Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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RADIO DIG ULLIOMZ-ANDREA CHENlE^AND^MEN?n^A51VEEK-S ATTRACTIONS These Stories Will Aid Opera Listeners o SlOBT OP AXPP.EA ChENIEB, WMAQ Decembeb 6 H TI Con, » of the French revolution, ~. de Coigns glres a balL Chenler. a young poet, enrages Madeleine, the daugh„. the Countess, by reclUnE his radical poems. Gerard, the footman, admits • troop of beggars, announcing, "Hii Serene Highness, Prince Poverty," and Is ejected with them. Chenier attempta to Sara Madeleine from Gerard, now revolutionary leader. The two meet and fight. A) though Gerard Is hurt, he tells the crowd that he does not know Chenlt-r and urges the latter to save Made I tine Chenier is arrested and brought before Gerard. Although the poet pleads with the jury, and Madeleine offers her own We. Gerard cannot oppose the mob and Chenier Is convicted. Madeleine, accompanied by Gerard, bribes her way Into the Lazare prison, where Chenier Is writing. Although Gerard appeals to Robespierre, ho 13 unable to help him. In the momlruj Madeleine dies guillotined with Chenier. Sioer op Carmen. KYW Decembeb 8 gypsy. Is arrested for the factory girls CARMEN, stabbing one „ and placed In Son Jose', whom she bribes to release her. Ho "is arrested for letting .her go. While awaiting his release. Carmen meets Escamlllo. a toreador. When Don Jose comes out Of prison, he Quarrels with hla superior Officer for flirting with Carmen and Is enmpelled to join a bond of smugglers. EKamlllo follows Carmen and the two B en fight. They aro separated by the irptles and Carmen. While Don Jos© lit away at his mother's deathbed. Carmen and the gypsies follow EscarolUo to Seville to watch & bull fight. Don Jose moebt ft] d kills her. Just as the victorious tocsdor comes out. In remorse ho throws himself ftcross her body. —The Program Lady. Tuesday, December 4 KFI. Los Anodes. Calif. (Pacific, 469), 0:45-7:30 b. m.. Concert, Gege Christopher; 10:00-11:00, Concert, Zoellner Conservatory. KGW. Portland. Oregon (Pnolflo. 492), 330 p. m., Joanetto P. Cramer: U:0Li. Talk for farmers. Paul V Maris: 10:00. Dance music. Georgo Olson's Metropoll tan Onhcatra. KHJ. Los Alleles. Calif. (PaoMo, 39S). 230-3 JO p. m.. Matinee muslcale. Mr; It..y ]-M.vIi,t. contralto, G:45730, "Satidmun" ; 6:00-10:00. "Syllndera of SunShine," The Throe Still iy.,; 10 :u012:00. midnight, Art Hickman's Orchestra. USD, St. Louli. Mo. (Central. 546). 8*0 p. m.. NorSlate, pfaulM . Mm. . . Dixon, baritone; Jj_ N. D. Dl»on. pianist; Address... W. Guy Whitehead ; 1 1 M0, Sllvc H. E. Winder ian'8 Orchtsira. 530 p. m., ChllTlio Form ProbC, F. Croftou ; " W. Covcrdalu; KYW. Chlcaoo. III. (Central. 536) dren's bedtime story ; 83)0-828, lem an International Problem "Farm Sen let i,-> n Community, 835-930. Herble Mfntz. piunlst: Frances Moi soprano: Ralph Kllioit. t.-nor. ilurrk-l Wi-cbtT iniui lst; Joseph lixo, flutist; Nnllle Mi nit.-, r .i IOjOO 12 ;jl>. MldnlcliP Shr.w: Wendell W Hull, XXW's music maker. M.-Vlrtier's ISympliuny Orelu ,tra; W. Remington Welch organist. WBAP, Fort Worth. Texat (Central, 476). 730-830 p. m., Henry l'.l.-wetfs On loa'rit of Denton; 930 , I0U5, Municipal Rand of Alvarado. WBZ. Springfield. Mast. (Eastern. 337), 6:00 p. m.. Dinner concert, WBZ Trio; 7*0. "Wlnler C.ur <-< tit College for Farmer;.. " Director Joint I'hclaii of Mm Mass. Agrl. College; 7:30. Twlllclit ml. ■> lur [he Ll,ldles; "New Housekeeping." Agnes U. t'ruig; 8:00. WRZ Trio: Grace Loomls Keroptn-i. soum"".; 9 :0U. Bedtime story lor grown-ups. Orison 8. Marden. %YDAP. Chlcaoo, III. (Central. 360). 10:00 p. m.. Ito-tmary Hughes, noprtin.,. Frederick W. Agftnl. tenor: _Bob Cough-, pianist; Jack rluipiiiinrii orelie .ir,,. SVDAR. Philadelphia, pa. .Eastern, 395). 12*0-12:30 p. m., Ur.-nm reelt,,!. Wllliuni!. Slanlei Tin,ter; Arcadia Cafo Concert or. ti. ■ ira, I-Yrl Kurko/.l, director: 2:00-3:00. r -n. ,\r.n.lii> cu. i"oi<o,>n Orchestra: 430. Plnno, K.lm, Fliital.nie; 7307545. BodUiu.. ■t.,rk.\ Ureal. i Muddy; 7:45-8:00, Dramatic rerlew, Wulter ti roeuough. WEAF, Now York. N. Y. (Eastern. 492). II 30-11 30 Sl m., "Fore.-uit .,( Motion I'l.nm-,," Atlel., V. Woodward: 5:00 p. m., Chrlstmus program for .till drcn. Glmbel Urol tier..; 7:30, 1 Hit, I .Sport , T.ill.. Thornton Fisher; 7:40. "Nintloii HrldHo." Kji.yii -l F. Rode; 8:10. Marl. S. Mmriv, (.oimmi. 8:10, American Surely Co.; 8 30, Umuklvn D.illv Kiigh. Talk; 8:50, James M. lit.;, i -. '.:(Ui, World Mutual CaBitnltv ln-.|irmM. f.,.; 'J :J0, Naiioind IMrt.l.l. Comely; 10^)5. James M. Itoae, tenor. WFAA. Dallas. Texas (Central. 47C), 1230-1*0 p. m.. Address. LLWill M.-Murr.n ; H:Hn-9:3(t, Mi.;ml ClUb; 11^0-12:00,, nm ir | v|..||,, ,|,,.|i A. A. DcMond and asalstlng tuualclanu. WFI. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 395). 1:00 p. Meyer Davis p" I.m-i, BaUei » Stratford < _ . iill.if I (li. In .rr Stones. f.'UKin «u. ; 8:00. K uli.. [■ WGI. Medford Htttsldft, Mnw. (East m.. Amra.l WunivuN Cltil. Vi,. Talk," Mari.irl. Hn w; ] l,:-,il|,l u i cring ic Hona Co.; 7SrO, "Ala kit." WGB, Burtale, N. Y. lEn-..<: ,„ :i m., tirorgi' Allirrt Brmchur.l, ntr.n Gomi'li. tiari.|-.i , r;ilsi ■!■■ (inii"l. i "Oalsw.-.rtliv, Hi: I.jft. ,.11,1 Worlr," 730, Vino ik Lop .-. Bote] Statist 730. Digest of the day's news; 1 WGY, Schenectady. N. Y. (Eastern. .. i .■ ■ . i ,..|i .... ... M, . all; 7:45. Salvation Army Bondbinatlon Bocelrera," It. H. Lnngli comell^t; AH-.-rt T-mn>l .In . eit[<l outdoor llf'-, Jud LainliPii : M..n.i i.i bonlst : Juni i fkflh WHAS. Uuisvllle. Ky. (Central 400). 4:00-5*0 | ira: Ala his orchc WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 360). 2:15-230 p. m. James Kendl*. eomroser and songwriter singing hi own song3, assisted by Hal. Dyser at tho plrnin; 4:30 530 p. m.. '"The Tangoland K.renndors," Jerr SchwarZ, leader; 9:45-10:15 p. m., Charles Hathaway' Orchestra; 1030-10:45 p. it!.. Ruth and Janet Meyei 3:00. Pojmla EeUs and hU Record Recording Orchestra: 8*5. Diclc Regan and his WTP LltOe Pymihnv 'ir.-he.;ira: 7*0. Bedtime stories by ■ Dance !:>■■ ■ Cbftrl ■tuwtra. 10 ol m.. i [•xSadn grated, December 8, 1923 . I ..1 1 1 1. : m ; Musical program, (1.-2*0 Sedtlmo alory, „. I'i.i illn i>| Ihu Clt.vt.|;iNd InsUtuu W1A2. Chloago, III. (Central, 447.7), 10:00 ft. m., Dorothy Ijow. soprano; Henry MortonBon; cel^i.. f7V,,ico «T"rl"r Tlolln!": Erelyn Morrison, pianist; Oriole Orchestra. WLW. Ctnolnnatl, Ohio (Central, 309). 4:00 p m Current topics for »■.„„,„; |0:00, Pemm Concert Quartette: I'nullu itni„l, vi<.||in-.r. . Marian llan/,1) vocalist ; ; Kntost DbuU.-h. i>l.o.i i ; Mu,-MorrIs Houston, celllsC Inspirational tallt, May Cornell Program, National Association of Broadcasters WJ?iAQ' ^/l!"0,0' '"• «Centr"' «?-5). 430 p. m., Oleiin Dlllnrd (.unit S. Ihk,| ,,f MW|,.; 730. "Feast of Lights," .h-.vj..!, 1 . -i (\.ii, 8:30, \v M. a fc'Hoftto trtt; 9:00' Hotel SftUo Tt1o; 8:i5, hyon WOC. C Da'v. Chimes c. IMnrklis; 5:45. Clilmcs. WOR. Newnrk. N. J. (Enttsrn. 405). 230-3:45 p. m.. 1 1«e UliUerll. Id Tru n.ll. Ivrli minrano; Ciimiliin tli (■loTiannl, teiiDr; 6:15-030 p. m., 'b-l.-le " Snntu/s rlRht-hand man. will talk Lo the klddlea; 6 30-7:00 H. m., Man In tin ,\l 1 Si.„-|..-; for I'hlldr.-ti ; 7:00 730 p. m.. Milt.,,, n,r;h, baritone, WW1, Detroit. Mich. (E:i<,terii, 517), 930 B. m.. "To •'iKl'.fs "I' '." W i.iimii:. lilltor. 0:45. "Ironlnu day program Fr,-l Shtiw. Man-, -rv HI, Inn. .ml ; 3:00 P "'•. M< li")' I'-l. .'in II. :.lli Inn urcli.-i-.lrii; 0J0, bva M. Hayes, soprano; North western Quartet. Wednesday, December 5 KDKA. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 326), 630 1 m.. Pltlsl.uicl, Allilvlk A - 1 ■ Him, Ui-ch.Mtr,,; ? :ii Utorarj pn.Knuii; ? MO. fhtl.livn's wrlu.t. 8:l( Atldr.'Etrt. Han I In I Ion, .'.miiiiKi.-,, ,,[ it,.. \ 1 1. . 1,, , Couniv Suchil.v; ti 30, KHKA Little Syrt Orchestra. \ngeles. Calif. (Paolflc, 469), 6U5-73 :fi. tw Uing. ;gw. Portland, Ore. (Paolflc), 330 p. m, children; Story, Aunt Nell; 8*0. Rybka 9:00, Business KSD. St. Lorn 7:30, riilhlreii's program ' no: PrlscllUi Moran, acrt'eii 1 Mrs. Rufus Wftcncr; l*roifi ; 10*0-12:00 ini.ii'iiiii.t' Art H >. (Central. 546). 7:00 p. 337), 0:00 p. m. Inl.r l',t,i ot Krlltl Tr,.t-s," Wllllitm II rut rr.iUii-iu>-:. Ilelvoti S. Mur.l.'ii: I I *ti. In, Clurln If. Youiic, tenor; Mrs, M. pianist. 0, III. (Ccntrnl, 560i. 10*0 p. m.. dilatory of Music; Jiiflt Clminuan's On-bea Iclphla, Pn. (Eastern. 395). 12*0-1230 rvildtl, Willi kll;. Sl;i„l,y Theater; ■ >'■ I.. ■ 1-1 in. li. ti.i , " :iii'-.i:un, i' ■,(.. . Cllr.Tl Ur.lL.-slra: 730-8:00. ll.-Hltiii. nt. l'.nl,[\ : H.'tli), 1 1,1,11 .. jiil|..lf, llnw.iril Oal." O. Tnuclistone; WFI. Phllndelpbla. Pa. (Esstem. 395). 1:00 p. m„ Meyer Diivi 1 rchettr*; 3*0, Bo retla Kerb, rl.tnl-i: 630. M.v, r ihtl, li,-!l,ni, Stratford Orcb,«tra; 7*0, Tnlk.-i from Snowball Land. WGI. Medtord Hillside, Mass. (Eastern. 360). 630 p. m.. Camp Fire GltU, I'hnrl.-^ W. Cssson. "RUl f'lil.r": 7:15. "Thll W • ■ I-' JtKtlBf' 7 -20. "aelwico UP to riste." s.'lcntin.. iin.Tie.iTi: 7:30. "Rooks for Lotik F.v..|,li,i: ." I>nl,l M. i'l,..||i.v: Concert PlftverS, f cheater bIbZ>>d, director, WGR, Buffalo N Y. (Eastarn, 319). 1230-1*0 p. Piano recital, Mrs. \\ a Bftl ford; 4*0, Martha Owh harpUl: Elise de Grood, tloHnlst; 830. i ,n ' r.ylnco,1[, ^ Hotel StatJer Danco Orohcstra 7.30, Digest or tho day's news: 9*0, Concert, direction Of J. P. IIIIIIILI. «*"»*. WGY. Sohensotady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380), 630 p. m ufi«4i™ltarS UP^ Thr ' :1 brnpfttion. ■■ WHAS. Louisville. Ky. (Central, 400K4:00-5*0 p. m.. ??iuutn„TiloaU'r Orchestra; Strand Theater Orchestra' M 11 ^""^ ausPIcc3 of Mrs. Jane Webster WHN, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 360), 3:45-4*0 p. m fyj?1' i',ni:L*,ai' soprano, classical program; 4:152??-. .TUI'_ "aflhlnatonlanH," from tho HollywoodOnhcstra; 8:15-8:30, Agne3 Mary Carter Toomey (circle), teller of bedtime stories for Station WFAA, the Dallas New* and Journal, is society editor of the News and also builds many Radio sets. Having taught children. she knows how to tell stories they love. James Dale (left), as he appeared In "Loyalties," will lecture on "Galsworthy, His Life and Work," Tuesday, December 4, from WGR, Buffalo 730-8:00, Clover Canlei >M, i, ■!..,. i,l:c. ) :00, -■-'•;"""' »»-iu, noiutiHu. lo^iu io:ra, n,aw. B, Marks Music Co.; 1130-11:40, 9. Jay Kaufman on Mays and Arts. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509). 6*5 p. m.. Dinner music. Jordan-Lewis Dance orchestra 7*0 i .Irin,.. stories. Uncle WIp WJAZ, Chlcaoo, III. (Central, 447.7), 10*0 P. m.-2 a ™ roliimhl.. Sehool of Music. " Ohio (Central 309). 8*0 p. m.. *" Semi-monthly concert, 920, Ohio Military Cincinnati, Ohio Military Band; Cincinnati College of Band. WMAQ, Chlcaoo, III. (Central, 447.5), 1*0 p. n. sp.-.-.-iii t. rim n,:,. a it, inUi.n of Commerce Luncheon 430, Cosiuo[M.|lian School of Music and Dramatic ■■-■ 7 :00, Ceoi Bonn Faulkner. Btury lady ; 7 30, University: 830, . -„,.'! La Sail. Triu; 9.15, Mii.ilciLl prodram, Mitdumu Sturkow-Byder (Central, 484). 12*0 DlBeslloi The charming "Carmen" is Alice Gentle. Above left is Fernand Annsseau, who will £^1,/V0"e".in the French opera. Tune in KYW Saturday, December 8. Once tuned in you'll stay till the final curtain England Homestead: i 1st: Beatrice Drlsooll, „.„,,. Krledto: 9*0, Bedtimo atoiy for grown Miss Chsmpaime, planplanlst; pupils of Gustare Wcokhf lecturo from North, WMAQ Danco Orchestra; 9:L.. _ promrnn, Madame si.i,rl,,ni-ltv,ii r uu, u,i*ftiiiort, Iowa (Centr-' (•hlmes; 330 p. m„ "Cases Pro Clyde (i. Kern ; 6 30 San dm ait's visit: 7*0. ) Co-oiicrato hi Iowa." B. J. Stow ' ", orfoiUat; Mrs. Fred City Harmony Quartet, Hi-, w... B:00. <;i-„uv V 1 1 : Colored Malo QuarteL WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 509). 11:00-11^41 a. m„ Organ r.-.-it:il. Mary 1-:. Vofrt; 12*0-1*0 p. m. Dlnnur music. Wanamalter Crystal Tea Room Orcbcstra: Robert E. Golden, .lln-nor, 4:15-5*0, Organ recital, Mary E. Voct; 7:45, Adclphla IloUu Orchestra ; : in s, l-.. n, . wnii Orchest— n*"1 " —_..-. . n. Vogt; I li: in. Danco Orcliestra, VOR. Newark, N. J, H.l-ll l,.., ,1:111, :-...H!-.. 6:15-626, l.i.Hl) I. .Iiillii W, 1,1,, (Eastern, 405), 2 30-2M5 p. m.. p. m.. Helen Louan, 25-6 35. Joint Pro 0:35-6:45. "R 3:1 j. I Icicle," :ontralto. and Helen Mmill, for tho Layman," Albert :15-8 30, Phonogrnph Trio 6:45-7*0. Iciek (malo); 830-9:15. Arthur Murray ban ce" Lesion. yy Mill,, N,.,v,.i-i; ci,ji. (lr,-|ir.:ira; 9:15-930. Ilnrold Davis |:,.iii,,1I . t.,i.-.-;-|,arltone; 0:30-9:45. Pholu-.-i-iililt Trl,> iniHlei: 9:15-10:00. }liir.ild Davis Bon -liitrltoti,-: [0:00-10:15, I'1i.hi,iit,,|.Ii TYe. 10:15-11:00. Jimmle Clark's Wldto Way En WTAM. Clovolnnd, Ohio (Eastern. 390). 8*0 p m. WTAM Orchestra; Ktllwn F. Peek, hurltone; Mario IIiivji,..], so [trail,,; l."r,nir.-~ MeFii'lden. romrnlto: Itoli wiiim,.. #1. Detr Ituby, ■r." Woinsiti's LMIior; 12:00 m.I Joan Ortln-itra; 8:30. Detroit News Orchestra; Frud Wal Thursday, December 6 KDKA. E. Plttsburnh. Pa. KFI. Los Angeles KGW. Portland. (Paolflo. 492). 8*0 KHJ, Los Anooles, Calif. (Pacific. 395). 230-330 P m Muntieo miMli .1,.. 6:45-7:311, i,'s in-ORram: John Brandon, i years t player. Woman's CTioral ' IIL,!ctli:lll'.i f Ch.ll S. M^arden. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central, 360). 10:00 CoriKdon's Orchestra; Jack Cliapnian's Orchestra. WOAB, PhtladeJphla, Pa. (Eastern, 395). 12*0-1230 P. m., Organ recital. William Khiiss 1230, Arcadia ' ''onct-rt Ort-liHiira; 2:00-3:00, Concert. Anmdla iiieort Orchestra; 4 30, Piano solos. Edna Fine 7 30-7^5, Bedtime stories, Dream Daddy York, N. Y. (Eastern, 492), 11*0 a. m., en; 4*0 p. m.. EdBar Falraurlco Ll Self stein, tenor; for ^children, ^Olmbel's : 7*0, Cafe t Spec/si ,-... clilld, pianist ; 4 30. 5*0, Christmas prop,.,!. !..tvh,.s ,\ Y. Fed. nf 'cWeheY, , .. -. United Sports Talfe, Thorn ttm Flslter; 7P(0. William nn InsirueUoti talk, ETer-Ready America; Friedman. _. Battery; Edna Fields, mezzo-soprano; 8:30, Bank of ' ■" D30, Hearst's International Man.; 9:15, •eener. baritone; 9 30. Henry W, Taft; and player or horns; 10:15, Mf-nuprano; Jose Delafruerricre, idnlght, Vincent Lope a Danco Alda Quarteth Marcaret Fret_. . tenor; 11*0-12*0 Orchestra. WFAA. Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 1230-1*0 p. "Education nncl AtMnttm ■' Itav tfimiain s-^o.e ' Ray Morrison; 830-930, Philadelphia . . ir Davis Bcllevuo ccltal WFI Quartette., John Vnndersloot, John 1 ; 630. Meyer Mey. I'Mo yi..-,l Harold Slmouds — ..-, . .. ,.. Davis Bellrvue Stratford Orchestra; 7*0, Talks from Snowball Land: 8*0, liov Smni !■■ rlu.l 10:10, Dance tuii-ic Meyer Davis Bolkvue KtraUord Orcliestra. WGI, Medford Hillside, Mass. (Eastern. 360), 7:00 — ileal, Georgo Brhiton Beal Erenins ... I'rieiuli: Bedtime s ; l..< i ts, Alfred F. Whit WGR, Buffalo, N. Y. (Eastern 319) 12:30-1*0 p. n Georgo Albert Bouchard organist; 4*0, Marti) Gomph, harpist; Ellse do Grood, violinist; 630-730. Vincent Lopez Hotel Sutler Danco Orchestra; 7 30. Digest of tho day's news; Boy Scout Radiogram; Story from "Tho American Boy" magazine' 9*0. Ball room music. Hotel Statler, annual baU. Society ,.| \ n.-atJoiiiil Education. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 3B0), 2:00 "Tho Child Adoption ••>■<""» ■■ »'• *^j— .~ 7:45, "Ship I'ropulsl.,.., Radio drama. WGY Playe.-, frothy. ]-:,l>.;ird IT Smidi: Mi Jecltlyn; Roscoo Crosby Mau.„ _ ward Wales, Jerom,. I->v, iili.:im : .\I.ti-j Enstwno.1. Lola Somniers; Ilel~ n Grace Standl.-=h, G,i. . John Loi'tus : Howard Tim Donaliu Courtland II WHAS. Loul-.v Stran.i The. 7:30-9*0. C. .,1 ) St IjhiIs; i:il7,abeth Ers M..nt:.-..iii.|-y; IMIoek, Frank' ttliv.r. t'lvii U-s S, Beaumea; Sergeant Dunn, . Doiilin. iiiini.n Atith.. .m., "Llllloni. . Freda Slauter. vlollnlit; StUd. pianist: Chicinnatl Symphony nod SyinoiiLihv, >ir,i. Morgan L. EasUnan, director; Eslolto Vernet. soprano. WBAP. Fort Worth, Texas (Central. 476). 730-930 f. ra., Ctmtvrt. F|.iv,.nli I-jjnr, „( Ik-hioii 9JD0M5. Fori Woitli null WBZ. SprlngflHd. Mui. (Esstern. 337). 830 p. m.. Twilight iai, . foi ti., kiddles; Letter from Iho Nciv WMAQ. Chicago. Whe&t Council— talk I 7:45. "Amir. , ChenH Theater by Chlcai "Toast," Rockwi-li Btaptu opera at the Audltorlm ; Overs Company, broai" _ _ _. maters. Mrs. Mart E. Otwmd opera In Italian, muslo by Gloniano. lib Rllrn. four acts: Cast: Andrea Chenier, you Gullio Crlml; Charles Gerani. gervsnt and re an', Gl-icomo Rimini; Madeleine Do Colgny, . Muslo: Berei. her servsnt Irene Pivloika: Tho tess of Ct>lcnr, Alice D'Hermanoy: Madelon, woman, Kaihryn Meiile: Pietro Flerille. "Tho Thirteenth Chair, 'Nelll, Rose Conn; Will Crosby. Mrs. 9-5*0 p. tho Louisville Con (Eastern, 360) igs; 11:15-11:45, irrlns , 509), 6*5 p. 7.7). 10:00 the King, Vlttono Trevlsan; Rousher, Desire Defrere; Fouauler Tlnvllle, public attorney, Alfredo Gandolfl; ' ■PopiHos." Vittorlo Oliv . of _ Tribunai, Alexander St. Lazare prison, G'" ilato: Major bomo. Mllo Luka; Conductor, Giorgio Polacao. WOC, Davenport, Iowa (Central, 484), 12*0 m.. Chimes; 3 30 p. m.. "Pathology of Brlght's Disoaao." Karl G. Stephan; 5^15. i.lihn..:i ( i-nei it : 0:30. ,s.,Li(i]Dan's visit; 8:00, F. S. C. Orchestra; V. B, Roehle, baritone. WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 500). 11:00-11:45 a. m.. Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12*0-1 *0 p. m.. Dinner music. Wanamaker Crystal Tea Room Orchestra: Robert. E. Golden, director; 4:45-5*0, Organ recital. Mary E. Vogt. WOR. Newark, N. 1, (Eastern, 405), 230-2:45 p. m., Etta Porth, soprano; 2:45-3:00. Bertha Luck, coutrailo: 330-3V15. Etta Forth, soprano; 3:45-4*0. Bertha Luck, contralto: 6:15-630. Icicle; 630-730, Music Wbllo You Dine — Tom Cooper's Country Club Orchestra. WW1. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517) Friday, December 7 KDKA. E. Plttsburnh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 6:15 p. m., 1.4. li" Hale, organist; 7:15, Radio Boy Scout Meeting; 7:45. Children's period; 8:15, "Tho Outreach Of the Early Church." Dr. R. L. Lannlng; 830, Mathilda Bauer, soprano; Mrs. J. A. Greene, accompanist; Fliillp Portorfleld, baritone; Leopold Tlrtie, Tlolinlst; Davicl Cohen, violinist. KFI. Los Angele*. Calif. (Paolflc. 469). 6:45-730 p m., Concert, Harry Balsden and Orchestra; 10*0-11*0, f :ert, Tlicron Bennett Concert Company. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Paclflo, 492), 8:15 p. m., Goorgo Mien's Metropolitan Orehestra; 9*0. "Oregon Resources." Alfred L. Lomax; 10.30, Hoot Owls with KHL"LosSAnoeles', Calif. (Paclflo, 395). 230-530 p. m.. Matinee musical; 6:45-7*0. Cblldrcn' !■;. ■■■ Richard Hcadriek, sitn iuv.-ni!.-; 7:00-730. Orjraii rt-ital fr„m First Methodist Cliureh: 6:00-10:00. Polvtechnto Hlat Girls' Glee Club; 10*0-12*0, Art Hlck KYW^Chlcaoo. Mt. (Central, 536). 6*0 p. m.. Children's Iti-dllino story 10-00-1230, Midnight Revue; w<-ii.ii II \v. Hall. KY\Vs Music Maker; Herblo Mlntz, wbap,h 'Fort'' v> (Central, 476). ? &<>££<> p. m.. Concert hy the Tea as ClirL-tlan Cnlvcrslty: 3 30111:15, of tilt Senior HUh .School. WBZ. Sprlnofleld, Mass. (Eastern. 337), 6:00 p. m.. Dinner concert, WBZ Qulntetfo; 7*0, „"» ' Breskfast," i's Companion: 730. Twilight tor uio inriiiu-s; i>irrt-i.t It.->k Review, D aid; "Marketing die Fnrmers' Product, M.-II.-u ird Pat __. 'UTKZUQulntette!i'B"iTon"Hayden, bsxltono; t li:i|.4o,tn. plant! " ^M|M(CPenatraSL345), 8*0 p. m.. Treble Clef .s. i-. B. Kewcomcr. comeUsi: Edith Carey, oout-ilu.; Mrs. Blan-.-ho Kcskr. reader: L JHlre, violinist; Mrs, Harry E. MayfleM, soprano, Mrs. WOAPdChk«o!P'il^*Cenrral, 360). 10*0 p. ID.. George „R nil], Jr., Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAR, Philadelphia. Pa. i Eastern. 355).. 12*0-1230 P. m.. Organ recital, WUliaw KW?,,st^il*y J^nf U-r; 12:30. Dinner limbic. Arcadia Cafe Cornjert <"" ■'h-trit; 2*0-3*0, Piano solo hy Edna I l^-'V-.i concert. Arcadia Cafe Conotrt Orchestra; '3U '*'•-»' I'-ltliuc stories. Dream Daddy: 7»5, "OOK reoyi. Doris Hjiie* 8:00, Batik, play. Waiter Gieenough Players; 10:10, Moming Glor> Club Program sonra by Horry Clyn. dance music. Howard Lanln s Arcadia Cafe Dance Orchestra. ,„., .j» _ m WEAF. New York. H. Y. (Eastern. 492), 4*0 P m-. Herman Levin,.-, pianist; 430. Mrs. Sybjl Griffith, wvprano: AA5. D.-1U Rior.lnn. lady baritone. 5*0. Christmas program for children hy Ghrtbel ■ ?-*»Doited Sports rTallt. Thornton Fishor: 8*0. A^bam i Straus, chorus: 830, I,ouIse Docker Scanloo, so ■uutreaeh of the Early Church," Dr. Robert i 5»^"" Hjreri 830-930. Banc! recital. Western Union xvio craph Otmi»arty's Boys' Band. „„_. .» „ _ WFI, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 395). 1:00 0 «■• Stratford Orchestra: 3*0. Lo __. .30, Meyer Davis llell-vue Strat . _ Orchestra: 7:00, Bedtime stories by Cousin Sue; talks from Snowball Land. WGI, Medford Hillside, Mau. (Eastern, p. m., Amrad Women's Club: "New Sy Evelono Spencer; Eatson program; 730. Charh Wagner. _Radlo Poet; Vocal eolectlons _.. Schenectady, N. V. (Eastern, 380). 2:00 p. m„ ■'Cro.-ia-Stit.hiiiK and Last-niluuto l'hrli,iiin, Uilts " : ir.JO. Clilldren'B program; 7J5, Wo tan Zoellner. vloliiil-i: \\(\\ orrltestra; 1030 p. m., Hawaliun program: James Early, pianist; Pacific Hawaiian Trio; William Totterdale. tenor. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 4*0-5*0 p. m., W.ilnut Tlie, iter orchestra; Strand Tliealer Urelo'strii . 730-9*0, Concert, Louisville Eight, Artlmr Jack-urn, drummer: Paul Phelps, pianist; Murray Mt»". , lutnjoht: firlswaia Glover, -,i_, ..[ili.til -i : n,.iiald Colburne, j.>\.-,l')ioiil-t : Ro'.ir_-n Mv.-r.;. i«mi-ii--t. WHK, Cleveland, Ohio (Eastern. 283). 9:00 p. m., Concert Program arranged by tho Cleveland Radio Dealers' Association. _ ,_ WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 380), 2:15-3:15 p. m.. Indiana Five Orchestra: 930-10*0, Meln Club Da new Orchaitri H. W. Bollet, leader; hj:is-io:45, Fred Wliib-houw lt.-vi.iv: 10:45-12:00, H,-j S.rcimders. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 500). 3*0 p. m„ Popular program by alngere (rooi Remlck Dinner music, by George Thor-- 7*0. ,11. .1 ill l-t'.k, flul. by Uncle Wlp. III. (Central. 447.7). 10:00 Elberg. pianist; Howard Neuralller, plau a Blackwclt. soprano; Gertrude >orth nvl'l, ,.vnist: Oriole Orchestra. WLW, Cincinnati Ihio Central, 309). 4*0 p. m. "MacDowell," Mildred Teinolelon \\'llliama WMAQ. Chlcaoo, III. (Central. 447.5). 430 p. Conservatory : 7 *). Mrs. Frances M. 1< on.. Awake Clul." 730, 'V'lv mualca] lecture. Mrs. Man E. Obemdorfcr: 830, WMAQ, Dance Orchestra; 9:15, CosmopoliUn School of Music WOC. Davenport. Iowa (Central. 484), 12:00 m,. Chimes 330 p. m.. "Xli,'.:-,--ti, Hi,, and Destroy or of Life,'rC A. B : ■ 'i I C3 ■■: 830. S.uidinini ■< visit; 7*0. "Is the Retail Dealer a Necessity or a Milsancei" J. W. Gi ■) «■■■<■ WOO. Philadelphia. Pa. (Ea.tern. 509^ *01 130 a. m„ Organ recital, Mnr, (-:. Vort : 12*0-1 :00 p. m.. Dinner music. Wannmaker iv,-,(al T. ., Room Ore hes tra: Robert E. Golden, director. 4:«-5:(in. ^ ■ ', E. Vogt; 730. Moni.lo:ne 1...I li LI' ham" «S»T Organ Vecltal, Mary E. Vogt; I0:lo, Danco m, i.ic, Adelphli Hotel "" '"■;'rS„ -,«-...= » WOR, Newark, N. 1. (Eastern, 405 . 2J°-?:*5.,.%J0,0' Cnrlyio T, Straub reading original poerus^^.-w-saju. Gertrnde Broncnkaut, ; 3:15-3:30, tun Huron Peckham, "Heallh 1-linU": 3 :H lylo T. Str.iuh r.-adlnir orldnal Poems Gertrude Rronenkuut. sriornno: 6:I5-G.JU, i O-'iO, Kent,, tit Kitchens Clul. Orr-h-Mra, ._. -.... Man In the Moon Stories for Children; 7*0-7. IS. k,.m,..,li Kil. It. ti, Clul. Orel,--, in WWi. Detroit. Mich, (r ■ ■ ■ ,., 517). 930 a Editor; 12*0 "3"*0. Detroit J^e«» OrcWrn ehestra: Anne Campbell, Dntroll "Poet; Laura Henkel, TocalW 0:30, D.-rmit News < Saturday, December 8 KDKA. E. Pittsburgh. Pa. (Eastern. 326). 1230 p. m.. DauglR.rty'SOrchwlrn,6:!5 W..tnjrh,,use Band I 7M, Children's period: 8:00. "Klnl., Gctrtgu M. button K'fi^AmS^CM l"rtP.clilc. «».. 6JS-730 ,. fc KConr". S I Ait,,. 3'?"uS, r,: lOSJO-IISX). Conwrt. dlreotlun ot llu^l, K.'w'rVSfand. Or.. (P.(IB», <«). 330 » I KBD?'st t™U. «»■ (C.nlr.1. MS). '30 p. !».. «l» K?iS?fflffiS.nKt™a.5«. m-j*! ^--„aS; ice Geo''Bakra O'Hm tie: Kra«H"iia. «m c»\ro lasanler. Desire Defrere: nTra^1Ji';.SaitJ^: io» HeTlS: Ml" P""a ■" Itioheepor. Eu»eolo Cor*BAP: <r^¥^^aTrt(S2tral. 476). 7*0-730 Carollnli p. m., Berlntr of tin. Ihi.-t.Ii-i , I national Sunduy School 1,-taoti, Mrs. \V, F. llanium. WBZ. Springfield, Mats. (Eastern. 337). 7*0 p. m„ lloU'l Klinliall Trio: 730 Twilight tales for the Kiddles; "Bring! oi: tho \\..,M I., Arnerie.i." iPienitrcil l.e "Our World Magazine"; 8*0, Mr.i, Met't.y. pljiiilst; William, tenor; 9:00, lied M m» siory for Grownnpj. Orison S. Marden. WDAP, Chloaao, III. (Central, 300), 10*0 p. m.. narnieny tllrls. Hob Brown. Fred Itti»e, Brtty Oolmt*. .lack Chan man's Orcliestra, WDAR, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern. 39S). 12*0-12:30 p. m., Oritmi recital. Wllllnui Klnlttt, Sim, ley Tlieal, 12:30, Dinner .\r.-:„lla I ;,l\, f,.i,.,rt tlrtlu,1 2:00-3*0, Concert, Arcadia Cafo Concert Orchestra; "" Beollmo stories. Dream Daddy. New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 402). 4*0 p. ' (ra: 5*0. nirMiua* prtwr.1111 eiuitireti, iiy v -i; 8:15, liro -ilioof 'I'M., 'l:iiti, \\ Hry.len, re,-|t,ttl„i,<; iV.,-,1 r Tailor. Imrlloue; 9 M5. I. illlnitiil W.k-Ii .tiiiin, |,|anlril , l.nekv Strllso I>uiit>, Oreiie.lra: 11*0, Vineenl l.oe, -,-, Daiur (Iri'heetri. WFAA. Dallas. Texas (Central. 47C). 12:30-1*0 p "Literal-* I.ltir.i." J. |>. C i : 8:t0-'JHO. ilr.l.. Iia from the Noitli T.-'-.n Slit.. T.-nehers' ColleRi-: 11:0012:00, Mis. May Ziircnlicln. |>lnnlrt. WFI. Philadelphia pn. (Eaiiern, 395), 1*0 p. m„ Mi-e.-r I'.t-.l; llell.-vuo SIr.itfor.1 nr,lii--(rn ; I.JO. M.->,-i Davit loiienii, Siratford OreliMira; 7:00, Talks from Snowball land. WGI, Medford Hlllsltle, Mau. (Eastern, 360). 7 JO p. m.. New England Busliifsw ProoIenUi Arthur It Ciinikl: ; Music. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (Eartem. Standard, 119), 12:30 1*0 0. m., Georgo Albert l;..i,. Ii.n.l. org.nli.1: 4:im. M",rllia Co li. 1i.hi.I-i. Ill ■ -lo Urood. llolllilitl ; 6^0, Vlneein l-,|..; Hotel Se.M.i I in. In 1 1 a WGY. Schenectady. N. Y. (Eattorn. 380), 0di» p. m., l-hll Hot -.. HjId-Im, iir.-l,. In, WHAS. UuUvllle. Ky. (Central. 400), 4*0-5*0 p. m.. Htratld Theater I It.-I ra ; Walnut Them.r I Ir.-li -tt a . 730-9:00, SyUlan Trio, [■",,, ml.. !■'. Mull. -,i..|i,.i i . Mm., t lul ni.iii. II in 1st; Evelyn IC.tlt-i-r. ylmilnl; Flank E. Dollens. U'nor. 5*0-5:30, Harry Reiser and Ills Carotin' Hoys; 730 8:00. UoloOv Hell, , Hie I'li.ver ,,.n.l. in t;iil (it, li. i,-.t: B:l5-8-J0. Iietulali Wolf. H». .,,h\ :.l„t„, , «:.<(!. X*"" ■ ■ 9:15-9 J WIP. Phlladolphii J:roo*"lvo',iiF,V in nrehesiia: 6:05. 509). :W>J» ■ »-'i limi tolio Th. isle, cm nwlch VlllaiK . . -illt .. Cliel. elenco talk, PbllmL-lpliln I'oll.i;. of riioniini-y I n u i ■ i ■" [Central, ^t?.7i. 10*0 p. m.-2:0O a. m.. (tcTiy miut, contralto; Carolyn Wlllard, plniil«t; ilrlole Orthcftra. WMAQ. Chlcaoo, III. (Central, 447.5), fl*0 p. m., Ilur rlH..n T. -1,1.1. ■! Illili .■■ I ..I Co.. I. '1:110. We. I. i I, J ,. ue. ChleoBo Theai WOC. Davonport. Iowa (Cent WJAZ, Chtcaf ,, i,:J0, ' I >. (2:0O m.. Chime*, ,.i .■■■nil ion," re ii. .li. :v,. .'a ti.ii: aaio, i*. s, r. t.r-i,. WOd; PhHsJ, lohla.' Pa. (Eastern, ow a. m„ Organ recital, Mary ]■: V.gti_l2*0-1 :0O 4:45-5 ll*0-ll;l<> WOR. Ndwsrk, ., i. (Eaitern, 405), 6:15-620 p. m. oaO-GJO. Psrft City Mali (jt.rirt; «aO-*-ja i.,iriii„ Rogers, soprano; 6-^.7 iiit, Id 7:00-7:19 Luclilo iiijeors. iKiprami; 7:la-7 w, \ < I i: •!• i "Mports up to the minute": 8*0-Oj10 I and 111' ( na)0-9:!5, i',.|..rt ,.f '„' ul.-it ;i I. ■ ■ 9:15-930. "I.auj-li. loffy" monologue, -1 9:30-1:45, c.,i,, . n ,.f ; pl»nn», franc-, m Aitelinnn: IfcOO. 10:15. Conerrl Of 2 riii II lill il*0. Four well fcnowi WTAM. OunlMtVOfelB IClMfi, 380), 0:00 9. m. . vnlng danco program hy tin vri'i i, WWI. Detroit. Mich. (Eaitarn. SI7). 030 a. m.. "To (Voaan'i Editor; 3*0 p. m.. Di n-. News Orchestra. Sunday, December 9 KFI. Las AngsK*. Calif. (Paclflo. 48*)). 10*0-104 a. m.. Sen >a; 4*0-5* p Bt., Qmoart presantml by Federated ' KHJ. Lm Ana«I«. Calif. (Paelflo. 393), 10*0 a. Sermon: IOJO-1230 p. ».. Sserrlom. Kl ,-.....,. . , i ■ :• Qua in P-7*), Arthur JJlakely. jranUl; 8*0-10*0. I»* l/m pn-gram KYW. Chleago, III. (Cr"*-' pastor; t M>. Ev ' .„.„ th« New Tr«taro«ii. . TrarulViofi by f** «• J a!Pa,^ah.VQH' W8AP, Fort WertJi. t«a» (Ceatral, 471). 11*0-17.15 fin., ihunh servl«s. First MethodUt Church. Rer. W. ■ ■ DO, Venpor eon«rt WOAR. Philadelphia, Pa. (EaetKB, 393), 230-4:00 P. »., Sweii.l vuvrau,. leoulai ,U.,le,| j,).. tl Arcadia 1*1.. . :,n Mt]„,-|. dlrtvlor. WBZ. Sartnin.ld. Mu>. (Ea.tern, ;t.'7l. I I :00 s m Church Senl,:.«. tliiiuh ol the i'nliv, Bet. [lUrl.. 1 Wing. I'tutor; riitUiarmonlo Male (Jiurtct. A.i«ln Cm, i. lurt.tjt. Havi-.ioii.l •' II. vk,-. 1 .(. tenor; lloir :.-.! I S, ,,[,!, ......... »"""■ i..."t,. ii Dowd, bt Koberi W. l„-i.i onan. ■ -i " I--'' N, ■-■ "rurjr: 830. Church x^rhva. St. Peter** Church, Jotui WDAP." Cnieaia.'^ \\\. (Central. 360), Drake Coiioetl i.n^.ml.lo mid SoloUU. WEAF. Mr* York. M. Y. (Eastern. 4M). Jj45 p. at.. IN Ltlotl of Chnn-h..* i>rocnuo; 3J3, fir B. Partoa Cadmin. r*0. "The Kail cf .let,, ■-,:,■ Vlvlmt OlllvrtiHUi , 7 .20. t'.t|,liol 'Hi. ,,l.-r Sm,,,, i fieli, l.a ..ii.l I", ,.,-,. I SI., n ot .\rtl-f, ■! 00 'FAA. Dalles.' Te«n* (Central, 47«). 6:00-7*0 p. m.. It, Ho I.H'ie <!.. Hi W .III. .in M ',„1,|..,„,. .1, |-,it-.i.:e,l ■ u.. I il: loam. || tin. Jlnini.i Mien. Or.-li.jtra. Smitliem MelhtNii.i I niu-i WGI. Medford HtlliKie. Mats. (Eastern, 360), 4*4 p. m.. "AdTriiiiiie II, .,„.■' \omli'. t',.t,i|titiloii; AM). ;u.,i,i rout," Omtet Bortoo ftdi 1 llllt'i ll, ■■ Mil le WCR. Buffala, N. Y. (Eastern. Standard, 310), 3:00 B a,., \. ,,r Btrrtca He, ti r llntle.ln,., l>„[i„v.,ro »1 Btptfjl I'huieii; 4aKl-5*0. Itohert MlllUl. or WC.Y. Sohcneelniii. N. Y. (Eeitern. 380). I03O a, m„ ""'' ■ I'" t ii. ,i-n ( i'l -I,. [[.-, ,; J ,e d 111 , iVHV Symphony: 730. BeiTWMAS. i",.„i .v 'ii,.' Li '"central .400), 8 37 a. m., OnpUl muale: lOUK), .1 i, .,,,,.:, Hiouiwuv Hainlrtt, It,. I,, it., ii i i-i,:,,,. ,., i, , ; „, ,(,.., N llow.i^; l.-lill-rtalti ci, til., Snored, SliaiVUC) WHK. Cleveland,' Ohio (Enetem, 383). D*0 p. m„ In itnimxitul an, I i nio.i-. , i.v [he WUK Trio and farorito artlsta; 930, Chapel nnlcv, Glennfio Pat nii,vi..ii I'linr, h. li,, v ii i i, ,,..-., . . |„„tor. WHN. New York. N. Y. (Eait-m, ;Hi«). f.:IS-530 P. m„ Itii.ll., l-lve I', .tire tireliealrn, WIP. Philadelphia. Pa. (Eatlern, 500), 4*0 p. ID,. Tall.a. iU-M ;,.[in ml., ,m, V. M (' A. W1A2. Chloaoo. III. (Central, 447.7), ti:iHI.!)*0 P. Bl„ May I., nil |,|ai,t-it; Mad,, S. 7, till. :o.|,ntini; tlrlolo WLW.' Clnolnnatl, Ohio (Central, 309). 030 a. tn.. Siin.l.,, S,l,„.,l , ,vl,-. l.lli... l..t Siflff of Muiuliy Kebtwl Pvibll, ..*!.,, i ., M,n,..n.i u.,,,1, OOOteflti 11*0, Barnoaj, Cliureh ,u (li, t..,.i,,i,i, n,. rmrik Rteieii Monday, December 10 KFI. Loi Anaelee, Calif. (Paelfto. 469). 0X8-7 30 p. tn., . Coral AtlthLii >fBAP, Fort Worth. Tixae t Central, 478), 730-830 p. m., tiuy I'ltner .1 Uiooln, Murrie; 930-10X8, Con.ort, J . .Jul Turli-tou Aarl. Coilei!c, /OAR. I,, (l,.M*rn. 398). 11*0-1230 P. n.. Organ ,.„ Nil, Wllltitm M,l... St. n lev Th« t»r: 12:00-1*0. Arvadla *'m„ t, I uieli«ira; 2*0 3:00, Conc.ti. Ai, ulia fat,. r.,i,,,.,i tii.lie.ira. 430. 1' mrllal, l-alin. Kin,. 7 MO./ :4ft, Hh .n i ..... ittulre. llreatn Untidy; 7X8-9*0. Mmli.K I'l.tnt, »«. *lovr, Janim Niiiumi; 10:10. l>aiu« inualc, Howard laiiiin'i Arcatlla Cafo Otchralra. ™ Men ||. I.ITIO 7:41). i..l. : 83)0, Hoall Falrd ., . M-.ri M II, li i | at. 113)0, fa; Men VVII.Ieriniin: l*mg laland WFiri'ph'iiadeiplila. Pa. (Enttorn, SOS). 1*0 p. m„ M.l.T H t.l, II.. II,-,. i. Hi", II n. in, I'latil a . I ,[,.-.le,l 1. -al ■. I. I; III. Uej/or Darli Btuorua Btnlford Orati itra; /*0, Telka i"'in .' ill, all Land. WORj Buftalo. N. Y. (Eait.rn, si;.ii,i..r,i, ;i|,i), i; in. ■ (irtilln Itaml.'i i . 1 r ,.lir,| 11. llllelt 11,. I, '.' . I 00, ,le IO.-..I, Ylollol.l; 030, 11:00. Vim lj.|.o-. Hotel :;r,H m theatre,; 7 30, Dlfsat oi av" >■■ ,. ' i. ,,, nn, >'d l.roi'ii'iii. H. Me,- in, ,, :■■.., . iMtlll). N. Y, WC.Y, Sohoneotady, N. Y. (Eaatern. 3110), 2*0 p. m., "t'lnl.tttia, I'l ,1.1 |.'l..u., i." Mi , W I C. ,. WOl ■ > i 1 1 . tra; Ui Llbotl <• Klnum, Ia>U llardf»ty, plenlfli-, I-.: n iiui, i WHAS. Uulevllle. Ky. (Central, 400). 4*0-8*0 p. m., Wiilnui tir.lo .ti a ; "Tin, I. Aspect of World Affair-." It-.l. ,, WHA2. Troy, ti. Y. (Emltrn. nui), 0:00 p. m.. I-aw r.-iuv Trio. Wlllm.l I), I.., , ,,-in ', i i ■■ ■ 1'u. Il»y. nliiil.t: Mi « llll ' i riiilnMrina talk. Dr. "nn WHN. Haw York. N. Y. (, 3001. 8*0-6:13 p. m.. I I.. II M "I Mn I. , . ,' loll On. : u.i I li,. i Il,H,.ln„i| Danco Or-ln-ttra; 0*0-9 :1ft. AlTt.-l Hull,, ■■,. II li |,latil»t. WIP, Philadelphia. Pa, (Eaetwn. BOO). 3:00 p. fn„ l',.|,ul»r iiroeri.tii. Il,,i,-i \v..i o,i,. at.i , 0:0ft. f'oltn t)reli,*tra and I ,il. 1 1 in. -, , , '! .m, llr.nirn„ etorlaa and roll, nil hy On.l,. Wn. WLW. Clnolnnatl, Ohio (Central, 309). 4*0 p. m.. J.n nln K.-hrt. iilanLl, . '1,, i,„i,h .'Htli,k (j.ntrlet: "Tim Hiiirltunl Tcln.-i ..i ti,. \i.ui.«.,r Poeta Wll.nn MacPirlainl. "W ■ ■ -\ ■ ,■' v '■ 090, i ■..• I. | 'lie ■.,'■!■ ,i i'.-.i. (I . OofH mn Dl (irehcalra; Vnntia [lei—, 'lm!". WOO, Philadelphia. Pa. (Esettrn, 600). 11*0-11:30 a. m., Orceii i-.-ltal. Marv K, Vogt: 12*0-1*0 p. m., ( r I o|.,|o «■,-,,!, mail. ■ I Ip-..I:,I 'I'. ■, It I II. i I,. . 4X5-8:00, Orran t- . tl ll, Ull I I'otfl /MIL m ' ' ■''■■ .m!„I|-IiIii i in ,i.e, i i. ...nn.,,. m . On ii, ... ItaJ, ll ... B. Vogt; 10:10, "■■■■ i ,-1 ■ \,i. iL.|,i • llutol Ordus won. IsU p. i >. ■... n -r'"i'ir.i; Tr.,ra«til». ronti-ultii; 0:18.930, Cordon Ht»«««», hart , . . ■ . ■ Hbrron*. in "". Fli it Orabaln, World-Wide Use of Radio Laid Before Business Men ... ,!>!■■ to business men who md b..yoii-i tno p. R 1). Nat-1. ■ tho prca ii (lr.Ht tin In (hlK ntry. ■ ■ ■ : the Intornational , tho Mia i pohllcatlons, Mr nubile from tho I ihtnBton, D. Ci I copy.