Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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R. & R. Tops CBS Billings $3,243,443 Placed by RuthrauffRyan on Network in 1937 — Seven Other Agencies Billed Over Million TREK BACK In the opinion (mostly private) oi some of the best iniormed radio people, radio activity in Hollywood has about reached its peak and the trek back east will be under way before long. For every argument in favor of coast radio production, there are three against it Space here is too limited to go into details, but everybody knows the results of Hollywood's elaborate and costly ventures in movie-produced radio shows. Radio's chief entertainment resources are mostly in the east — everything from music, which is about 60 per cent of radio fare, to program ideas, producers and acting talent that is suited to radio. It must be evident by now that very few of Hollywood's movie glamor boys and girls — the main reason sponsors have gone west with their shows — are equipped to give satisfaction to radio listeners. Tyrone Power is swell visually but pretty much of an automaton on the radio; due partly to the fact that he's too busy with film work to give the proper amount of time to broadcasting. Robert Taylor, a leading heart-throb on the screen, misses badly as emcee In "Good News" and thereby hurts his reputation generally. Even the great Mickey Mouse is a big letdown on the air. Movies and radio simply don't mix, nor is there any reason for them to do so. Every Hollywood program is movieflavored, and so much film-flamming of radio shows is bad for both because it overdoses the public with too much of the same thing. — D. C. G. Another Convert Greensboro, N. C. — A few months ago local newspapers refused to mention radio in news columns. But everything is lovely now between Greensboro Daily News and Record and WBIG. Not only are complete WBIG schedules being carried, but Major Edney Ridge, director of the station, was invited by the Record to be guest editorial writer. FOOD-BEVERAGE ACCOUNTS CBS LEADERS LAST YEAR Ace account, by industry groups, on CBS last year was the food and food beverage manufacturers. Group spent $6,437,273, an increase of 22.4 per cent over 1936. Same group led the field in 1936. CBS also received large increases in revenue from the automotive and tobacco manufacturer groups. Former increased its 1937 expenditures to $3,907,343, up 13.6 per cent, with tobacco spending $5,040,336, an in( Continued on Page 2) WMCA May Be Outlet For Transamerican Here Negotiations are under way between John Clark, president of Transamerican, Donald Flamm, WMCA president, and William Weisman, vice-president of the station, whereby WMCA will become the New York outlet for Transamerican. Talks so far are only in the discussion stage. Understood deal will be set by the time WMCA moves into its new studios next month. Libby, McNeill & Libby Starts Tri-Lingually Chicago — Libby, McNeill & Libby (condensed milk) has started food talks by Mary Wright on WAAF; I Polish Early Birds on WGES, and participation in Greek Hour on WHFC. J. Walter Thompson has the account. J. L. Gallagher Assigned WTAQ-WHBY Sales Post Green Bay, Wis. — J. L. Gallagher has been assigned to the WTAQ and WHBY sales department and will have his headquarters in Appleton, Wis., one of the cities where branch studios are maintained by WHBY Inc., which operates the stations. Gallagher will cover Outagamie and Winnebago counties. IBC Network Now Feeding Programs to 15 Stations International Broadcasting Corp., which specializes in Italian programs, and whose network consists of WOV and WBIL, New York, and WPEN, ( Continued on Page 3) President Drew 20 % Cooperative Analysis of Broadcasting states that 20 per cent of radio set owners listened to President Roosevelt's address delivered at the recent Jackson Day Dinner. SWIFT & CO. EXPANDS ALLSWEET ACTIVITIES Chicago — Swift & Co. is expanding its broadcasting activities in connection with Allsweet Margarine. Starting Feb. 7 it starts participation in Fletcher Wiley’s “Housewives Protective League” over KNX, Hollywood; on Feb. 9 participation in “Feminine Fancies” over Oregon and California stations of Don Lee network; on Feb. 10 its southwestern spot list will be expanded to about 20 stations. Swift’s also plans to enter the midwest market in the spring. J. Walter Thompson agency here handles. Through Stack Goble, Chicago, Swift’s Flexo Water Softener has started participation in “Happiness House” on Michigan Network and is using spots on WSBT, South Bend, and WKBN, Youngstown. Texas Ass'n Endorses Reorganization of NAB Dallas — Proposed NAB reorganization was endorsed in principle by the Texas Broadcasters Ass’n at the meeting held here. Under the proposed NAB plan, Texas will be designated as the 13th District of the organization. Since each district is to endorse a ( Continued on Page 3) Carey Succeeds Makelin As WIND Sales Manager Chicago — Appointment of John T. Carey as sales manager of WIND, replacing H. R. Makelin, is announced by Ralph L. Atlass, president. Change is effective immediately. Carey has been with the station three years in a sales capacity. Of the 66 agencies which placed business on the CBS network during 1937, Ruthrauff & Ryan was tops with a total billing of $3,243,443. Agency was sixth on the CBS list in 1936. Benton & Bowles is second with $2,433,779, coming up from fourth place to second position. BlackettSample-Hummert, although its 1937 billings increased to $2,052,412, dropped down a peg to third place. Other agencies which billed over $1,000,000 on the web last year were: N. W. Ayer, Newell-Emmett, Lord & Thomas, Neisser-Myerhoff and F. Wallis Armstrong. Complete CBS agency list follows: Ruthrauff & Ryan $ 3,243,443 Benton & Bowles 2,433,779 Blackett-Sample-Hummert 2,052,412 N. W. Ayer & Son 2,043,329 Newell-Emmett Co 1,806,541 Lord & Thomas 1,671,007 Neisser-Myerhoff 1,232,960 F. Wallis Armstrong 1,128,540 Young and Rubicam 990,428 B. B. D. 0 949,326 William Esty & Co 942,162 J. Walter Thompson 838,492 Hutchins Advertising 790,805 Maxon 730,633 Buchanan & Co 558,045 Knox Reeves Advertising 551,632 Gardner Advertising 530,614 Lennen & Mitchell 528,706 Arthur Kudner 440,040 MacManus, John & Adams 437,900 Hays MacFarland & Co 381,282 Campbell-Ewald Co 375,425 The Biow Co 357,735 Geyer, Cornell & Newell 348,850 Morse International 323,320 Stack-Goble Advertising 286,138 Paris & Peart 275,275 D’Arcy Advertising Co 265,170 Roche, Williams & Cunnyngham. 220,378 Federal Advertising Agency 210,650 The Wessel Co 201,865 Albert Frank-Guenther-Law 190,509 McCann-Erickson 185,870 Lambert & Feasley 160,480 Brooke, Smith & French 147,690 ( Continued on Page 3) Couldn’t Buy Time Washington Bur., RADIO DAILY Washington — Because he couldn't buy time on WBZ and WEEI, Boston, in attempt to defend himself against a political attack that appeared in a Boston newspaper last Sunday, Representative Casey, Mass., yesterday filed formal complaint with the FCC against the stations.