Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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2 RADIO DAILY Friday, March 12, 1937 Vol. 1, No. 23 Fri., Mar. 12, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor; John B. English, Advertising Manager. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338, 7-6339. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Copyright, 1937, by Radio Daily Corp. All rights reserved. FINANCIAL (Thursday, Mar. 11) NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Tel. & Tel 176% 175V2 175V2 — 3/8 Crosley Radio 24 Vi 23 Vi 24 — 3/4 Gen. Electric 61 60 60 — iy4 North American .... 295/8 28% 28% — 1% RCA Common 12% 11% 12 — V4 RCA First Pfd 79% 783A 79 — Vi RCA $5 Pfd. B (100 Bid 120 Asked) Stewart Warner 19% 18% 18% — % Zenith Radio 38 Vi 36% 37 — % NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE Hazeltine Corp 16Vi l«Vi 16Vi + V* Majestic 43/8 4l/4 4 1/4 — V4 Nat. Union Radio ... 3 2% 3 + !4 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked CBS A 57% 59i/2 CBS B 56% 58% Stromberg Carlson 17 18 Course in Broadcasting Terre Haute, Ind. — A course in radio broadcasting will be offered at the summer term of Indiana State Teachers College here. Dr. Clarence M. Morgan is in charge of this work. CBS Financial Report CBS will issue its 1936 financial statement today along with President William S. Paley's report to the stockholders. Understood that CBS will show a greater net profit this year than in 1935. Hugh Baillie on Air Hugh Baillie, president of the United Press, will be heard on the NBC-Blue network next Thursday, 1:30-1:45 p.m. His topic will be "Behind the Headlines." Baillie recently returned from a European tour. MARTIN BLOCK'S "MAKE-BELIEVE BALLROOM" A WNEW FEATURE 1250 Kc. 10 to II A.M. 5:30 to 7 P.M. Ed Sims Claims Versatility Championship Ed Sims, commercial manager of WMFJ. Daytona Beach, Fla.. who also acts as sports announcer, continuity writer, director of publicity and dramatics, commercial announcer and sells plenty of time locally, wants to know why Radio Dailly hasn't rated him the A-l broadcaster in the Hall of Fame for versatility. Sims, a veteran of ten years' experience, has worked as specialty announcer, salesman, entertainer, musician, remote studio manager, program director and commercial manager during the past ten years. And, oh yes, he finds time to serve as secretary of the Daytona Beach Moose lodge, to attend civic meetings and regular meetings of the V. F. W. of which he is a member. Incidentally, he is reporter, editor and circulation manager of WMFJ Weekly News. Last fall he organized and directed the WMFJ team in the Daytona Beach Softball League, piloting the Air Laners into third place against the toughest kind of opposition. On the side, he is coaching his oldest son, Bobby Sims, on how to act and announce. Did someone say versatile? If so, Sims demands the "cake." Musical Show Writers Four National Accounts Signed by CBS Bureau For WDGY, Minneapolis (Continued from Page 1) reau. Albert Snyder handled the negotiations. The signing of the team is part of the new campaign of Lawrence Lowman, vice-president in charge of bureau, to enlarge scope of the artist bureau to the point where it will be able to supply the stage and screen as well as radio with talent. Mutual Saluting KWK The Mutual network will air two special programs March 17 when they offer a salute to KWK, St. Louis, on the station's tenth anniversary. The first program will be at 9:30 p.m. and will feature "Jazz Nocturne." Second show goes on at 11:30 p.m. with Kay Kyser's band providing the entertainment. KWK is a Mutual network affiliated station. Bob Armstrong Laid Up Cleveland — Bob Armstrong, banjoist and comedian with the Hick Ree Nuts, hillbilly act of WGAR, will be off the air and away from the mikes for a while as a result of serious injuries in an auto accident this week. He is now suffering from paralysis of both legs. Sat in on F.D.R. Chat Cleveland — General Manager John F. Patt and chief engineer R. Morris Pierce of WGAR were the only two non-official members of the audience when F.D.R. gave his March 9 Fireside Chat to the nation. Both came away with autographed copies of the talk. Wilson Opens New Offices Herbert L. Wilson, consulting engineer of WBNX in New York, has opened additional offices here. The new outlet is in the Melrose Central Building, 260 East 161st St., and will supplement the downtown and Washington offices. Minneapolis — Recent national accounts closed by WDGY through its national sales representatives, WilsonDalton-Robertson of Chicago, include Colonial Poultry Farms of Kansas City, Women's Christian Temperance Union, The Buckeye Incubator Co. of Springfield, O., and the Townsend Plan of Chicago. Town Market Furniture Co. celebrated its tenth consecutive year on the air over WDGY this month. Central Furniture Co. now under contract for six half hours a week on WDGY, increased its contract to include a Sunday afternoon period featuring Slim Jim, the Vagabond Kid and Don. Mar-Selm Beauty Parlors with Charles Sengir, master of ceremonies, have signed for their seventh year of consecutive advertising over WDGY. Special Drama Program A new type of radio dramatization, contrasting songs, music, drama, and comedy of fifty years ago will be contrasted with those of modern times, and titled "It Rings True," is being prepared by Peter Godfrey, English author, dramatist and producer, for presentation Sunday, March 28, from 8 to 9 p.m. EST over the NBC-Blue Network. Godfrey, founder and director of the Gate Theater in London, is working out an unusual method of presenting his material to develop the theme properly. A large cast of actors, musicians, and soloists will be used in the production. The dramatization will be Godfrey's first work for American radio as author and director. He recently arrived in New York to become associated with the movie industry as a director. commc and Gome TEDDY "BLUBBER" BERGMAN having completed his first transcription series for the Bigelow-Sanford Carpet Co., leaves March 18. with his wife, musical comedy actress, FINETTE WALKER, for a two-week cruise. H. V. KALTENBORN, CBS news commentator, is being brought to the Muny Auditorium, San Antonio, March 16 for a lecture. MARY BOLAND has arrived in New York from Hollywood and is stopping at the Lombardy. POLLY MORAN is at the Hotel Edison. She will do some radio work while here. CHARLES E. MEREDITH, eastern district manager for Mertens and Price, Inc., Los Angeles transcription producers, is at the Adelphia Hotel in Philadelphia, while calling upon accounts. C. E. (Ned) MIDGELY, BBDO network and spot buyer, returned to his Alma Mater yesterday to give a radio talk before the Wharton School of Finance, Philadelphia. ELI OBERSTEIN, talent manager for RCA Victor, has returned east after his Texas trip where he made several recordings. BETTY HARE, sister of Doris Hare, and late of the cast of "Tonight at 8:30", sails for her home in England tomorrow. GERTRUDE NIESEN. now at the Chez Paree. Chicago, leaves March 18 for the west coast, where she will appear in the March 19 Hollywood Hotel broadcast, in a deal set by CBS artist bureau. She returns to Chi after the broadcast. JACKIE HELLER returns to New York from London on Monday. Sears Back on WPG A t,l a n t i c City — Sears-Roebuck through its local branch, has renewed radio activity over WPG, presenting dramatizations on Mondays and Fridays at 12:15 p.m. England Wants Script Lewis Titterton, NBC manager of the script division, has received requests from two London newspapers asking for the complete script on last Sunday's broadcast, "Appointment at Westminster," which they desire to reprint in full. Broadcast was shortwaved to England in addition to being on the NBC-Blue. Frank Wilson wrote the script. Week's Radio Schedule On Stores' Handbills Jack Sprat Food Stores, voluntary chain sponsored by Western Grocer Company, aggregating 554 retail stores in Iowa, southern Minnesota, southewestern Wisconsin, western Illinois, northern Missouri and adjoining counties in Nebraska and Kansas, distribute 282,000 handbills each week carrying the current week's program schedules for WHO, Des Moines station of Central Broadcasting Co. The handbill also includes advertising matter for the stores. Reluctance of lone local daily to handle WHO radio news and schedules is said to be incentive for supplementing cooperation of other Iowa newspapers with handbill tie-up. Gaffney Wins Award Maurice Gaffney, CBS director of Trade News division, yesterday was awarded the semi-monthly Grand Prix by Advertising & Selling in its current issue. Award was for his copy work on the CBS advertisement which first appeared in RADIO DAILY, entitled "We Know A Salesman." Prize was a basket of tid-bits. S« TONIGHT'S BEST BET: ( 8:00 to 9:00 P.M. # WHN MOVIE CLUB \ Guest Star— Helen Flint \ DIAL 1010 VVnll AFFILIATED with M-G-M & LOEWS