The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV STATION REPRESENTATIVES 933 Book Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Phone: WOodward 5-5457 Manager. William K. Burton 1680 N. Vine St., Los Angeles 28, Calif. Phone: HOUywood 4-7276 Manager John A. Thackaberry 1601 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phone: LO 7-7270 Manager Derrick Dyatt 915 Olive St., St. Louis, Missouri Phone: CEntral 1-6055 Manager Bruce Houston 105 Montgomery St., San Francisco 4, Calif. Phone: YUkon 2-9760 Manager Robert W. Brokaw ECKELS & CO. 80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Phone: Liberty 2-6481 Owner George R. Eckels Vice President Irvin E. Dierdorff, Jr. FM BROADCASTING SYSTEM, INC. Ill W. Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. Phone: STate 2-8900 President Sidney J. Wolf Vice-President Richard W. Yoder Sec, Nat'l Sales Mgr E. R. Peterson, Sr. Branch Offices 612 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Phone: WOoodward 2-4504 Manager Richard W. Yoder 3142 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 5, Calif. Phone: DUnkirk 3-2910 Manager William Bayer 527 Madison Ave., New York 22, N. Y. Phone: ELdorado 5-3720 Manager Noel A. Rhys 75 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. Phone: SUtter 1-7440 Manager Roger Coombe FM GROUP SALES, INC. 410 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Phone: 467-6070 President Arthur D. Sakelson Treasurer James H. Morrow Branch Offices 1540 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood, Calif. Phone: HO 6-6388 Western Sales Mgr .Alex Stein 1 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Phone: PL 7-2256 President Arthur D. Sakelson FM UNLISTED 5449 Augusta Blvd., Chicago 51, 111. Phone: 379-7557 President Charles Kline FELTIS/DOVE/CANNON, INC. Tower Bldg., Seattle 1, Wash. Phone: MAin 3-1868 President Hugh Feltis TV Dir John Croghan Branch Office Morgan Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. Phone: CA 7-5754 Manager Cliff Engel FINE MUSIC HI-FI BROADCASTERS, INC. 8 West 40th St., New York 18, N. Y. Phone: BRyant 9-5590 Sales Dir Kenneth C. Schwartz Sales Vice-Pres Joel Fairfax Branch Offices 41 Sutter St., San Francisco 4, Calif. Phone: 441-1199 Exec, in Charge Albert Chance FORJOE & CO., INC. 230 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: ORegon 9-6820 President Joseph Bloom Branch Offices 35 E. Wacker Dr., Chicago 1, 111. Phone: CEntral 6-7858 Manager Paul Elsberry 1540 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles 28, Calif. Phone: HOUywood 6-7279 Managers Sandy Kahn, Jim Lucas 681 Market St., San Francisco 5, Calif. Phone: DO 2-6979 Manager Ward Glenn GILL-PERNA, INC. 654 Madison Ave., New York 21, N. Y. Phone: TEmpleton 84740 I 'resident Helen Gill I^ixec. Vice-Pres John J. Perna, Jr Branch Offices William-Oliver Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Phone: JAckson 4-0454 Manager Harry J. Cannon 75 E. Wacker Drive, Chicago, 111. Phone: Financial 6-9393 Midwest Sales Mgr Walter Beadell 2915 Book Bldg., Detroit 26, Mich. Phone: WO 2-7022 Manager Daniel W. Bowen 2252 W. Beverly Rd., Los Angeles 57, Calif. Phone: DUnkirk 8-7115 Manager Bambie C. Harrington 57 Post St., San Francisco, Calif. Phone: Sutter 1-5568 Manager Joe Keller GOOD MUSIC BROADCASTERS, INC. 355 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phonet YUkon 6-2680 Nat. Sales Mgr Jack Fenster Manor Road, Philadelphia 28, Pa. Phone: IVyridge 2-6000 President Raymond S. Green GROSKIN, HERBERT E., & CO. 310 Madison Ave., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: YU 6-4366 73