Radio annual (1950)

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O I* ii it II i /: «i I i <> 11 S ycot lu ^ll^^ll^l ^i.ijcli 1)1 ^Ollc OVi llig tO plomolt Ihl Ofl of tpofli brootlcoiting ond to incrcotc liitcncf intcfr%t in %pnrt> ni»r% ili%Mminalion TELEVISION BROADCASTERS ASSN., INC. 500 h»th Ave . New York 18. N. Y LAckowonna 4-4788 Prciidcnt lot'' R Poppcic ViccPrciidcnt Ernest B Lovemon Sccrctory-Tfeoiurcr Will BjHin Astntont Sccrctory-Trcjjurcr . . . Poul Roibourn DIRECTORS Dr Allen B DuMont. Allen B DuMont Laboratories. Inc Ernevt B Lovemon Pliiico Corp , lock R Poppcic. WOR, New York; Poul Roibourn. Television Productions. Inc ; F. M. Rujscll, NBC; )oieph A McDonald. ABC; George Storer. Fort Industry Co ; R. A. Borcl. WBNSTV; Lawrence W. Lowmon. CBS. FUNCTIONS Founded January. 1944. as o non-profit orgonizotion of television broadcostcrs and otiiers cngogcd in any business directly connected with television broadcasting. Obiects ore to foster and promote the development of ttie art of television broadcosting; to protect its members in every lowful and proper monnef ; to foster, encourage and promote laws, rules, regulations, customs and practices which will be in the best interest of the public; to protect the interests of the members of the Associotion by opposing the enactment or adoption of ony lows, rules, regulations, customs or practices which would discriminate against or in ony way injure the members of this Associotion. TELEVISION PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION. INC. 7063 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Calif. CRonitc 6930 OFFICERS F resident Mai Boyd Vice-Prcs Michael Stokey Executive VIce-Pres Bcrnie Ebert Secretary Gladys Rubens Treasurer Molcese Black Legal Counsel Max Gilford BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mai Boyd, Michael Stokey, George Fogle, Gladys Rubens, Maleesc Black, Syd Cassyd, )on Slott, Mort Singer, Robert Colcson, Bcrnie Ebert. FUNCTIONS A non-profit organization to cultivate harmony ond unity omong its members ond between them ond firms, corporations or individuals within or without the telecast industry; to improve the working conditions of its members and their protection against unjust practices or impositions upon their fair rights, by those with whom they hove business relations. TELEVISION FILM PRODUCERS ASSOCLATION 8822 W. Woshington Blvd. Culver City, Calif. Texas 0-4525 OFFICERS President Hoi Roach, )r. Vice-Pres Carl Dudley Secretary Glenn Miller Treasurer Roland Reed BOARD MEMBERS Herbert L. Strock. Al Herman, Perry King. Wallace Worsley, Bernard J. Corr. FUNCTIONS Non-profit organization for furtherance of tele, film, standards, practices, etc. UNITED NATIONS— RADIO DIVISION OFFICERS Asst. Secy. Gen.. Dept. of Info Benjamin Cohen Dir., Dept. of Pub. Info Tor Cjesdol Dir , Radio Div Peter Aylcn Deputy Dir, Rodio Div Corlos Carcio Polacios Chief of Production W Gibson Porker Sup of Special Projects Normon Corwin Sr Broadcast Engineer Arthur E. Barrett REGIONAL SUPERVISORS HuK'h Willioms, European and Middle East Services; Eugenio A Soler. Lofin American Services; Mike Peng. Transpacific Services; Gerald Keon. English Language Services; Dorothy Lewis. U. S. Stotion Relolions; Coesor Ortii, Supvr., Radio Reports Desk. FUNCTIONS The United Notions Department of Public Information maintains o radio division for the purpose of servicing the various privately owned and government opcrofed systems of broadcasting around the world. Composed of 90 staff members, representing 22 nationalities, the division releases news ond information concerning the activities of the U. N. Its services to U. S. stations include doily ond weekly programs with special events and documentories. U. S. MAJIINE CORPS. DIVISION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION Hcodquortcrs, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C Republic 7400 OFFICERS Director, Division of Public Information, Brig Gen. Clayton C. Jerome, USMC. BRANCH OFFICE Division of Public Information. 90 Church St., New York 7, N. Y.; Phone: Rector 2-9100; Tech. Sgt. George W. Courtney, Charge of Radio ond Tele. FUNCTIONS The New York Office of the Division of Public Information is the Marine Corps representative for notional radio, and local network tele. Services offered are: Radio-Tele, production, transcribed programs, scripts, spot announcements, guests. WASHINGTON STATE ASSOCIATION OF BROADCASTERS c/o Station KHQ, Spokane, Wash. Main 5131 OFFICERS President R. 0. Dunning Vice-Pres James W. Wallace Secretory-Treas Tom Olsen Director 0. W. Fisher Director H. J. Quilliam BRANCH OFFICE Washington State Radio News Bureau, Legislative BIdg.. Olympio. Wash.; Phone: 7433; Carl Downing Managing Dir. FUNCTIONS A non-profit Association mode up of broadcasters of Washington state to advance the interest of the rodio broadcasting industry In the state of Washington. Maintains a Washington State Radio News Bureau at the state capitol, Olympio. Serves radio stotions of the stote with a weekly quarter houi program plus special coverage daily concerning Washington's biggest business — its government. WESTERN ASSOCLATION OF BROADCASTERS 1015 Third Ave.. So., Lethbridge, Alberta. Phone: 3161 OFFICERS President Mr. William Guild Director Mr. E. A. Rawlinson Director Mr. F. H. Elphicke Director Mr. W. Rea FUNCTIONS A voluntory trade association composed of radio stations from the Great Lakes to the Pacific. 1280