Radio daily (Feb-Mar 1937)

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Tuesday. March 16, 1937 RADIO DAILY 3 101 RADIO TALKS FOR HOUSE RADIO PROBE {Continued from Page 1) week the opponents summaries' are being aired over the NBC-Red, 12:45 p.m., ending this Wednesday. Edward Murrow, CBS director of talks, said that CBS had tried to induce such persons as Arthur Vandenberg. Chief Justice Hughes, John W. Davis, Alfred E. Smith. Gov. Alfred M. Landon, Senator William E. Borah and others to discuss the Supreme Court plan on the air via CBS but to date no acceptances had been received. Wheeler Continuing Radio-Press Probe {Continued from Page ]) the legal opinion of Hampton Gary, FCC counsel, follow on the heels of the opinion expressed by Dr. Irvin Stewart, who handed down the dissenting opinion in connection with • t'tsm. El Paso independent. Stewart now holds the view that legislation is not necessary, declaring the FCC has authority to give the matter full consideration. Enlisting Personality For House Radio Probe (Continued from Page 1) House Labor Committee and sponsor of the resolution, indicated to RADIO DAILY yesterday as he prepared to advance his resolution before another full session of the Rules Committee this week. Chief investigator will be aided by "a very competent staff", he added. Connery said Representative Wigglesworth (R., Mass.) , proponent of the radio inquiry, would appear before the Rules Committee to urge its passage. WSPR Educational Programs Springfield, Mass. — WSPR yesterday inaugurated a new series of educational programs designed to interest students of high school age. Programs go on each week day, 1111:15 a.m., in cooperation with the U. S. Department of the Interior, the Valley District of the Massachusetts Dental Society, Travel Magazine and other educational institutions. Comic Strip Audition "That's My Pop", a radio version of the Milt Gross comic strip, will be auditioned at 2 o'clock this afternoon at NBC. In the cast will be Harold Mofiatt of "High Tor" and Bobby Jordan of "Dead End". Bernard Zanville of "Dead End" is in charge of direction. Add to CBS Coast Publicity Dave Carter, CBS publicity head of the west-coast office, will add one man to the present staff who will concentrate on KNX publicity, allow j ing Carter to spend more time on the network. Virginia Lindsey, currently with the Robert Taplinger coast office, joins the staff as assistant to Carter, i PL* SCCPV 1 p-y^l • • • Ralph Wonders' promise to remain open for all propositions until his return from Florida (Sunday) is the reason he's not with RockwellO'Keefe today .... Within 24 hours a definite statement as to the future will be announced .... Henny Youngman leaves for Hollywood between the 19fh and 24th for Paramount's "Artists and Models." He remains two weeks, then returns to the Smith Show and the Loew's State again within four weeks! .... Ted Lewis will be spotted on the April 1 airing. .. .Jean Paul King will do commentating on the CBS Household Finance morning program. . . .Freddie Rich may take over Mark Warnow's sustainers while the latter goes "Lucky." • e • The George Jessel deal for Woodbury fell through. . . . Because Milt Britton had an attack the other day, Procter & Gamble's are stuck for a comedy band for their Hipp affair Saturday morning in Baltimore . . . .General Electric listened to the Benay Venuta-Sid Gary-WOR sustaining ... .Benny Gaines, Boston's impresario of the swanky Mayfair, was in town to scout up name talent for the spot. Sheila Barrett opens the 31st with Cross and Dunn coming in April 7 followed possibly by Belle Baker. . . .Joan Abbott begins a series of Warner sliorts in tivo weeks ... .Helen Fox, CBS hostess returned to the fold yesterday after a long illness. • • • lack Benny's show will again be aired from the Pierre hotel in N. Y. Sunday. Script calls for a hillbilly routine. .. ."The Bee" missed out on making the Hit Parade by only one plug last week. . . .Lester Lee set Zeke Manners for the Ford show a week from tonite .... Vick Knight after producing "We, the People" Sunday (Gab Heatter's final was tops) was rushed home and is bedded with infected tonsils which are left-overs from a recent operation. ... Harold Waldridge. movie comic, is being groomed for a new commercial. • • • Edgar Higgins, Jr., has joined the News and Special events dept. of NBC, coming from the editorial staff of the N. Y. American ... .Those honored few at the Mike Porter party the other nite aren't over the effects ... .Louis K. Sidney, WHN head, is writing a book on bridge with Fred E. Ahlert called "Smart Bridge" . . . .Ray Block is composing a suite a la Grofe. . . .Mills Brothers are slated for a spot on the Ed Wynn show soon. • • • "Hodge White," whom people believe is a myth on the Fred Allen show, is a crippled cigar-store owner in Dorcester .... Frank Gaby, Joey Ray, Rose Marie and Frank Silver's ork did a 30-minute waxing for a potential sponsor. . . .Senator Glass will do his second airing of his career Monday via CBS attacking FDR's plan .... Jessica Dragonette will do "2 Tickets to Romance" tomorrow nighi. . . . Al and Lee Reiser are on that Griffin Remsen commercial tonite .... Mickey Alpert will shortly give to his close friends 100 shares of "Kayrand" stock (now on the Canadian exchange and listed at 25) for their kindness in making the "way" easier. .. .Don Foster, sound effects man for WLW, became a father the other day and named the boy "Don Lee," which prompted Paul Kennedy, radio editor of the Cinn. Post to ask why. "Because he was mutual" answered the pappy Tenth anniversary of KWK, St. Louis outlet of NBC-Blue, will be celebrated tomorrow night in Convention Hall, that city, before a visible audience of mere than 13,000 with a lively musical show headed by Fred Waring's gang. Show will be aired J 1:30-12 midnight EST. CHI. ORK IN SIT-DOWN OVER SOCIAL SECURITY (.Continued from Page 1) not the hostelry. Petrillo came back with the dictum that hotel was employer and consequently should pay the tax for the Jesters. When hotel operators resisted, he yanked band from dining room, which went musicless over the week-end. Petrillo further stated that the leader of band only acts as agent for his boys and is in no wise to be considered as employer and that tax is to be borne by hotel. Similar situation existed Saturday night when Joe Sanders, slated to open at 7 p.m. at the Blackhawk Cafe, didn't take his men on the stand until okay from Petrillo at 7:15, when Otto Roth, manager of the night spot, agreed to pay security tax, as have all other night spots with exception of King's Jesters place of employment. Big Rise in Business For WCOA, Pensacola (Continued from Page 1) spotand local business from Jan. 1 to March 4 was 252.3 per cent greater than the same period in 1936. Network business for the corresponding period showed an increase of 502.3 per cent. WCOA is owned by John H. Perry, publisher of the Pensacola NewsJournal, and through the cooperation of these newspapers has developed several interesting promotional ideas. New national programs on WCOA are also merchandised to listeners by banners attached to the back of each taxicab of the largest cab company in Pensacola, calling attention to the time of broadcasts and sponsors. Another contributing factor to the success of WCOA is the recent development of the Naval Air Training Station, "Annapolis of the Air," which is located in Pensacola. In 1936 the payroll of this branch of the service was increased to $5,000,000, which boosted sales in the Pensacola market. H. G. Wells is station manager of WCOA. 11 National Accounts Are Signed by KSTP (Continued from Page 1) Welch Grape Juice, Mondays through Fridays, spots; Malt O'Meal, three a week on the Household Forum, participating kitchen clinic; Longines Watches, time signals; Listerine, spots. Brookes Subs for Harper Richard Brookes has been selected by WNEW to take over Earl Harper's broadcasts, "Inquiring Microphone," while Harper is in Florida covering baseball assignments. Brookes will conduct the six-a-week show for a little over three weeks.