Mountain Justice(Warner Bros.) (1937)

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IT DOES HAPPEN HERE! Warner Bros. blaze the screen. to expose an America that’s never been: seen....’til now! Child brides, lash law, shotgun 1937! | So hs 87°Lines—Mat: No: -kkd——10c¢ THE STORY ~ THE WORLD WANTS TO_ JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON GEO. BRENT The Secrets of America’s Forgotten Women! with GUY KIBBEE MONA BARRIE ROBERT BARRAT 85 Lines—Mat No. 110—10c 29 Lines—Mat No. 108—10c Poem SECRETS THE MOUNTAINS HAVE GUARDED FOR CENTURIES! The screen tears down the curtain hiding the last barbaric outpost of 20th century America... mysterious communities of child brides, lash law, witchcraft and mountain loves! It can happen here! JOSEPHINE S HUTCHINSON, ZGEO. BREN with GUY KIBBEE MONA BARRIE ROBERT BARRAT a Directed by Michael Curiiz + A First Nationai Picture 297 Lines—Mat No. 301—30c The hidden story the world wants to know! MOUNTAIN WOMEN CAN’T LOVE! \ (= i\ \ — x \ » Directed by , KIBBEE Michael Curtiz r MONA BARRIE ROBERT BARRAT A AFirst National A First Nat’! Picture Directed by Michael Curtiz Picture GUY KIBBEE MONA BARRIE (9) ROBT. BARRAT "e@ 33 Lines—Mat No. 109—10c Page Fifteen