Yearbook of radio and television (1947)

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LATIN-AMERICAN STATIONS Location Port-au-Prince Port-au-Prince Call Frequency Power Letters Kcs. Kws. HH2S 5945 0.4 HHBM 1473 1. HHCM 9660 sw. 1. HHGM 6165 sw. 1. Owner or Operating Agency Frank C. Magliore HONDURAS Ceiba , HRD2 6235 sw. 0.2 Ban Pedro Sula HRP1 6351 sw. 0.15 Tegucigalpa HRN 5875 sw. Ing. M. R. Moncada Filiberto Diaz Zelaya .5 Rafael Ferrari NICARAGUA Granada YNFT 7500 sw. 0.1 Granada YNLAT 7625 sw. 0.1 Granada YNWW Leon YNJAT 5758 sw. 0.6 Leon YNDG 6850 sw. 0.8 Managua YNLG 1530 Managua YNDS 6610 sw.* 1. Managua YNPS 6760 sw. 0.8 Managua YNOW 6850 0.80 Boaco YNBO 6760 sw. 1.0 Managua YNCQ 6850 sw.* 0.8 Jose F. Tercero Z. Leonidas A. Tenorio Jose Agustin Tijerino Dionisio E. Gallo La Voz de Nicaragua (Govt.) Mendoza y Hermanos PANAMA Colon HP5K 6005 sw. 0.25 HOK 640 0.25 Colon HOL 1390 .25 HOLA 9505 sw. 1. Panama HP5G 11780 sw. .6 HOA 1000 .4 Panama HOC 1440 .025 Panama HP5A 11700 sw. .3 Panama HOQ 1250 0.25 Panama HP5B 6030 sw. 0.15 HP5C 730 .4 Panama HP5H 6122 sw. 0.15 Panama HP5 J 9607 sw. 5. HP6J 1356 5. Jose Jaen y Jaen Anibal Galindo Radio Panamericana Jose Jaen y Jaen Jose Jaen y Jaen Fernandez Jose Herrera, Jr. Ernesto de la Guardia, Jr. M. LombardĀ© Vega Manuel Diaz PARAGUAY Asuncion ZPA1 Asuncion ZP1 Asuncion ZP4 ZP8 Asuncion ZP6 Asuncion ZP9 Asuncion ZP10 Asuncion ZP11 Asuncion ZP13 Asuncion ZP17 Asuncion ZP3 ZPA3 6010 2.5 970 0.1 730 0.1 11850 sw.* 0.1 1300 0.1 970 1.5 1330 0.1 1200 0.1 1430 0.1 1030 0.1 700 .6 Official Govt. Station Atilio C. Bajac Iseru and Scarello Emilio Jordan Livieres A. C. Bajac Victor Noriega Juventus Antoniana Julio Picossi Villagra Jose Hanemann Teleco Paraguay* S. A. 979