Under Eighteen (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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YOUR NEWSPAPER It’s stories like hers that make girls put locks on ’ tUllianm Powell, “Miss Marsh will carve a niche for , herself in Filmdom’s Hall of Fame.” “Her emotional role in in ‘Five Star Final’ was one of the dramatic highlights of 1931.” “Marian Marsh is really ‘one girl in a million’.” BREATHLESSLY the world awaits . .>« AARSH in her first starring role more dramatic than “Five Star Finall”—Im, patient virtue in life’s , dangerous age. UNDER y EIGHTEEN © yas NOT old enough to know better. With WARREN WILLIAM ANITA PAGE Begins REGIS TOOMEY Tomorrow NORMAN FOSTER JOYCE COMPTON A Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Picture diaries! — Mavi an Sensational heroine of “Five Star Final” in her first starring role. Destined to be one of the ten best motion pictures of 1932. UNDER EIGHTEE The story of a girl who was NOT old enough to _ know better. with ep eaie eo ae ee Ne REGIST O-0-m KY NORMAN FOSTER JOYCE COMPTON Directed by ARCHIE MAYO A Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Hit JEFFERSON Cut No. 2 Cut 40c, Mat 10c 170 lines Cut No. 8, Cut 40c, Mat 10c 150 lines PROGRAM SNIPES First Smash Hit of 1932 might not bring The Year! another drama to equal the throbbing power of M A RS H this one! Every perfor mance is making thousands MARIAN =e of new friends fi He Mon. Tues. and Wed. MARIAN With for this “Girl WARREN WILLIAM Anita Page, Regis Toomey Cut No. 19 Cut 20c, Mat Sc in a Million” in 4 takes her place among the screen’s great stars by her unforgettable EIGHTEEN characterization in WARREN WILLIAM : 8 ANITA PAGE | REGIS TOOMEY . Under STRAND 4th Sereet at Main 1932s F IRST aueee: : the story of a girl who was NOT old enough to know better. REGIS TOOMEY zs WARREN WILLIAM Cut No. 6 Cut 20c, Mat Sc PAREER WILLIAM vote ee y)) THEATRE | 90 lines ‘ \ WAX JOYCE compton f Anita Page, Regis Toomey > ——— 4 Days Beginning Wednesday Cut No. 18 Cut 20c, Mat Sc Cut No. 9 Cut 40c, Mat 10c 126 lines Page Six