Radio mirror (Jan-June 1948)

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Festive and Friendly (Continued from page 55) OLIVE AND BACON CANAPES Select large green stuffed olives. Wrap each one with half a slice of bacon and fasten with a toothpick. Broil about 3 inches below heat, until bacon is crisp, about 5 minutes, turning once so bacon will broil on both sides. Serve immediately. LIVERWURST AND BRAZIL NUT CANAPES Vi pound liverwurst 2 tablespoons mayonnaise Vz cup ground Brazil nuts 2 teaspoons pickle relish 1 teaspoon oregano (optional) 7 slices toast Pimiento Remove skin from liverwurst. Mash liverwurst thoroughly, add remaining ingredients, except toast and pimiento, and mix well. Cut each toast slice into 3 strips. Spread 2 teaspoons of mixture over each strip. Garnish with small triangles of pimiento in opposite corners. Broil, about 3 inches below heat, for about 3 minutes. Serve immediately. Makes 21 servings. SARDINE CANAPES Vs-ounce can sardines 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 3 slices toast Pimiento Mash sardines, add lemon juice and green pepper and mix well. Cut each toast slice in half diagonally and spread with sardine mixture. Broil, about 3 inches below heat, for about 3 minutes. Garnish with pimiento cut into small stars. Serve immediately — 6 servings. NUT-CHEESE CANAPES Vz cup grated American cheese V2 cup ground Brazil nuts 2 tablespoons milk 16 toast rounds Brazil nut slices Combine cheese, ground nuts and milk and mix well. Spread 1 tablespoon of mixture on each toast round, top each with Brazil nut slice. Broil, about 3 inches below heat, until nicely browned, about 3 minutes. Serve immediately. Makes 16 canapes. EGG CANAPES 5 hard-cooked eggs 20 toast rounds 3 tablespoons mayonnaise Vi teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoon vinegar V4 teaspoon salt Dash pepper Slice eggs in 6 even slices crosswise. Remove yolk and place 1 egg slice on each toast round, using only 4 center slices of each egg. Mash egg yolks, add remaining ingredients and mix well. Arrange mixture in egg white rings on toast rounds. Garnish each with a star cut from end slices of egg white. Chill for 1 hour before serving. Makes 20. EGG CHUTNEY CANAPES 4 hard-cooked eggs Dash salt Dash pepper V2 cup chopped celery Vi cup chopped chutney 1 tablespoon mayonnaise 1 teaspoon liquid from chutney 1 teaspoon lemon juice 6 slices toeist, ■with crusts removed 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Chop eggs fairly fine. Add remaining ingredients, except toast and chopped parsley, and mix well. Spread toast slices with egg mixture. Cut each into 4 squares. Makes 24 small canapes. M^ At luncheon overlooking Sugar Loaf and fabulous Rio Bay. We'd been sightseeing. "Cigarette?" he said. Our fingers touched — and then he was holding my hand. So this is why I'd kept my hands so smooth and soft, always. For this one lovely moment. But . . . Not long after, at a dance at Hotel Quitandinha, "It's for always", he said. And my heart sang. For me, it's "for always" too. And — with Jergens Lotion — I'll keep my hands soft and smooth for all our lovely moments. We'll certainly have Jergens Lotion at our house. The loveliest women in the world care for their hands with Jergens Lotion. Hollywood Stars, for instance, use Jergens Lotion, 7 to 1. • Today your hands are even softer, deliciously smoother with Jergens. Recent research makes today's Jergens Lotion finer than ever. More protec tive, too. Two skin-care ingredients many doctors use are both in your Jergens Lotion. 10(j: to $1.00 tax). No oiliness; never sticky. FREE! "TRY-IT" BoniE for you. Write to Box 27, Cincinnati 14, Ohio. (Offer / good in U. S. A. only.) ' For the Softest, Adorable Hands, use Jergens Lotion 67