Radio Digest (Oct 1923-July 1924)

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RADIO DIGE: WITH HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL These Stories Will Aid Opera Listeners v of La FOEiA Del Destiko, WMAQ, BbCBKBSB 19 DON ALVARO. a young Indian price, ajtempts to elope with Leonora the daughter of the Maro.uis of Calatrava, a Spanish nobleman. They are discovered and the Marquis in his anger accidentally discharges his pistol killing himself. P"" Carlo. Leuoras brother, swears that lie will kill both Don Alvaro and Leonora when ho finds them. Leonora seeks rehire In a monastery, where dressed as a man she becomes a mysterious -ho inhabits a cave. The Abbot puts a curse on anyone who seeks to learn her identity. , . , . .. Meanwhile. Ton Alvaro has joined the Spanish army. He saves the life of a wounded fellow soldier who turns out to bo Don Carlo. having seen each other they become rare is wounaed in battle k«B Don Carlo promise that be will a casket filled with letters and pic Although Don Carlo does not open this box. he discovers a picture of Ins sister, and when Don Alvaro recovers he. challenges blra to a duel in which Don Carlo is wounded. Don Alvaro does not feel that he can now find Leonora with the blood of both her father and brother and becomes a priest. Here Don Carlo, recovered, seeks him out and arouses the kindly priest to fight a duel Willi him. The hillside they choose Is near the cave In which Leonora Is confined. Don Carlo Is arain wounded, this time fatally. Unable to rive the dying man the last sacra • ments due to the ban placed upon this hillside by the Abbot. Don Alvaro calls the friar who .•are. Leonora seeing that her brother is dying rushes to embrace him. Don her in the presence of Don Alvaro suspects them both and stabs her as nor arms go about him. Don Alvaro now fee'lng that he has been the cause of three throws himself over the cliff as the .rrive singing a Miserere. Stobt of Hansel aVcd Gretel., KIW, December 20 THIS opera will please you all I am sure, with its happy hilarious ending. Nor is it sentimental and weepy which IS a relief, is it not? If you want an evening of pure fun and unadulterated by any grown-up amotion listen in to Hansel and Gretel, and let your imagination wonder on impossible things. Bemember that Hansel and Gretel are the children of Peter, a broom-maker, and his wife Gertrude. They are very poor. In the first act the wife comes home with nothing for her ohlldren to eat Cross and tired the mother send the children Into the woods to gather strawberries. They wander here and there eating the berries until the sandman pours sand into their eyes. The next morning when they are awakened by the Dewman, the Dawn Fairy, they see a wonderful gingerbread house. As hungry Hansel begins to eat this attractive dwelling, out pops the old witch. She puts Hansel into the bam to fatten on almonds and raisins and makes Gretel stoke the fire which is to bake him Into gingerbread. Gretel pretends she cannot make the fire bum. When the witch pokes her head in the stove to see what the matter is, the little girl pushes her In and closes the door. When Hansel Is released and the other little children have been turned back from gingerbread Into real boys and girls, they dance and sing together. — The Program Lady. Tuesday, December 18 CKAC, Montreal, Can. (Eastern, 430), 7*0 p. m.. Kiddies* stories in French and English; 7:30. Orchestra; 8:15, Concert, Raoul Vennat, director. KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern, 326), 6:15 p. in.. Grand Symphony Orchestra; 7:45, Children's Period; 8:15, "A Visit to Home and St Peter's Church," Dr. John B. Ewers; 8:30, Clora B. Elder, soprano; Flora B. Bingstad, pianist; Minard Lozier, tenor; Bess H. Tetter, accompanist; 1 1 30, Queen City Serenaders. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6-45-7:30 p. m.. Concert, George J. Birkle Music Co.; 10:00-11:00. Sol Cohen, violinist. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 492), 330 p. m.. Talk by Jeannette P. Cramer; 8:00, Talk for farmers. George W. Kalle; 10:00, Dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 230-330 p. m.. Matinee musieale; 6:45-7 30, Weekly visit of "The Sandman;" 8:00-10:00, Golden West Commandery Band, S. H. Ferine, director; E. Alexander Hyer, tenor; "Mud and Stars," Dr. Thomas Lutman; 10:0012:00, Art Hickman's Orchestra. KP0. San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific, 423), 6:00-7:00 p. m.. Dinner program, Studebaker "6" (Royal Hawaiian Orchestra); 8:00-10:00. Symphonic Ensemble of San Francisco, George Slavasky, director; 10:001 1 #0, Palace Hotel Orchestra. KSD, St Louis, Mo. (Central, 546). 8:00 p. m., Choir of Union Methodist Episcopal Church; Address, H. L. Dahm. KYW, Chicago, III. (Central, 536), 235 p. m.. Studio program; 6:50, Children's bedtime story; 8*01-8-28, Program, American Farm Bureau Federation; 8359 SO, Elaine DeSellem, soprano; Blrr^s Orchestra; Blanche Ferdinand, pianist; I. Freedman, banjoist; E. Dauphinais, trombonist; Mary McAuliff, pianist; Charles E. Birr, violinist; Earl Bown, saxophonist: Bobert Daker, drummer; Nick Varzos, cornetist; 10-00-1230 a. m.. Midnight Bevue: Herbie Mintz. pianist; Wendell W. Hall, KYW's Music Maker; "Sen" Kaney, specialty act; W. Remington Welch, organist. WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas (Central, 476); 730-830 p. m., Concert arranged by E. Clyde Whltlock, violinist, featuring his artist pupils; 930-10*45, Fort Worth Harmony Club. WBZ, Springfield, Mass. (Eastern, 337), 7:00 p. m., "Winter Courses at the College for Farmers," John Plulan; 7 30, Bedtime Story for Kiddies; "Social Values in the Home," Agnes H. Craig; 8*00, Christmas Organ recital, Arthur n. Turner. WDAB. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395). 12*00 m., Organ recital, Stanley Theater; Piano solos, Edna Finestone: 2:00-3-00 p. m., Concert Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra. Feri Sarkozl. director; 7:30, Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy; 7:45, Dramatic review, Walter Greenough. WEAF, New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 492). 11:00-11*20 a. m„ Y. W. C. A.; 11*20-1135. Board of Education; 1135-1130, Adele F. Woodward; 4:00-430 p. m., Helen Graves, mezzo soprano; 430-5:00 p. m., Guy Hunter, singer and pianist; 5:00-530, Christmas program for children: 730-7:40, Thornton Fisher's Snort Talk: 8:10-8*20, American Surety Co.; 830-8-40, Brooklyn Daily Eagle; 8*40-9*00, Arllne Thomas, dram, soprano; 9:15-9:30. Columbia Phonograph Co.: 9 30-10 30, Old-Fashioned Minstrel Show. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 12:30-1:00 p. m., Addgas, DeWltt McMurray; 8 30-9 30, C. M. Saner. b«io«(r II -00-12:00 midnight, Harris Bros. Orchestra. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380), 2*00 p. m . "Solving the Gift Problem with Books;" 7:45 An all-star revuslcal comedy, entitled, "Up and Down Broadway." WGY Players. Wwmimm To the left and above we present Miss Bernice Carlton, popular violinist in the Texas Christian University semimonthly programs broadcast from WBAP, and Helen Bell Rush, coloratura soprano, who will sing from WEAF Wednesday evening, December 19. Above, in the center, is Santa himself, who is busy these days and even working overtime to be able to talk from all the stations to his particular friends, the kiddies, and to the grown-ups too Santa, K. & H. Photo WHAS, Louisville. Ky. (Central, 400). 4:00-5*00 p. m.. Strand Theater Orchestra; "Just Among Home Folks," Selections, Walnut Theater Orchestra; 7 309:00, Concert, Williams L. Vick, director. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360), 3*45-4:30 p. m., William A. Tyler's Orchestra; 4:30-5:00, Program by the "Cosmopolitan Singers," 5:00-530, The "Hollywood Serenaders;" 9:30-9*45, Lew Holtz, famous Broadway comedian of the "Tent;" 9:45-1030, Chas. Hathway's Orchestra; 10:30-11:00, Shapiro Bernstein Music Co.: 11:00-12*00, Ernest Graeppel's Castle House Orchestra from the Punch and Judy Theater. WIP. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509), 1 :0O p. m., Karl Bonawitz, organist; 3*00, George Kelly and bis record-recording orchestra; 6*05, Dick Regan and his WIP Little Symphony Orchestra; 7*00, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories; 8:00, Dramatic review, Lester Lester; 10:15, Charlie Kerr and his orchestra from Hotel St. James. WJAX, Cleveland, Ohio, (Eastern, 390), 7 30 p. m., Program arranged by the Cleveland News -Leader; Bedtime story, E. G. Johnson, Santa Claus talk to the children; 7:45, Concert program by the professional department of the Francis J. Sadlier Studio of Music. Specialty numbers by favorite artists. WJAZ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.7), 10:00 p. m.-2 a. m., Helen Hawle, pianist ; Helen Greim, pianist ; J. Henry Welton, tenor; Walter Borcbard. violinist; Oriole Orchestra. WJZ, New York. N. Y. (Eastern, 455), 8:00 p. m., "Broadcasting Broadway;" 8:15. "Retail Advertising," University of the Air talk. Frank Arklus: 8 30, Estey Organ Recital; 9:30, Charles D. Isaacson concert; 1030, Dance program. Hotel Astor Dance Orchestra. WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio (Central, 309), 4:00 p. m., Current Topics for Women; 10*00, Special program given by the Knox Presbyterian Church. D. L. M. DeVaux, director; Idella Banker, soloist; William H. Grubbs, accompanist; Herbert Hevlet, minister; Ora May Ballinger, violinist; Inspirational talk by May Cornell Stoiber; 11:00, The Pansy Entertainers. WMAQ, Chicago, III. (Central, 447.5), 4:30 p. m., Glenn Dillard Gunn School of Music: 7:00. Talk on eyes, Dr. L. E. Barnes: Wm. Bethlta of LaSalle Extension University; 8 30, WMAQ Orchestra: 9*00, LaSalle Hotel Trio: 9:15, Lyon & Healy program. WMC, Memphis, Tenn. (Central, 500), 8:30 p. m.. Program arranged by Marguerite Storch ; 1 1 :00, Regular Midnight Frolic. WOC, Davenport Iowa. (Central, 484). 12-00 m.. Chimes; 3:30 p. m., "Sleeping Sickness." A. G. Htnrichs; 5:45, Chimes. WWJ, Detroit, Mich. (Eastern, 517). 9:30 a. m., "Tonight's Dinner." Woman's Editor; 9:45. "Ironing Day." Fred Shaw; 3:00 p. m., Nichol's Blossom Heath Inn Orchestra; 8:30. Detroit News Orchestra; The Detroit News Choristers. Wednesday, December 19 KDKA. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. (Eastern. 326), 630 p. m., Pittsburgh Athletic Association Orchestra; 7:30, Talk on Books, Priscilla Guthrie's Book Store; 7:45. John Martin's evening with the children; 8:15. "The Advantage of Physical Examination In Industry;" 830, Steel City Quartet, A. M. Berseth, first tenor; J. F. Nelson, second tenor; S. Jones, first bass; J. H. Thomas, second bass; A. L. Vetter, accompanist; KDKA Little Symphony Orchestra. KFAE, Pullman, Wash. (Pacific. 330), 7:30 p. m., "How to Prepare for One's Vocation," Dr. D. W. Hamilton; "Value of a Knowledge of Spanish," Prof. F. C. Chalfant; "Drainage from the Sanitary Standpoint," Prof. A. B. Crane. KFI, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 469), 6:45-7:30 p. m., Detective stories, Nick Harris, detective; 10*00-11 •00, Concert of instrumental numbers. KGW, Portland, Ore. (Pacific, 942), 330 p. m.. Children's program, music by children and story by Aunt Nell; 8:00, Orchestra concert, auspices of Helen Harper; 9*00, Business talk, James Albert; 10-00, dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra. KHJ, Los Angeles, Calif. (Pacific, 395), 2:30-330 p. m.. Matinee musicals; 6:45-7 30, Children's program: 8-00-10:00, De luxe program, Harry Thompson, baritone; 10*00-12:00, Art Hickman's Orchestra. KPO, San Francisco. Calif. (Pacific. 423). 8*00-9*00 p. m., Gustave H. M. Schultcis. organist: 9:00-10*00, Dance music. E. Max Bradfield's Orchestra. KSD. St. Louis. Mo. , (Central, 546). 7:00 p. m., Abergh's Concert Ensemble, Arne Arnesen. violinist: 1 1 :00, Hotel Statler dance music. KYW, Chicago. III. (Central, 536). 6:50 p. m.. Children's bedtime story: 8*00-8 58. Salvation Army Staff Band: Wendell W. Hall. KYW's Music Maker; Sallie Menkes, accomoanist: 9*05-9:15, "Forest Fires Put the Wreck in Recreation," Field and Stream; 9:15, Bevlews of the latest books, Llewellyn Jones. PWX, Havana. Cuba (Eastern, 400), 8:30 p. m.. General Staff Band of the Cuban Army. WBAP. Fort Worth, Texas (Central. 476). 730-830 p. m.. Sam S. Lnsh. baritone: 930-10:45, George Freeman's Sooner Serenaders. WBZ, Springfield. Mass. (Eastern, 337), 6-00 p. m., WBZ Quintette; 7 30, Twilight tales for kiddles; "The Farmer's Job — Feeding New England — Don't Be Afraid of What Happens in the Dark — Relation of Middleman to Producer and Consumer," Samuel C. Hood; Story for grown-ups. Orison S. Marden,; 8*00, Williams College Musical Clubs; 11*00, WBZ Quintette; Leo Fenway, tenor. WDAP, Chicago, III. (Central. 360), 10:00 p. m.. Hugh Marshal, tenor; Jack Chapman's Orchestra. WDAB, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 395). 12:00 m.. Organ recital, Stanley Theater; Concert, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra: 2:00-3:00 p. m.. Concert Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra: 730, Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy; 1030, Arcadia Cafe Concert Orchestra, Howard Lanln. WEAF, New York, N. Y. (Eastern. 492). 11-00-11:20 a. m.. Columbia University; 1130-11*50. Board of Education: 12:00-12:15 p. m.. Chapel service; 4:004:15. Jesse Bobertson, bass: 4:15-430. Doris Allbee. pianist; 430-5*00, Carl Haydn, tenor; 5:00-530. Christmas program for children; 7*00-7 30. United Synagogue of America; 7:30-7:40. Thornton Fisher's sport talk; 7:50-8*00, American Agriculturalist; 8:00-8:15, Helen Bell Rush, coloratura soprano: 8 20-8:40. Battery Instruction talk; 8:40-8:50. Bank of America; 9:00-9:10, Board of Education: 9:159:45 p. m., Charles Wold and his musical glasses: 9:45-10:15, Phil Ohman Trio; 10:15-10:45. Almon Knowles. baritone. WFAA, Dallas, Texas (Central, 476), 1230-1*00 p. ID., Address, representative of the Dallas Chamber. WFI, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern, 395), 1:00 p. m., Meyer Davis Bellevue Stratford Orchestra: 3*00, Piano recital, Loretta Kerb ; 6 30. Meyer Davis Bellovue Stratford Orchestra; 7*00, "Snowball" stories. WGR, Buffalo. N. Y. (Eastern, 319), 12:30-1-00 p. m.. Goorge Albert Bouchard, organist; 4:00. Tea time music. Martha Gomph, harpist; Ellse de Grood. violinist: 6 30. 11:30, Vincent Lopez Hotel Statler Dance Orchestra; 7 30, Digest of the days news; 8:45. Christmas carols, fifty voices. Girl Reserves, Y. W. C. A., direction Miss Lucile Stewart: 9*00. Mixed program, by the H. C. Weasner Publishing Co. WGY. Schenectady, N. Y. (Eastern. 380). 6:30 p. m.. "Adventure Story." The Youth's Companion. WHAS. Louisville, Ky. (Central, 400), 4-00-5-00 p. m.. Walnut Theater Orchestra; Strand Theater Orchestra; 730-9:00, dies Meyer's Orchestra. WHN, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 360). 5:15-530 p. m.. Ross Fowler, baritone; 7:15-8:15. Clover Garden's Orchestra; 8:15-8:30, Sarah Steward Bowne. soprano; 8:30-8:45, Versatile Trio from the Sharlie Restaurant: 8:45-9*20. Leo Feist Entertainers: 9*20-9:50. Edw. B. Marks Music Co.; 9*50-10:15. Jimmy Clarke and His Entertainers; 10:15-11*00, Original Nashville Syncopators; 1130-11:45, S. Jay Kaufman and his celebrities. WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509). 6*05 p. m.. Jordan-Lewis dance orchestra, direction Bob Lewis; 7:00, Uncle Wip's bedtime stories. WJAZ, Chicago, III. (Central. 447.7), 10:00 p. m.-2 a. m., Helen P. Berth, contralto; Max Rosner. baritone; Sisson Trio; Oriole Orchestra. WJZ, New York, N. Y. (Eastern, 455). 3:00 p. m., Frieda Levin, soprano: 3:15, First Symphony Cella Quartet: 4:30, Tea music. Hotel Commodore Orchestra; 7:00, "The Adventures of Peter," a Shadowland story, Florence Vincent: 7 30-8:15, Piano recital. Frederick Cheeswrlght; "The Progress of the World," a Review of Reviews talk; Frank Jacod, French tenor8:30, Address, Joseph A. Faurot: 8:45. Frank Jacod: 9:00, "First Aid for Christmas Shoppers." Anne Lewis Pierce: 9:15, "United States Navy Night." Rear Admiral E. R. Stitt. WLW. Cincinnati, Ohio (Central. 309), 4*00 p. m.. Paderewski, the Pianist and Compcser. William Afsprung; 7:30, Special half-hour program for children; Laura Edith Freeh, pianist; Radario. "Fari6ada," Crosley Radarians; 8*00. Grove's Orchestra; 830, Cincinnati College of Music, Estelle K Whitney, reader: 830, Cincinnati Zither Quartet: 8:15. Grove's Orchestra; Bertha Kershner. violinist: Dorothy Klein, soloist; Cincinnati Zither Quartet, WMAQ, Chicago, 111. (Central, 447.5). 1:00 p. m., Chicago Ass'n. of Commerce luncheon: 430. Pupils of Cosmopolitan School of Music; 6 30. Georgene Faulkner, story lady, tells Christmas stories: 7:00. Weekly lecture from Northwestern University; 8*00. "La Forza Del Destlno," opera at the Auditorium Theater, by Chicago Civic Opera Co., opera in Italian, music by Verdi, libretto by Piave. four acts, cast: Marguis of Calatrava. Alexander Kipnis: Donna Leonora. Claudia Muzio; Don Carlo. Cesare Formiclii; Don Alvaro, Gullio Crinii: Abbot of the Franciscan Friars. Vlrgilto Lazzari ; Melitone. a friar. Vittorio Trevisan: Creziolilla. Kathryn Meisle: Maid of Donna Leonora, Beryle Brown; Mule Driver, Lodovico Oliviero; Alcald, Milo Luka; Conductor, Georgio Polacco. WOC. Davenport. Iowa (Central, 484). 12*00 ra. Chimes: 3 30 p. m.. "The Value of Urinalysis." Clyde G. Kern; 630. Sandman's Visit: 7-00, "The Winter Poultry Flock," M. H. Hoffman: 8*00. Mrs. Frank W. Elliott, organist ; 9 :00. Two-hour concert, Schmidt Music Co. orchestra: Amalia SchmMt-C.obblo. soprano: Maud Marshall Bond, reader: Mr. Hippie, saxophonist; Karl Hippie, rylophonist ; Henry Schmidt. Jr., mellophonist: Arthur R. Sehultes, clarinetist; Edwards Congregational Male Quartet; Women's Chorus. WOO. Philadelphia, Pa. (Eastern. 509). 114)0 p. n*u Organ recital, Mary E. Vogt; 12:00-1*00 p. a.. Dinner music, Wanamafcer Crystal Tea Room Orchestra; 5:15. Organ recital. Mary E. Vogt: 7:45. Dinner music Adelphla Hotel Orchestra: 8:00. Monologue, Ralph Bingham; 830, Recital. WOO Orchestra; 1030, Dance music, Adelphia Hotel Orchestra. WTAM. Cleveland. Ohio (Eastern. 390). 8-00 p. ■-. Overture and orchestral numbers. WTAM Orchestra: Piano solos. Miss Clara Sharp: Harp solo. Miss Virginia Renter; Vocal numbers by "The Masked Singer"; piano by "The Masked Accompanist"; Violin solos, Mr. Ben Sllverberg: Trumpet solo. Frank Hruby; Miss Clara Sharp, accompanist; Mrs. Dorothy Lenz. contralto; Clara Sharp, accompanist: Duet. Martha Broda, soprano. Mrs. Dorothy Lens, contralto; Clara Sharp, accompanist: Martha Broda, soprano. WWJ. Detroit. Mich. (Eastern. 517). 930 a, ■.. "Tonight's Dinner." Woman's Editor; 12-00 a., Jean Goldkette's Orchestra: 830, Detroit News Orchestra; Fred Moehring, pianist: Aleen T. Warner, soprano. Thursday, December 20 CKAC. Montreal. Can. (Eastern, 430). 7*00 a. a.. Kiddies' stories in French and English; 7 30, Concert. Desrochers' Trio: Paul Valade. soloist KDKA, E. Pittsbrugh, Pa. (Eastern, 326). 6:15 p. a.. Grand Symphony Orchestra: 7 30. Weekly Chat with Fanners, Frank E Mullen: 7:45, Uncle Remus has a story for the children: 830. Concert. South Side Presbyterian Church Choir ; 1 1 30. late evening concert. KFI. Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific. 469). 6*45-730 p. a.. Concert, local Y. M. C. A., and opera story: 10-001 1 *00 p. m.. Concert program. KGW, Portland. Ore. (Pacific. 492). 330 p. a., Polly Predniore Linden. Interior decorator; 8:00. Dramatic program. Doris Smith; 10*00. Dance music, George Olsen's Metropolitan Orchestra. KHJ. Los Angeles. Calif. (Pacific 395). 230-330 p. a.. Matinee musieale: 6:45-7 30, Children's program; 8-00-10.-00. Lincoln High School Chorus; 10:00-12:00, Art Hickman*s Orchestra. KPO. San Francisco, Calif. (Pacific 423). 6:00-7:00 p. m.. Warfield Theater Orchestra, George Ltpechultz, conductor: 8:00-9-00. Program. Mme. Cailleau. director: 9:0010. "00. Palace Hotel Orchestra. KSD. St. Louis. Mo. (Central, 5-16). 8*00 p. a.. Choir of Westminster Presbyterian Church, W. M. Jenkins. director; Lewis H. Williamson. U' KYW. Chicago. III.. (Central. 536). 630 p. ■.. Children's bedtime story: 7:45, "Hansel and G» opera at the Auditorium Theater by Chicago Civic Opera Company, opera in English, music by Humperdinelt, text by Adelheid Wette. three acts : cast : Hansel, Irene Pavloska: Gretel. Mary Fabian: The Witch, Maria Claessens; The Mother. Dora. Fernanda: The Father. William Beck: Sandman. Beryl Brown: Dewman, Margery Maxwell; Conductor. Frar. Legcr. WBAP. Fort Worth. Texas (Central. 47C). 7*30-0*30 p. m.. Concert, group of Fort Worth artiste: 93010:45. Knights of Pythias Girts* Mandolin Club. 0 WBZ. Springfield. Mass. (Eastern. 337). 7 30 p. a.. Twilight tales for the kiddies; Letter from the New England Homestead: 8:00. Mrs C Q. Simpson tralto; Mary Steele, accompanist: 9*00, Bedtime story for grown-ups. Orison S. Mardrn. WDAR, Philadelphia. Pa. (Eastern, 395). 12-00 aOrgan recital. Stanley Theater: Piano recital, Edna Finestone; 2.-00-3-00 p. m.. Concert Arcadia Cafe stra; 7 30-7:45, Bedtime stories. Dream Daddy. I WEAF. New York. N. Y. (Eastern. 492), II . "00-1 1 .25 a. m.. Clarke E. Davis of National I 11-25-11:50. William Johns of S« 4:00 J 5-00. Landon's Serenaders: 5*0-530; Christniis gram for children: 7-00-7 30, Midweek services M. Y. Federation of Churches: 7 30-7:40. Thornton "Plsh-t talk : 7:40-8-00. Dora Damon Pardee, cornetist: 8-00-8:10. Auction bridge talk: 8*50-9-00. Hearst's International Maraaine: 9-00-11-00. Special I!