Radio daily (Jan-Mar 1938)

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6 Wednesday, February 2, 1938 PHIL BAKER, following the lead of Jolson, Cantor and Jack Oakie, will stage a weekly “preview” of his Sunday night CBS broadcasts each Friday night, 9:30 to 10 p.m.. at the CBS Vine Street Playhouse. "Civic News Forum” is a new piogram on KEHE. sponsored by Clifford E. Clinton, chairman of the Citizens’ Independent Vice Investigating Committee, to take the air on Monday through Friday scheduled at 7 p.m. C.I.V.I.C. and Clinton have been in the local headlines for months past. Arthur Gilmore, CBS announcer of Jean Hersholt’s “Doctor Christian” series, received a fan letter from a little Indian girl in Washington addressed “Mr. Arthur Gilmore Speaking.” Bobby Breen is now a Boy Scout. Initiated in Cub Pack No. 44 of West Los Angeles, of which Mickey Mouse is an honorary member. Ralph Amato and Frank Pittman, formerly in the maintenance department at NBC, have been promoted to sound effects berths, while Vava Bowers, receptionist, has been upped to a secretarial assignment in the office of Don Gilman, vice president. Bob Edwards, chief of the mailroom staff, has resigned. Frances Parks, petite songstress, has a new program of her own on KFAC Monday and Wednesday afternoons at 2-2: 15. Leslie Adams, pianist and staff announcer at the station, will furnish the accompaniments. KMTR has a new one permitting announcers a bit of spoofing of their non-existent sponsors, the “No Tobacco Cigarette” and “Evaporated Thirst Quencher.” Logged Wednesday at 2 p.m., and called “Announcer’s Day Off.” Also “Top of the Dial Varieties,” handled by Don McNamara, bowing today at 2:35 p.m. ALBANY Wilbur Morrison, Socony newscaster on WOKO, visited his Plattsburg home but came back sooner than expected due to snow. WABY nominates 10-year-old Sonny Michon, vocalist and dancer, as youngest emcee. Heidt in Additional Spots In addition to their present Tuesday series for Alemite, Horace Heidt’s Brigadiers start a new thriceweekly series over NBC tomorrow night at 11:30-12, on Red Network, and Fridays at 11:30-12 and Saturdays at 11:45-12:30 over Blue Network. Broadcasts will come from Bowman Room of Hotel Biltmore Frank Cooper Joins R-O'K Frank Cooper has resigned from the Curtis and Allen office to join Rockwell-O’Keefe in radio sales. RADIO DAILY RADIO PERSONALITIES • One of a Series of Who's Who in the Industry • HAL R. MAKELIM HAL R. MAKELIM, new manager of WHIP, Hammond, Ind., started his professional career in 1914 in the movies. Played kid parts at Essanay, the tough kid in Bioscope's "The Making of Fred Fulton", the lead in Bioscopes two-reel comedy, "The Boob", etc., etc., until 1917. Then the Air Service in U. S. Army for duration of war. Organized food brokerage firm in middle west, enlarged to specialty manufacturer. Consistent radio advertiser for years, and one of the pioneers in using radio as an advertising medium. Announced many of his own programs and wrote and produced most of his own shows. Became nationally known for his gags and announcing under the nom de plume of "Little Bitsy Hal". Has written songs, short stories, verse, and radio script. Hit by the depression in 1932. Decided showmanship, writing, producing, buying radio time and £™}%uncer years of executive activity had fit him for !t c 1 Sy ° commercial radio. Joined Plug Kendrick at WIRE as sales manager and increased his local business over 450 per cent. Left shortly after station changed hands to become manager of KXBY. Resigned to become sales manager for WIND, where he remained until taking over the managership of WHIP with general offices in Chicago. His 10-year deal includes a stock interest in Hammond-Calumet Broadcasting Corp., which owns and operates WHIP and WWAE in Hammond. Hobbies: Work, golf, boating, and ping-pong. Is married and lives in Evanston, north shore suburb of Chicago. SAN ANTONIO Ernest Hauser’s KTSA staff ork, which recently fell in line with AFM, played in the pit for the Dave Apollon unit show at the Majestic Theater, recently. Jack O'Brien, publisher of “No Foolin’,” tabloid weekly, has started a nightly sportscast over KTSA. Jerry Morgan is now doing his Hollywood Gossip program on KONO Wednesday and Friday afternoons only. KFXR, Oklahoma City Hal Sparkie Sparks lately has had hands full. Besides his daily sportscast and wrestling matches, he’s been doing play-by-play of all local Missouri Valley AAU basketball games. Bob Elliston, commercial manager, handles sponsor plugs. Dr. E. F. Webber’s “Revival of the Air” is in its third year, daily at 9:30 a.m. Standard Theaters using three 15minute programs weekly, with Loretta Miller as Hollywood chatterer. WOWO-WGL, Fort Wayne Sari ’n’ Elmer are back on WOWO in a five-weekly skit written by Shirley Bowersox. Martha Scheer of sales dept, has resigned to marry Robert Hunt of General Electric. Mary Berghoff, star of KrogerWOWO show, vacationing in Florida. Shirley Wayne is emceeing new “Buck Eye Barnstormers” variety show on WOWO. New staff orchestra includes Jeane Brown, Karl Conners, Wade Verwiere, Dick Galbreath, Tommy Longsowth and Norman Carroll. FORT WORTH Warren Timmons of “Helen’s Home,” WBAP serial, is recovering from an operation. W. Lee O’Daniel and his Hillbilly Boys, after a year at KRLD, Dallas, are back at WBAP. The Wayside Rendezvous now has a KFJZ wire at 7:30 nightly. Lloyd Snyder’s ork went back into the Ringside Club, near here, after an absence of less than a month. Spot has a WBAP wire. Phil Levant’s band, opening Feb. 4 in Venetian Ballroom of Hotel Blackstone, will air daily over WBAP. George Wald and Gretchen Lee are featured vocalists. Bob McComb, organist at Worth Theater, now airs daily over KTAT. WBT, Charlotte Clarence “Elmer” Etters, pianist on “Briarhopper” program, has replaced Jack Phipps as organist on “Musical Kilowatts,” Duke Power Co. Others on the Duke program are Russell McIntyre, romantic baritone; Jane Bartlett, pianist; Don White, guitarist, and Clair Shadwell, announcer. When WBT was barred from broadcasting the Carolinas Golden Gloves, mammoth boxing tournament held here each year, Program Director Charles Crutchfield did not give up. Crutch found a way to stage a broadcast. Dr. Jimmy Wood, chief referee of the tourney, will go on the air each night after the tourney with a summary of the night’s bouts. Grady Cole, newscaster, is back on the air here after a trip to Louisville. GEORGE FOGLE, director of “Ma Perkins” and “Kitty Keene Inc.,” has been selected by Radio Council of Board of Education to give its members practical training in production of airshows. Board already has one Sunday evening program on WBBM and expects to add others. Film scouts here looking over Margarette Shanna, who plays “Arnold Grimm’s Daughter.” Hugh Rowlands now playing role of 15-year-old Jimmy as well as 85year-old Sneezy in “Tom M i x Straight Shooters.” Arkansas Woodchopper (Luther Ossenbrink) missed National Barn Dance broadcast because of illness. Marge Kerr, Tom Fizdale boss here, recovering slowly from serious illness at Henrotin Hospital. Tiny Stowe, former WLS continuity editor, has gone to Hollywood and connected with a radio job there. Wilma Gwilliam of WLS staff is laid up at Fowler, Ind. Bill Cavanaugh, former member of WLS continuity staff, has turned actor and is now appearing regularly on “Public Hero No. 1.” Score or more of WBBM announcers, production men gather each Friday in studio three to take French lessons under direction of Dr. Allen M. Clement of the University of Chicago Romance Language Department. After they wind up the French course they propose to tackle German, Italian and Spanish. A1 R. Williamson, former NBC press chief here, now promotion manager of Minneapolis Star, in Chicago on business over weekend and visited NBC friends. Ransom Sherman back from WHAM, Rochester, where he emceed 10th anniversary celebration. SAN FRANCISCO Pacific Guano Co. on Sunday started “Garden Guide” over two NBCRed stations (KPO, KFI), 10-10:15 a.m. (PST). Tomaschke-Elliott Inc., Oakland, is the agency. Sperry Flour renews Martha Meade on 6 NBC-Red Pacific stations, Wednesdays and Fridays, 22:15 p.m. (PST). Same sponsor renewed “Dr. Kate” on the same net i work, Mondays through Fridays, ! 1:45-2 p.m. (PST). Westco Advertising, San Francisco, has the account. Rena Craig Back Rena Craig has returned to the leading feminine roles on “Junior G Men,” “St. Anthony” and “Ave Maria Hour” programs after an absence of several weeks. Miss Craig made a flying visit to Denver, where she inaugurated a woman’s program on KOA. She also made several guest appearances on programs originating in Denver.