Radio annual and television yearbook (1938)

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NATIONAL NETWORKS * By M. H. SHAPIRO Associate Editor RADIO DAILY ft UNQUESTIONABLY one of the most healthy and progressive industries in the world, the major networks, virtually without knowledge of depressions, much less recessions, have never taken a step backward since their inception. Continuous progress, both financially and as public servants, has marked each successive month of their comparatively short histories, with the lucrative 1937 score showing a 16 per cent increase in gross receipts for the three major companies. Of the record breakingtotal of approximately $69,200,000, NBC contributed $38,651,286, up 12 per cent, for both the Red and Blue webs. CBS gross billing totaled $28,722,118, an increase of 24 per cent. Mutual billings for the year were not far from the $2,000,000 mark. The general trend at the close of the year was highly encouraging, as evidenced by the December billings. During the year 1937, NBC added 41 stations (although not quite as many markets), bringing the grand total for the Red and Blue to 143 stations, with more additions in line for 1938. CBS added 21 stations and 18 markets, 3 outlets " being involved in station changes, giving a grand total of 108 at the close of the year. For 1938 additional outlets have been set. Mutual, which began the year with 20 odd stations, increased the chain to 76 all told. In each instance, whether NBC's two chains, CBS or Mutual, the wattage added was a considerable factor. Apart from newcomers, increased power grants to numerous outlets further boosted the wattage, while NBC and CBS expansion plans were much in evidence as to new equipment and facilities. Advertisers and their agencies have actually written the success story of the radio network, and are continuing to write it, daily. Educational side was strongly advanced, with NBC hiring Dr. James Rowland Angell. former Yale University prexy, as educational counselor. CBS formulated its Adult Educational Board, comprised of a strong array of nationally known educators and publicists. NBC brought Toscanini to conduct its own symphony orchestra to match CBS' New York Philharmonic broadcasts. Mutual has likewise sought to leave no stone unturned in an effort to maintain good music and educational features. For 1938 the financial outlook is better than ever. The major network executives are busy concerning themselves with new developments, problems and obligations to the vast listening public. (For complete network section please turn to page 129) 45