Radio age (Jan 1927-Jan 1928)

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RADIO AGE for January, 192*, The Magazine of the Hour o3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS If you have anything to buy or sell, don't overlook RADIO AGE'S classified advertisements. The classified advertising rates are but five cents per word for a single insertion. Liberal discounts are allowed on three, six and twelve-time insertions, making rate of 4 1-2, 4 and 3 cents a word per insertion respectively. Unless placed through an accredited advertising agency, cash should accompany all orders. Name and address must be included at foregoing rates. Minimum contract charge $1.00. All classified ads for the February issue must be sent in by December 25. AGENTS WANTED WANTED, AN ACTIVE MAN TO TAKE ORDERS for Hardy fruit trees, berry bushes, evergreens, flowering shrubs and roses. Liberal commission. Free replacement. Sales instruction and outfit free. Sherman Nursery Company, attention Mr. Smith, Charles City, Gold Wave Aerial. Greatest Side Line out. Guaranteed to bring in more stations — gives pre-ter distance and selectivity. Reduces static to a minimum. Sells all dealers handling radio. Unlimited field. Big commissions and re-ordcrs. Luxem and Davis Mfg. Co., 6231 Broadway, Dept. 61. Chicago. MAN in each town to plate auto p»rts, reflectors, bath fixtures, sliver mirrors, refinish beds, chandeliers by new method; $10 doily: no capital or experience required; outfits furnished; write today. Gunmetal Company, Avenue J, Decatur. Illinois. SELI S for $9.75. Prints ad on wrapping paper, envelopes, etc. $1.00 commission. Send 10c for sample work. Automatic Ad-Stamper, Joplin, Mo. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FREE CIRCULAR— INSTANT COLD WEATHER starting for Ford, Chevrolet and Star owners — P. O. Box 1523-E, Denver, Colorado. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES What could be better than magazine subscriptions for gifts. Send stamp for our special list of subscription bargains. Midland Products, Dept. R. A., 524 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, Illinois. Twentieth Century Book of Receipts, Formulas and processes, an 807 cloth bound book containing 10.000 proven formulas for the manufacturer, workshop, laboratory, office and home. Sent prepaid upon receipt of $4.00. Send stamp for our 48 paie catalno nf |-.*e-t and best practical, scientific mechanical and industrial books. Midland Products Co.. Dept. RA, 524 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, III. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PECAN-Orange-Fig Groves "On the Gulf". Monthly payments. Guaranteed care. Big, quick returns. Suburban Orchards, Dept. R, Biloxi, Mississippi. LAND FREE If planted to bananas. Bananas bear a full crop the second year. $5.00 monthly will plant five acres, which should pay $1,500 profit annually. Reliable Companies will cultivate and market your bananas for 1-3. Bananas ripen every day and you g't your check every 90 days. For particulars address N-tjono| Development Company. Empire Building. Block 135. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. CODE DO YOU WANT TO MEMORIZE THE WIRELESS TELEGRAPH CODE? THE CORYDON SNYDER CODE METHOD IS EASIEST. QUICKEST. PATENTED. Send 10c coin for comphte method to Corydon Snyder. 1243 Rosemont Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. COLLECTIONS Three Collection Letters That Actually Collect: Product, 23 years' experience, $1.75. Address J. A. Hillsman, Lynchburg, Virginia. DOGS MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL LONELY HEARTS: Exchange letters: make Interesting new friends in our jolly club'. Particulars free. Eva Moore. Box 908. Jacksonville, Florida. RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS— WHY SUFFER? Guaranteod complete treatment mailed, postpaid $1.50. Persons Pronounced Incurable should try. This Remedy gets you results or money refunded. Square dealing. Write PROF. GUHA, BOX R-166. HUNTINGTON, IND. RADIO Build the Quadraformer Super VI. Genuine Essential Kit, $17.50 in Booklet 25c. Literature on request. 2244 Seminary Avenue, Chicago, HI real five tube set. uding instructions. R. P. Tomamichel, TROUBLE-SHOOTING. Do you know the key to the knowledge of any elrctrical circuit? You can find correct answer in a booklet written by nationally known authorities on Radio and Electricity. Ask your rodio dealer for "Practical Guide for Every Radio Builder and OwnV or S?nd 10c to-day ti Universal Test Equipment Co., 2939 N. Oakley Ave.. Chicago, III. Sold at all news stands in the city of Chicago. Buyers Service for Read for you standard radio tain same In your locali wanted, and if same ar make refund. R. P. T< of Rodio Age. I will buy chandise if you cannot obRemit list price of articles ot obtainable by me I will nichel. 2244 Seminary Ave., EXPERIMENTERS. Complete Chemical Apparatus and Radio Catalog. 1000 illustrations. Price 25c: refunded on $5.00 order. Laboratory Materials Company, 646 East 71st Street, Chicago. Guaranteed tubes, 199 and 20IA types $1.00 each. $7.50 units to make a loud speaker of your Phonograph only $2.49. $4.00 list head phones going at $1.69. This is real value, a standard make 3 tube set with long ranqe and lots of volume for $8.95, (less accessories), while they last. $12.00 loud speakers with genuine Bakelite Bel! at $6.95. Write for our prices before you buy your radio parts. Outlet Sales, 112 Calvert Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Do you want to build a real radio set at low cost? The circuit of the Web Wonder Four Is just out, send stamp for full particulars, Web Radio Co., Box 849, Chicago, III. Dept. B. P. RADIO TROUBLES OVER. Hoff's trouble finder locates, explains Remedy. 103 radio ailments. Particulars free. Smith, 516 Main, St. John, N. B. IVORY RADIO PANEL beats them all. Write for FREE Sample. Ivorylite Radio Panel Co., 3222 Ave. F. Fort Worth, Texas. A new circuit just out, something different. Send 2 cent stamp for information how to build your own set. Web Radio Company, Box 849, Chicago, III. Want to dispose of my Kennedy Universal Receiver type 110 and two stage Amplifier type 525. Exce'lent condition guaranteed. No reasonable offer refused. K. F. Oerlein, 2943 Cambridge St.. Philadelphia, Pa. ATTENTION SET BUILDERS. Increase efficiency and selectivity by installing set of binocular type radio frequency coils. Set Builders use extensively. Set of three $6.45. Money-saving price list mailed upon request. All articles sold on money back guarantee. Midwest Radio Supply, Dept. C, Box 222, Racine, Wisconsin. Radio Books — Construction of a modern Super Heterodyne Type Receiver including Testing and Operation $1.00; Henley's 222 Radio Circuit Designs. 267 pages. $1.00; The ABC of Vacuum Tubes used in Radio Reception 132 pages. 75 cents; Henley's Workable Radio Receivers 196 pages $1.00; Experimental Wireless Stations 392 pages $2.00: Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony Simply Explained 154 pages $1.00. Sent prepaid on receipt of price. Send stamp for our 48 page catalog of latest and best practical, scientific, mechanical and industrial books. Midlan-I Products Co.. Dept. RA, 524 Courtland Ave., Park Ridge, Illinois. SILICON Transformer Steel cut to order .014". 10 lbs. 25 cents, 5 lbs. 30 cents, less than 5 lbs. 35 cents per lb.. 4 cubic inches to the lb. .007" for radio frequency transformers, 50c cubic inch, postage extra. At least 'A cash with order — balance C. 0. D. Geo. Schulz, Calumet. Michigan. 99.7% Pure aluminum for Rectifiers, B Eliminators. Trickle chargers and transmitters >'2" round, 'Axl" rectangular 5c inch, >/4"x% 4c inch. %" round lead elements 3'/2" long 15c, 7 for $1.00 all with brass terminals, prepaid to 5 zone. No order less than $1.00 Geo. Schulz, Calumet, Michigan. PURE ALUMINUM and lead rectifier elements, holes drilled, with brass screws and nuts per pair 1-16", I"x4", 13c. 1x6, 15c, MAx6, 17c, l'/2x6. 19c, sin 'e elements half price. Sheet aluminum 1-16", $1 00 1-8" $1.90. Lead $1.00 square foot all prepaid. Geo. Schulz. Calumet, Michigan. CONDENSERS. 800 VOLT FILTER. .1 mfd 45c, .25 51c. .5 60c. I. 75c, 2. $1.20. 3. $1.80, 4. $2.40. 1500 VOLT FILTER, .1 51c. .25 60c, .5 75c, I. $1.05, 2. $1.95. 3. $2.70. 4. $3.60. ELIMINATOR BLOCKS. 2, 2, and 8 $5.70, 2, 2, 8 and I $6.15. 2, 2, 8. I and I $6.60. .1 and .1 in series 90c. Many other capacities. Acme transformers and chokes. THE RADIO CLUB. INC.. La Porte, Ind. 3 element Rectifier jars for B eliminators. B battery chargers and transmitters. I jar takes the place of 2 ordinary jars, >A "xW 99.7°'o pure aluminum, rubber covers binding posts 3" inside diameter $1.00 each, 4 for $3.00, prepaid to 5th zone. Vi cash with order balance C. 0. D. Satisfaction or money back, George Schulz, Calumet, Mich. Tubes all kinds, including latest power tubes at ( prices and special discount, send 2 cent stamp for prii and particulars. Web Radio Company, Box 849, CI cago, 111., Dept. TE. Eliminator parts 50H choke $2.00, 30H choke 20H choke $1.00. Write for list of parts includin densers and transformers. Postage prepaid. Radio Sales Company. Box 24, Orange, N. J. EUROPEAN broadcast 5124 Sheridan Road, Chicago, lllinoh Save up to 50% on Nationally Advertised Radio parts. Send for our new price list of Radio Kits. "B" eliminators. Radio Receivers and Parts. NATIONAL RADIOPRINT CO., Room 404, 200 Broadway, New York. Radio Panel Lamp. Rests on top cabinet. Lights dials. Uses battery current. Complete with bulb $1.25. postpaid. Satisfactory or money back. Robert Stevenson. Lancaster. Ohio. SAVE MONEY on radio sets and parts. List free, merchandise guaranteed. GEMRAD COMPANY, E. Okmulgee, Muskogee, Okla. SALESMEN WANTED Make $100 WEEKLY in spare time. Sell what the public wants — long distance radio receiving sets. Two sales weekly pays $100 profit. No big investment, no canvassing. Sharpe of Colorado made $955 in one month. Representatives wanted at once. This plan is sweeping the country — write today before your county gone. OZARKA, INC., 431 N. LaSalle Ave., T, Chi WAITED TO BUY FuM value paid for old GOLD jewelry, silver or platinum. Packages returned if our offer not satisfactory. Elaine Specialty Company, 3121 Avenue G, Fort Worth, Texas. Radio Age Classified Ads Bring Results Please mentivn huaxo Age when writing to advertisers