SELL KISSES FOR CHARITY At charity bazaars, usually there is a kissing booth where busses are offered for a fee. Men are the purchasers. It creates a lot of interest and brings in a good income for the charity. Take your cue from this and offer, in view of your engagement of ‘‘Love and Kisses,”’ the opportunity for a local church, hospital auxiliary, orphan’s home, or other charitable organization to set up and staff such an activity in your lobby. Naturally, cooperate with the organization to publicize the charity in connection with your booking. Arranged in sufficient time before your playdate, the organization’s own membership can be an important box office nucleus. KISSING CONTEST The word ‘‘Kisses’’ in the title makes it appropriate to try some stunts that will create excitement in your playdate. The most obvious of these is a kissing contest. Set up a group of prizes by promoting them from local cooperative merchants. Try to include the Rick Nelson ‘‘Love and Kisses’ album, a record player, a hair styling, etc. Arrange a known local personality to be the judge — a disk jockey, a sports figure, a by-line newspaper reporter or columnist — and with him, establish a set of rules which then are printed on a board in the lobby. Each female ticket purchaser is eligible. For the duration of the contest, have the personality stand in the lobby near the list of rules. Make it clear, his decision is his own — and final. RUN A DANCE CONTEST Being light in heart, and starring two outstanding favorites of young people — Rick and Kristin Nelson — “Love and Kisses’’ presents an ideal opportunity for a dance contest. More specifically, since it is the dance in the film, a ‘‘Watusi Contest.’’ This can be staged in the lobby or on the sidewalk in front of the box office on opening day. Use the P.A. system for announcements and the music in the picture from the Rick Nelson Decca album. Publicize and advertise the event in high school and college papers. Select three suitable judges, and give prizes including a free admission to the showing. TV TELOP OR SLIDE USE A "LOVE AND KISSES" KOUPON AS YOUR HERALD Ads 301 or 304 make ideal copy for an inexpensive herald. To give this sales item more impact, print a ‘‘Love and Kisses’’ Koupon (purposely misspelling ‘‘coupon’’) on the reverse side. Have the printer set it up as illustrated here, or change the questions as you see fit. LOVE AND KISSES KOUPON Your Answers AFTER YOU SEE IT Your Answers NOW Do Teenagers Really Know The Difference Between Love and Kisses? Are Married Teenagers Mature Enough To Live Happily Ever After? Do You Think Parents Understand The Needs Of Their Teenage Children? Do You Think Married Teenagers Should Live With Their Par ents? Do You Approve Of Marriage Below The Legal Age? ANSWER NOW — THEN CHECK YOUR NEW ANSWERS AFTER YOU SEE "LOVE AND KISSES" USE PERSONAL COLUMNS FOR A TEASE A simple, but effective teaser ad in the ‘‘Personals’’ columns of your newspaper reading ‘You can have all my love and kisses by calling (your theatre telephone number,)”’ can produce results. Have a bright young lady respond in dulcet tones (on a tape recording) with full details of the picture, cast, the music, and playdate. Have A Special Showing For The NELSONS Almost every town has a number of people named Nelson. Since ‘‘Love and Kisses’’ stars both Rick and Kristin Nelson, and Ozzie Nelson wrote the screenplay, produced and directed, you could celebrate by having a special Nelson showing. Invite everyone named Nelson by letter or other means to come to the particular screening. Try for breaks on the event in newspapers, on TV or radio. The more publicity created, the more the stunt will produce in ticket Sales. Eye-catching for a sharp, quick impact, both TELOP and SLIDES are available on "LOVE AND KISSES"... $6.00 with theatre playdate and station identification (to accompany order) ...$5.00 without theatre playdate or station ...$2.50 for each duplicate copy of any Telop or Slide. Be sure to mention whether you want Telop or Slide. Order Direct from 9@ TITLE CARD CO., 247 West 46th Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10036 Page 9