Under Eighteen (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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MERCHANDISING From The EXPLOITATION Lets Talk It Over! Every theatre has its own problems and every locality has its individual conditions. No homeoffice theatre executive can hope to outline exploitation ideas which will tie in with the varied conditions of every locality. Theatre managers should be familiar enough with their.own to take advantage of every condition and tie in with every important happening for the betterment of business. Before you plan your exploitation campaign for “Under Eighteen,” look over your local news and try to cash in on it to the fullest extent. There might be a business drive, a Chamber Of Commerce stunt, a Rotarian drive, or some other important happening with which you might cooperate. Get busy now. It’s easy to get plenty of news_ paper space when you tie-up with a local news happening. And then follow up with the merchandising ideas presented herewith. Try This One In YOUR Locality From Seattle comis the following stunt saack was ar ~£ the Fox ‘Fifth | v wee on a ws = “Under Bishteen:” With a little promotion work, Olsen arranged with a leading drug store company to give the theatre 10,000 sample envelopes of a certain face powder they wanted to advertise. These were presented to the women patrons with the compliments of the star of the picture. The envelopes were clipped to a specially printed herald which bore a serial number, and advised the recipient that if the number corresponded with that displayed at any of the branches of the Drug Company, they would receive a prize in the way of a large box of the face powder or a ticket to the theatre. Window displays completed the tie-up. If you can put over a similar stunt in your locality, it will certainly bring as good results as it brought Tom Olsen. And it is a natural for the introduction of Marian Marsh as a star in her own right. How Much Of Your Appropriation Do You Spend On Accessories? It is customary for every theatre to operate on an appropriation. However, the amount of money spent on advertising should vary with the value of the production. In the case of Marian Marsh in ‘Under Eighteen” a larger appropriation should be set aside for the proper handling of this picture as much as it is one of the better releases of the season and any campaign that you put behind Marian Marsh at the present time will reflect on the grosses of her subsequent pictures, which you will play. In appropriating money for the advertising of this production, be sure that you cover your outdoor billing properly. There is an exceptional herald printed in the form of a novel throwaway, of which . you should use large quantities. The posters on this picture are certainly the best outdoor salesmen that you can hire. Before you spend one cent on Marian Marsh in “Under Eighteen,” make sure that your appropriation adequately covers advertising, exploitation with a good supply of those valuable accessories that are bringing in big money to exhibitors who use them. Og Ten Angle FASHION SHOW Tieup with local Ladies’ Apparel Shop or Department Store. Precede fashion show with beauty contest to find suitable models. This is a two week proposition and should receive full newspaper cooperation. (See “Tie-up stills” notice below in this column. ) ADMISSION STUNT First eighteen ticket buyers who are under eighteen, and can prove it admitted free. The number of free admissions can be varied. Carry notices in your ads. Send | stories to your newspapers. MARIAN MARSH —Ceperrees an __ iff ‘to find the local blonde wuv .-. ules Marian Marsh, Tickets and prizes donated by local merchants who tie in with this stunt should bring plenty of contestants. Stipulate that they must be under eighteen in order to compete for the prizes. to find the best descriptive phrase for Marian Marsh such as “The Girl In A Million” r “Sweetheart Of The Nation” or “The Star With That Certain Something.” Newspaper cooperation will help, but it is not necessary. Send names of winners and phrases to Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., and -Marian Marsh will send autographed photographs to them. TIE-UP STILLS We have a quantity of specially posed Fashion Photos of Marian Marsh that are great for window tie-ups. The stills cover suits, dresses, evening gowns, evening wraps, fur coats, bridal outfits, pajamas, negligees, gloves, hats, cloth coats, lingerie and handbags. We also have several stills that will get space in a florist window for you. Write for them to Still Department, Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., 321 West 44th Street, N. Y. Each still 10c. NEWSPAPER CONTEST “Should A Girl Marry While She Is Under Eighteen.” Here’s a question that is bound to be a great circulation builder in any town. There are hundreds of good answers to the question, pro an con, and it should start a lot of box-office comment if prop erly handled. | CONTEST | Genuine Costless Selling . Realizing that there are many pictures which io not lend themselves to ordinary street ballyhoos and throwaways, and yet which require supplementary advertising in addition to the newspapers, trailers, lobby, posting, etc., the Pittsburgh Publicity Department the Warner Theatres under George Tyson’s management, made four very excellent tie-ups for inserts, available at any time desired. One of these tie-ups is with the Hankey Baking Co., by which they insert 50,000 heralds, one to each loaf, in all bread baked by them and sold. These heralds are right inside the wrapper and are bound to attract the attention of whosoever takes the wrapper off. For striking direct at the house-wives, this tie-up cannot be improved on. Having struck at the women through the bread tie-up, the next step was arranging for a method waneceh ann SS a ae _ a contact was made and arrangements concluaeu. now, on any day that they wish, Tyson’s men c. insert 5,000 heralds in the packages leaving the laundry. . Liberty Magazine was also contacted and they will insert to the tune of 16,000 a week, a herald in each copy of the magazine sold! In East Liberty, Frank Roberts of the Enright Theatre, has made arrangements with Sander’s Market for the distribution of 10,000 throw-aways on any week-end that he figures it necessary to plug his attraction. Pittsburgh believes these four tie-ups are among the most valuable “‘special’’ advertisyng mediums tha they have and the beauty of its it that they cos! absolutely nothing, with the exception of the print ing! Start working on your local shops now. It is fitting to start the ball rolling with a new star an a good picture, Marian Marsh in “Under Eighteen.” Tack This On Your Wall MY BUSINESS is to merchandise the attractions at this theatre Do not take up my time unless it is MY BUSINESS