Radio annual and television yearbook (1950)

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Organizations lection and preservation of objects of interest thereto, and the creation and maintenance of funds for the benefit of persons engaged professionally in the drama, music, authorship, and the fine arts who shall be in need of fianancial aid or assistance, to be disbursed in the discretion of the Council of the Club. LOWELL INSTITUTE COOPERATIVE BROADCASTING COUNCIL 28 Newbury St., Boston 16, Mass. KEnmore 6-6522 OFFICERS 1 rustee Ra'ph Lowell ■^'irector Parker Wheatley Senior Producer Richard Erstein Adm. Ass't Lawrence Creshkoff Planning & Evaluation Asst Timothy C. Dyas ProducerWriter R. Jarrett Tongney Producer-Writer S. Robert Rowe Research & Inf. Ass't Maureen M. Mosher COORDINATORS Boston Col , Rev. Thomas F. Flemi^ng, S. ).; Boston Univ., Prof. S. B. Could; Harvard Univ., Mr. David W. Bailey; Mass. Inst, of Tech., Dean John E. Burchard; Northeastern Univ., Prof. Milton J. Schlagenhauf; Tufts College, Dean John P. Tllton. FUNCTIONS The Lowell Institute, in cooperation with iBoston Col., Boston Univ., Harvard, M. I. T., Northeastern and Tufts presents a year-round nighttime schedule of educational broadcasts for adults over Boston's commercial stations, AM, FM, and TV. MARKET RESEARCH COUNCIL The LLOYD H. HALL CO., 570 Lexington Ave., N. Y. 18, N. Y. PLaza 8-2467 OFFICERS President Vergil D. Reed Vice-Pres Fronklin R. Cowl Sec'y.-Treas Lloyd H. Hall EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Elmo C. Wilson, Vergil D Reed, Franklin R. Cawl, Cornelius Du Bois, Philip Salisbury. FUNCTIONS To stimulate scientific study and sound thinking in marketing research; to stimulate wider use of its services; to encourage Governmental agencies to undertake practical studies; to encourage the study of marketing research as a profession; to take on active interest in the placement and advancement of marketing research personnel; to provide the focal point around which marketing research men can gather; to invite speakers to the monthly meetings to discuss studies, techniques and problems pertaining to marketing research and related subjects; to encourage the highest ethical practices in the preparation and use of marketing research. THE MUSIC PUBLISHERS CONTACT EMPLOYEES (A. F. of L.) 1270 Sixth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. COIumbus 5-7362 OFFICERS President Robert Miller Vice-President Joseph Sontly Treasurer Charles Long Members Exec. Bd Leo Diston, Ralph Smitmon Harry Santly, Sam Smith, Mack Clark, Mickey Carlock Exec. Secty Robert Miller BRANCH OFFICES 54 W. Randolph St., Chicago, Ml. Regional Director Morton Schoefer 8360 W. First St., Los Angeles, Colif. Regional Director Al Comparte 36 East Fifth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio Regional Director Danny Engel FUNCTIONS Labor Union. MUSIC PUBLISHERS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. INC. 45 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, N. Y. Circle 6-3084 OFFICERS Chairman of the Board..... Walter 0. Douglas resident Lester Santly Vice-resident Jack Mills Secretary J. J. Bregman Treasurer Abe Olman Agent and Trustee Harry Fox NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS (For Complete Listing See NAB Section — Page 237.) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BROADCAST UNIONS AND GUILDS (NABUG) 37 W. 46 St., New York 19, N. Y. Luxemburg 2-5130 OFFICERS National Chairman Oliver W. Nicoll COUNCILS 37 W. 46 St., New York 19. Phone: Luxemburg 2-5130. Oliver W. Nicoll, Chairman, New York Council: 102 E Hubbard St., Chicago 11, III. Phone: DEIoware 7-7017. Raymond A. Jones, Choirman, Chicago Council, George Maher, Sec.-Treos. ; 6331 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. Phone: Hillside 5125. C'aude McCue, Chairman, Hollywood Council, James H. Brown, Sec.-Treas.; 375 O'Forrell St., San Francisco 2, Calif. ORdway 3-8484. John R. McDonnell, Chairman, San Francisco Council, William S. Gavin, Sec.-Treas. CO R R ESPON D I NC OFF I CES Washington, D. C; Albuquerque, N. M.; Atlanta, Ca.; iBoston, Mass.; Cincinnati, O'.; Cleveland, 0.; Dallas, Tex.; Denver, Colo.; Detroit, Mich.; Fort Wayne. Ind.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Kansas City, Mo.; Louisville, Ky. ; Miami, Fla.; Minneaplis-St. Poul, Minn.; New Orleans, La.; Omaha, Neb.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Portland, Ore.; Racine, Wis.; Raleigh-Durham, N. C; Rochester, N. Y. ; Salt Lake City, Utah Schenectady, N. Y.; Seattle, Wash.; St. Louis, Mo. FUNCTIONS "NABUG" is the Notional Association of Broadcast Unions and Guilds in the radio and television industry, organized on behalf of their respective memberships for the solution of parallel problems and the working together of the unions and guilds in those directions — cultural, legislative, economic — where their mutual interests coincide. NATIONAL ASSN. OF PERFORMING ARTISTS 630 Fifth Ave., New York 20, N. Y. Circle 7-8194 OFFICERS President Fred Waring Vice-President King Crosby Vice-President Meyer Davis Vice-President 'Paul Whiteman Vice-President Al Jolson Secretary Eddie Duchin Treasurer Don Voorhees General Counsel Alfred Rice BOARD OF DIRECTORS Fred Allen, Connee Boswell, Noel Coward, Richard Crooks, 3ing Crosby, Meyer Davis, Eddiae Duchin, Duke Ellington, Mary Garden, Benny Goodman, Jascha Heifetz, Lewis James, Al Jolson, Andre Kostelanetz, Arthur W. Levy, uy Lombardo, Ray Noble, Walter O'Keefe, Irra Petina, Dick iPowell. Fritz Reiner, Fabien Sevitzky, Nathaniel Shi'kret, Lawrence Tibbett, Rudy Vallee, Don Voorhees, Paul Whiteman, Victor Young, Efrem Zimbalist. FUNCTIONS To protect the interpretive artist from exploitation of his recordings and transcriptions. 1275