The radio annual (1947)

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Call Location Letters Asuncion ZPA2 ZPA6 ZPA7 ZP03 Encarnacion ZP5 . Encarnacion ZP7 Villarrica ZP15 Villarrica ZP6 Frequency Kcs. 11721 sw. 7890 sw. 15780 sw. 13333 sw. 920 900 700 1300 Power Kws. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5.0 0.1 0.1 Owner or Operating Agency Teleco Paraguaya S. A. Philips Argentina, S. A. — operator; Jaimie Yankelevitch — owner Julio Cormillot Emilio Jordan Livieres PERU Arequipa O AX6B 6035 sw. Arequipa OAX6C 1370 OAX6E 6335 Arequipa OAX6A 6050 sw. Callao OAX4C 1160 Chiclayo OAX1A 6150 sw. Cuzco ,. .OAX7A 6128 sw. Huancayo OAX4P 5980 Huanuco OAX3A 6116 sw. Ica OAX5B 1480 OAX5C 9560 sw. Lima OAX4H 6095 sw. OAX4F 1080 Lima OAX4B 1200 OAX4G 6190 sw. Lima OAX4Z 6082 sw. OAX4A 854 OAX4T 9562 sw. OAX4R sw. Lima OAX4E 960 OAX4K 9545 sw. Lima OAX4I 1320 OAX4J 9520 Lima OAX4X OAX4Q Lima OAX4L 1250 Lima OAX4U 1010 OAX4V sw. 5925 sw. OAX4Wsw. 9360 sw. Trujillo OAX2A 5625 sw. OAX2B 1400 0.15 1. 1. 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.1 0.25 0.4 0.25 0.25 1. 0.25 0.25 0.25 15. 10. 10. 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 10. 7.5 2 .75 Maximo J. Landa J. Antonio Umbert F. Jorge E. Olazabal Benavides Alvarada & Urteaga J. Carlos Montoy D' Carlos Lizarraga Fisher Montero Alfredo Elejalde Granados Victor Priano Storace Castilla Luis de los Heros y de los Rios Armando Ortiz Lambert Gobierno del Peru Ing. Juan P. Goicochea Dianderas Samanez Rafael Larco Hoyle .5 SURINAM (DUTCH GUIANA) Paramaribo ZPH 5865 980 0.150 J. C. Herrenberg, Chairman, of private radio club "AVROS." Tech. equip, owned by Surinam Govt.