Radio daily (July-Sept 1937)

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2 RADIO DAILY Tuesday, July 13. 1937 Vol. 2, No. 8 Tues., July 13, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH : : Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Merser eau, treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate Secretary; K. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Terms (Post free) United States outside ot Greater New York, one year, $5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address: Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5, 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL (Monday, July 12') ■ NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Tel. & Tel 169i/2 168V2 169'/2 + % Crosley Radio 22% 21 y2 22% + 1 % Gen. Electric 56% 55% 56% + 1% North American . .. 26% 26 26% + % RCA Common 9% 91/4 91/4 + % RCA First Pfd 70 69% 70 + % RCA $5 Pfd. B (96'/4 Bid 100 Asked) Stewart Warner ... 18 17^4 17% + % Zenith Radio 37% 37i/4 37i/4 — i/4 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked CBS A 29V4 3034 CBS B 283/4 30 Stromberg Carlson 13 15 New Aerogram Quarters Are Formally Dedicated West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — Aerogram Corp., newly installed in specially-built quarters on Cosmo Street just off Hollywood Blvd., held open house late last week. Friday was devoted to entertaining the trade and newspapermen, following turnaway crowds of Mr. and Mrs. John Public on Thursday. The plant is ideal from every standpoint, while the equipment is the last word, the complete installation having been made by BrainerdWalder Co. The executive personnel of Aerogram includes: Gordon Soule, production manager; G. Curtis Bird, business manager; Harold Soule, chief engineer; Herman Brugger, research engineer, and Odessa Ellison, casting. All are well known locally. A DIVISION OF RADIO EVENTS, INC. 535 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. G OJadio Script p» £ve>uf Sustain Unj and Comm&icriU A/eed NETWORK SONG FAVORITES Following is an accurate list of performances for the week ending July 10, covering songs played from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. on CBS and two NBC networks. Only compositions played 15 times or more are included. This listing is a regular Tuesday feature in RADIO DAILY. Selection Publisher Times Played Merry Go Round Broke Down (Harms Inc.) 33 It Looks Like Rain (Joe Moms Music Corp.) 30 Where Or When (Chappell and Co.) 30 Sailboat In The Moonlight (Crawford Music Corp.) 25 The You And Me That Used To Be (Irving Berlin Inc.) 20 I Know Now (Remick Music Corp.) 19 Gone With The Wind (Irving Berlin Inc.) 18 Never In A Million Years (Robbins Music Corp.) 18 Sweet Leilani (Select Music Co.) 18 They Can't Take That Away From Me (Chappell and Co.) 18 There's A Lull In My Life (Robbins Music Corp.) 17 Toodle Oo (Shapiro Bernstein Inc.) 17 Cause My Baby Says Its So (Remick Music Co.) 16 Having Wonderful Time (Paull Pioneer Music Corp.) 16 Love Is Never Out Of Season (Leo Feist Inc.) 16 September In The Rain (Remick Music Corp.) 16 Cuban Pete (Hollywood Songs Inc.) 15 Cecil Underwood Joins WFBR Makes 5Year Deal Needham, Louis & Brorby Covering Maryland Races Chicago — Cecil Underwood, who is handling production of the "Fibber McGee and Molly" show on NBC for Johnson's Wax, has joined the radio department of Needham, Louis & Brorby Inc. Underwood has been in radio since 1924 and most recently was NBC program manager in Hollywood, where he handled many big shows. J. P. Muller Dead J. P. Muller, 63, president of the agency which bears his name, died Sunday in the New York Hospital. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Walter Hinton, two sisters and a brother. Dolberg Joins Atlas West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — Lou Winston, who recently disposed of his interest in Radio Recorders, Inc., to become production chief of Atlas Radio Corp., has brought Glen Dolberg, former program director of KFI-KECA, into Atlas in a production capacity to facilitate handling the heavy schedule of fall releases. WBAL 6 a.m. Rural Series Baltimore — WBAL now goes on the air at 6 a.m., daily except Sunday, with a new program designed for rural listeners and titled "On the Air." Through the cooperation of the Extension Service of the University of Maryland, and the Department of Agriculture, Baltimore, the station will broadcast the latest farming information and market reports. Time signals will be given every few minutes. Weather reports and news bulletins will also be included. Transcribed music will be used as fill ins. Baltimore— WFBR, which formerly signed a one-year contract with the Maryland Jockey Club, has just negotiated a new deal running five years and covering exclusive broadcast rights for the running of the Futurity in the fall and the Preakness next spring. American Oil Co. has bought the Futurity and Preakness, which will be aired over the NBC-Red network. Decision Is Reserved In Plagiarism Action Judge Peter P. Smith of the New York State Supreme Court reserved decision yesterday in the $50,000 suit for damages and injunction proceedings filed by Sol Rothschild against Household Finance Corp. et al in connection with alleged plagiarism by the concern's program, "It Can Be Done." Judge Smith requested Samuel J. Schwartzman, attorney for Rothschild, to file briefs by the end of this week. Two other defendants in the action are NBC and BBD&O. All three had their own attorneys in court. WJJD Staff Additions Chicago — King Bard, former sales manager of Wood-Wash, Grand Rapids, is joining the WJJD sales staff. William Klinke, Harry Berg and Larry Flavin are new members of the engineering staff. Station is owned by Ralph L. Atlass. Benny Goodman Set for Film West Coast Bureau, RADIO DAILY Los Angeles — Benny Goodman and his entire crew signed by Warner Bros, for next Dick Powell starring vehicle, Hollywood Hotel, with background and story woven around Louella Parsons' Campbell Soup hostelry. COminG and G0MG JACK BENNY and MARY LIVINGSTONE sail tomorrow for their European vacation. ERNEST LA PRADE of NBC, left Saturday for Interlochen, Mich. ALICE HILL of Mutual's "We Are Four" leaves Chicago for a vacation in Mexico City, then to Acapulco to catch a boat for the Panama Canal en route to New York. DIANA BOURBON, producer of the Ken Murray show, flew East over the week-end and will vacation for three weeks at Rye, N. Y. LOUELLA PARSONS started yesterday on the first leg of a jaunt to Europe. Harriet Parsons will conduct "Hollywood Hotel" during the absence of her mother. BILL BACHER returned to Hollywood yesterday from three weeks of sunning in Hawaii. LEWIS ALLEN WEISS, general manager of the Don Lee chain, is in San Francisco for a few days on network business. MRS. JOHN MAYO and daughter, JOAN, are expected back this week from a two-week stay in Washington, D. C. MACK MILLAR leaves Friday for the Catskills. SAMUEL J. BUZZELL, attorney for Cab Calloway and Duke Ellington, is on the Coast visiting his brother, Eddie, flicker director. HENRY SPITZER, Chappell Music exec, is expected to fly in from the Coast tomorrow to attend the funeral services for George Gershwin, whom he was en route to visit on future plans. ROYCE POWELL, commercial manager of WCOA, the John H. Perry CBS outlet in Pensacola, Fla., visiting New York, appeared on the Professor Quiz program as one of the contestants Saturday night. RALPH EDWARDS, CBS announcer, will be back from his California vacation in time to resume his handling of the Horn & Hardart Children's Hour next Sunday. ALVIN PACK of KSL, Salt Lake City, is on a New York sojourn. JAMES D. MUGFORD, program director of WSPA, Spartanburg, S. C, has returned south after a business trip to New York. JOHN RUNYON, manager of KRLD, Dallas, will be in town today. JOHN E. FETZER, manager and chief executive of WKZO, Kalamazoo, is in town. L. S. BUTLER, owner of WLS and KOY, is a New York visitor. GEORGE D. COLEMAN, manager, and G. G. WHITE of WGBI, Scranton; FRANKLIN SCHURZ, manager of WSBT, South Bend; MARJORIE WILLIS, WTOC, Savannah, also are in town. JOHN F. ROYAL, vice-president in charge of programs for NBC, sails tomorrow on the Normandie for a five-week business trip to Europe. MARK WOODS, NBC treasurer, vacationing at Lake Hopatcong. DON LOWE, LYLE VAN and FRANK CODY, NBC announcers, leave Friday on vacash. Greetings from Radio Daily July 13 Harry Sosnick Phillips Lord