The radio annual (1964)

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RADIO & TV COMMERCIAL PRODUCERS^ Marshall Organization^ inc. (See Program Producers/ Distributors) Martell Anin^ation Photography^ Inc, 480 Lexington Ave., New York, N. Y. Phone: TN 7-1356 President Fred Martell Vice-President Jack Granato Services Offered — Motion-picture photography of "stills in motion" technique used in documentaries, animation and table-top photography; industrial filmgraphs. Mastertone Recording Studios^ Inc. 130 West 42nd St., New York 36, N,Y. Phone: WI 7-2940 Recording Spvsr Gene Sayet Chief Engineer Sid Feldman Services Offered: Professional recording services: editing, studio, mono & stereo; acetate mastering, mono & stereo* McNamara Productions^ Inc. 8230 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 48, Cal Phone: OLive 1-2510 Executive D. C. McNamara Services Offered — Industrial films, commercials, syndicated spots. Metropolitan Sound Service^ Inc* 120 W. 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 10036 Phone: WI 7-9907 President. C. 0. Langois, Jr. Services Offered — Transfer, dubbing, editing, mixing and recording. Metrotape (Div. of Metropolitan Broadcasting) 205 E. 67th St., New York, N. Y. 10021 Phone I LE 5-1000 Operations Manager. L. Hicks Services Offered— Videotaped TV commercials. Tape equipment available. Metrovision^ Inc. 117 West 48th St., New York 36, N. Y. Phone: PLaza 7-3270 President , John P. Hudak Secretary Treasurer John Walek Production Sup.. . .Carroll Owen Services Offered—Motion pictures for TV, industry, business, education, public relations; film strip production, rear screen video-mobile advertising production. Michelson^ Charles^ Inc. (See Program Producers /Distributors) Mid'America Videotape Productions (See Program Producers/ Distributors) Milner'Fenwich^ Inc, 3800 Liberty Heights Ave., Baltimore, Md. Phone: MO 4-4221 President Ervin M. Milner Vice-President Robert T. Fenwick 314 Victor Bldg., Washington, D. C. Phone: STerling 3-4650 Manager Edward F. Hopper Box 765, Cleveland, 0. Phone: LO 1-6835 District Mgr. Robert Gold Services Offered — Animation, cartoon & technical; live-action, 16mm & 35mm, strip films, recordings, jingles, brochures, general art services, industrial exhibits & shows. Mode'Art Pictures^ Inc. 1022 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Phone: 391-1846 Board Chairman J. L. Baker President R. L. Stone Exec. Vice-Pres H. J. Kemerer Vice-President A. A. Borgen Services Offered — Production of film commercials, 16mm and 35mm, color and blackand-white. Moguhguh Ltd. 6 E. 46th St., New York 17, N. Y. Phone: TO 7-8545 President Fred Moguhguh Exec. Vice-Pres Tony Silano Art Director • • Irene Trivas Animator Ed Smith Services Offered — Commercials, industrials, sales films; animation, live action. Motion Picture Advertising Service Co.^ Inc. 1032 Carondelet St., New Orleans, La. Phone: J A 5-2253 President C. J. Mabry V.P., Sales R. P. Karrigan V.P., Prod Charles Lloyd Branch Offices 201314 Young St., Dallas, Tex, Chief Executive Clyde Rembert, Jr. 333 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. Chief Exec Neale Oliver Services Offered — Spot TV commercials; studio facilities. Movielab^ Inc. 619 W. 54th St., N.Y.C. Phone I JU 6-0360 Piesident & Bd. Chmn. Saul Jeffee Exec. Vice President. Frank Berman V.P., Sales Ben Bloom V.P., Production. .Ted J. Gaski V.P., Color John J. Kowalak Services Offered — Developing & printing of 16mm and 35mm color and black-and-white motion picture film; edge numbering, tilting, negative cutting, storage facilities, screening room. Muppets^ Inc. 4202 Oakridge Lane, Chevy Chase 15, Md. Phone: 656-7056 President Jim Henson 752