Radio age research, manufacturing, communications, broadcasting, television (1941)

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<f -.,--' -,1 Tr "Ti of A ■ ' leMsHs their; : - vhct.- and pro.'uise- It is not odIy a radio labara- lor.'. '• ' ' ' ' ratories w-liic-h re', fri- ■ . J is a scieaoe s!ireid::j2 mtr' rnariv iieids—electrcHJifs. ' •- • -jistr^-. physics. Djec-han- rrom -a-hicli 2r<nv many bv-pr -ray tnhci. i. ^ :--...-\ .— --- and ]")h'^t-''2raphy- ~' 7. ' • ' :iries bailding is a three- - ; -.otfa long eoiridors into n 150 laboraiorj- bays. To -■"- ^ " ''^''-'ind tbsm. tJie ■die basecBent is anyone es."er en- :^:__ .: - :_.- ---"-e center. Imio it. througb undergroiCBiid arteries of oob- f" • " -5. are fed the eieciirie ■ _ i water supplv. Along- side imge water ta!nl-<: and air-condi- ^■■-- ~ 7 ■ .^jLs are tramsfoniQers and ■-ttrwer resulators. •while - and steaiD is sup- - Tjg plant. From two zaLoQs of w-ater are f electricitvv water and gas flovr in ciosadnits on tbe base- meiit ceiling under the main corridor. Prrnjdlv. the research men point to 104 \ ertic-al shafts, which rise from base- ineTit to peritbouse, with outlets on each fiocT. Frcim these^ wires and pipes carr}- - ' : es to 420 workbenches. - g. Tbese tmiqne servic* ,: - _.- :-~;ribed as a most impor- ' ' '' .t— an orig- .-Qoy con- ■ In tiie ■wOTxis of a seientisL u.~. ^r "a copy of nothing.^ Stan din H at the point wbere the "T" ■ - ! " ries stmcture is crossed. _. : ;_ V three Moots one looks to ri-hi ss.o left down the 244-foot :>T wings. The total length of ' from end to end is 4SS feet. - .e span across tlie top of the '' ■ -5 on both sides of these .-.-avs on aH three decks open to the maiiiv laboratarv bays, and ^' '—" ' ^~-"istratjve research offices 5. Cta the main floon the generai oince section is near the en- trance E-re-T-'itrve offices are located in a seetkffl Km tJ*e third So«3r. JExiierms. <me of tfee laboratoiy ba^-s, the ^"isitins scientist is impressed with the spaciouHkess and hro^d dayligh* esposare, suppieoieewed by uaodsra in- direrf. ligjiting. whfch ea^ no diadows. The work benches are so designed aoc arransed as to be a jov' to anv worker. A wiring trough estiHads along tbe top of each beoeh. and tise markinss on tbe pand outlets iiidieale that ahnost any phase fd electric cmreei—-\C or DC. and at vaiioas voltages, is at tbe Bnsieir- tips of tbe esperinjenteT. In additian. there are taps on the hernh for air. gas and water, as ■well as hTdrogem and asv- S.en m tbe bavs where tbey are iised. .Arad, of course, ibare are craQveioaemt elettric plugs for soldering irons and otber eleMricaly operated tools. Fles- ibiliti- in cxmsiimc&m is tbe ke^mote. Tbe laanv Laboratorv- ba}"s inidieate a great vaiietv of axirnty. Tbe Tele- vision LaboTatori" is described as "tbt last word in facilities for tdfevision re- seajcb.^ Other laboratory- bays are de- voted to research in diemistn'. espe- cialh' Muorescssnl materials: acoctstios- radio facsimile. centimMer-wave trans- mission and receptioii. recei^'iDg tabes- catbode-rav tubes, transmitier tubes. imder-'wateT sound, and varicras activi- ties associated ■with tbe fotjore erf radic and electronies. Tbe Model Sbop is considered to be tbe most modem of its kind and most splendidb" equipped in the ■world. For example, the Meter Room has complete calibrating eqinprnent and 3,(>00 dif- ferent meters available for covering voltage, corrent. temperatnre and spe«d. Tbe Technical librar\- of tbe Laboratories is eatalogned as "eotm- plete in tbe comnnmicatian field."" Tbe Laboratories hat; an nltra-niodem kitch- en -whicb ad.joins a cafeteria with a ca- paeitv to seave from ISO to 300 persons at a time. In tbe ■words of Colonel Samoff; ""Om aidmiration for tbese Laborajtories i> based upon naore tbaTi their olwi-Oiiiid'. iSoe qiaalities of arehitectiire and cotj- slruction. We are mov'ed by tbe daey respect in ■wimdn vre hold tbe ^irt^les cd scientific accmraicv and intelectiial ir: te2rit\% Tbese are ■\-irtues possessed t a high desree bv tbe men who ^vi work within tbese walls." THIS 3-4i(G£: •>innmj a i-.^ill (j>J- TSai. TELET1510X l_.4BOR4T0>ET- ./ <■' \ DOSalDCffS ON I_».CH Tl-COB OT TSL 1 A TJOBJi TCSEIES ■ar -nTT TVir: ase 4SB I"ErT LONE. THK mEE HELD SOrTvU BOO" lajiMJiKAiiES rvwAKinED Koisi;- k. 9