The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV INDUSTRY ORGANIZATIONS Dir. Northern U.S R. \. Eastern U.S. Md. Central U.S. Kan. Southern U.S. Western U.S. Dir Director-at-Lorge Dir.. Dir. Arthur lacker, WRiB^ Providence, Everett Diilard, WDON, Wheaton, Glen George, KCKN, Kansas City, .William Hill, WTJH, E. Point, Ga. Dick White, KPEG, Spokane, Wash. ..Ray Odom, KHAT, Phoenix, Ariz. Conventions Dir. Don Reynolds, Jr., KPUB, Pueblo, Colo. Eng. Dir Al Tedesco, KTCR, Minneapolis, Minn. Fin. Dir Henry Hilton, KSOP, Salt Lake City, Ut. Int. Affs. Dir Olin Tice, WKTC, Charlotte, N. C. Leg. Affs. Dir. ..C. A. McClure, WMGY, Montgomery, Ala. Memb. Dir Bill Engel, WSEN, Baldwinsville, N. Y. Mdsg. Dir Leo Morris, KVWO, Cheyenne, Wyo. New Proj. Dir.. Harold Schwartz, XERB, Tijuana, B. C. Pers. Dir Lee Stinson, WTMT, Louisville, Ky. Prog. Dir Harry Goldman, WEEE, Rensselaer, N. Y. Press, Info. Dir Gene Cook, WHIY, Orlando, Flo. Pub. Rels. Dir...R. W. Schmidt, KWNT, Davenport, la. Res. Dir A. V. Bamford, KBER, San Antonio, Tex. Soc. Affs. Dir... Jerry Glaser, WYAM, Bessemer, Ala. Sta. Rels. Dir Glenn Corbin, KLLL, Lubbock, Tex. FUNCTIONS Sharing of Country-Western and Folk Music projects, research surveys, merchandising, promotion, and programming, in an effort to bring savings to the local station, which can be passed along to national advertisers. Memberships open to stations primarily programming Country-Western and Folk Music. DIRECTORS GUILD OF AMERICA, INC. 7950 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 46, Phone: OLdfield 6-1220 Calif. OFFICERS President George Sidney Vice-Presidents John Clarke Bowman, Fielder Cook, Karl Genus, John Rich, Franklin Schaffner Secretaries Sheldon Leonard, John Sullivan Treasurers Jerry Fritz, Lesley Selander Nat. Exec. Sec, Hollywood. .. Joseph C. Youngerman BRANCH OFFICE 59 East 54th St., New York 22, N. Y. Phone: PLaza 9-2542. Ernest D. Ricca, Eastern Executive Secretary. NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS Rex Bailey, Richard Bennett, Delmer Daves, Stanley Kramer, George Paul, George Stevens, King Vidor, Robert Vreeland, Don Weis. FUNCTIONS A national organization to advance, foster, promote, and benefit the interests of directors, assistant directors, associate directors and stage managers of TV, radio programs, and theatrical releases, and to protect and secure their rights in their professional activities. THE DRAMATISTS GUILD OF THE AUTHORS LEAGUE OF AMERICA, INC. 6 E. 39th St., New York 16, N. Y. Phone: MUrray Hill 9-4950 OFFICERS President ASoii Jay Lerner Vice-President Sidney Kingsley Secretary Samuel Taylor Exec, Secretary .Mills Ten Eyck, Jr. Counsel Irwin Karp COUNCIL Richard AdIer, Robert Anderson, Abe Burrows, Paddy Chayefsky, Betty Comden, Marc Connelly, Russel Crouse, Dorothy Fields, Joseph Fields, Lillian Hellman, Arnold B, Horwitt, William Inge, Garson Kanin, Jean Kerr, Sidney Kingsley, Arthur Laurents, Richard Lewine, Howard Lindsay, Robert McEnroe, Arthur Miller, Paul Osborn, Elmer Rice, Richard Rodgers, Harold Rome, Dore Schary, Arthur Schwartz, Samuel Taylor, Maurice Valency, Gore Vidal, Mills Ten Eyck, Jr., Irwin Karp. FUNCTIONS The national business organization of dramatists. ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (See E. [. A. Section) ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 200 St. Clair Ave., W., Toronto 7, Ont., Phone: WAInut 1-2898 OFFICERS President, Board Chairman. 1st V.P.; Chrmn., Electronics Div ..G. Vive-Chairman, Electronics Div Vice-Pres.; Chrmn., Receiver Div Vice-Chairman, Receiver Div.. Vice-Pres.; Chrmn., Components Div Vice-Chairman, Components Div Director of Engineering. .R, General Manager, Secretary. FUNCTIONS Non-profit national trade association the electronics manufacturing industry in Canada .. D. Knapp P. Adamson . ,M. Binions D. C. Marrs W. H. Main A. J. Bauer G. F. Kempf A. Hackbush . . C. Harris representing Canada. EPISCOPAL ACTORS GUILD OF AMERICA, INC. 1 East 29th St., New York, N. Y. Phone: MUrray Hill 5-2927 OFFICERS Hon. Presidents. ., .Most Rev. Arthur C. Lichtenberger, Rt. Rev. Horace W. B. Donegan President Vinton Freedley Vice-Presidents. ............ .Rev. Orin A. Griesmyer, Peggy Wood, Robert Fryer, Leo G. Carroll Recording Sec Dorothy Blackburn Treasurer John Knight Exec. Secretary . Lorraine Sherwood General Counsel . Philip W. Lowry Publicity Director Frances Preston COUNCIL Walter Abel, William Adams, John Alexander, Curtis Baker, Sidney Blackmer, Helen Bonfils, Lawrence Carr, G. B. Clarke, Staats Cotsworth, Elizabeth Council, Margaret Dale, Jean Dixon, John Effrat, Mrs. Leonard C. Feathers, Paul Giles, Peter Harris, James Jolley, Tessa Kosta, Raymond Massey, Margery Maude, Catherine Proctor, Basil Rathbone, Mrs. Chas. M. Richter, Anne Seymour, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Rowan Tudor. FUNCTION Cultural, social, philanthropic. Membership open to actors and friends of the theatre. Not denominational in its services. National headquarters. Church of the Transfiguration (Little Church Around The Corner). Non-profit. FM BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 6362 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Phone: Hollywood 6-9877 OFFICERS President Miss Bj. Hamrick Vice-President Sid Mandell Secretary Jeanette Banoczi Treasurer Ed Steele BRANCH OFFICES 360 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago 1, III. Phone: CE 66269. William Springer, Manager. 424 Book BIdg., Detroit, Mich. 48226. Phone: 9619704. Max Goldfarb, Manager. 411 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. 10017. Phone: 752-6462. Robert Richer, Manager. 41 Sutter St., San Francisco 4, Calif. Phone: 9811100. Charles Toms, Manager. FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Pennsylvania Ave. at Sixth St., N.W., Washington D. C. 20580 Phone: 393-6800 OFFICERS Chairman Paul Rand Dixon 658