Radio daily (Oct-Dec 1937)

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2 RADIO DAILY Thursday. December 9, 1937 Vol. 2, No. 113 Thurs., Dec. 9, 1937 Price 5 Cts. JOHN W. ALICOATE : : : Publisher DON CARLE GILLETTE : : Editor MARVIN KIRSCH Business Manager Published daily except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays at 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y., by Radio Daily Corp. J. W. Alicoate, President and Publisher; Donald M. Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Chester B. Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicoate, Secretary ; M. H. Shapiro, Associate Editor. Terms (Post free) United States outside of Greater New York, one year, _$5; foreign, year, $10. Subscriber should remit with order. Address all communications to RADIO DAILY, 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Phone Wisconsin 7-6336, 7-6337, 7-6338. Cable address : Filmday, New York. Hollywood, Calif.— Ralph Wilk, 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone Granite 6607. Entered as second class matter April 5. 1937, at the postoffice at New York, N. Y., under the act of March 3, 1879. FINANCIAL (Wednesday, Dec. 8) NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Net High Low Close Chg. Am. Tel. & Tel 150% 149 V2 150% + 3/g CBS A 18% 18% 18% CBS B 17% 17% 17% — 11/2 Crosley Radio 8% 8'/4 8% + % Gen. Electric 4434 43% 43y4 — '/4 RCA Common 71/4 7 7% RCA First Pfd 53% 51 53 % + 1% RCA $5 Pfd. B 97 96% 96 Vi — Vi Stewart Warner 10% 10% 10% + % Westinghouse 114% HOV4 111% + Vi Zenith Radio 19% 19 19 NEW YORK CURB EXCHANCE Majestic 1% 1% 1% OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Stromberg Carlson 7% 8% FCC ACTIVITIES EXAMINER'S RECOMMENDATIONS John S. Allen and G. W. Covington, Jr., Montgomery, Ala. CP for new station. 1210 kc, 100 watts, daytime, be granted. Mervel M. Valentine, Laredo, Tex. CP for new station. 1500 kc, 100 watts, 250 watts LS., unlimited, be granted. Wheeling Steel Network Chicago — Wheeling Steel Corp., Wheeling, W. Va., will air its varietyshow starting Jan. 2 from WWVA studios over WLW, WOR and WGN, Mutual stations. Program, featuring orchestra, chorus and semi-pro talent from among workers, is set for 26 weeks, through Critchfield & Co., Chicago. Cliff Carl at WHO Des Moines— Cliff Carl, character comedian, has joined the WHO staff. He is appearing in three series. Craig & Hollingbery Inc 4b///fep. theNews! tfc«v ft Programs That Have Made History # KDYL's "The Kangaroo Club" ITS form changing as fashions in broadcasting have changed down the years, "The Kangaroo Club" of KDYL, Salt Lake City, claims to be one of the oldest children's programs on the air. In the course of its development "The Kangaroo Club" has exchanged sponsors many times, currently being used by the W. T. Grant Co. as a Christmas-business builder. It was in 1928 that the idea of using Kangaroo as an unusual symbol of energy, thrift and intelligence first occurred to Bennett Larsen, then a staff member at KDYL. (Larsen since has formed connections with Ruthrauff & Ryan's radio production department.) The name "Uncle Ben" was chosen, and the "Kangaroo Club" went on the air as a children's talent show, one hour daily except Sunday. Within a year the club had a roster of over 30,000 signed membership cards and sponsorship was on a participating basis. When Larsen left, the name "Uncle Ben" was taken over by various of his successors, the current Uncle Ben being George Snell. Total membership probably runs well over 50,000; although, since many of the original "Kangaroos" have come to maturity in the 10 years of the club's existence, part of that number has become inactive. During the summer months the show is conducted in the Liberty Park Outdoor Theater, with specially trained talent, under the supervision of Carol Hall. For over three years KDYL maintained at its own expense a "Kangaroo Club Band" of 45 pieces which was used not only on the air but in the interest of many civic affairs and entertainments. In five seasons the Club conducted Saturday matinees from the stage of various downtown theaters. Among the graduates of the "Kangaroo Club," in addition to Larsen, are the Bryan Sisters, working in Hollywood and starred in many musicals, Shirley Davis, vocalist with Bob Young's Orchestra, Gordy Gudmunson, now with Fred Waring, and many others. At present the show is a tri-weekly quarter-hour stanza, musically supervised by Carol Hall, presented in semi-formal style and called "The Kangaroo Artists' Revue," a far cry from the catch-as-catch-can manner of the early days. Radio Manufacturers Discussing Campaign (Continued from Page 1) chandising and advertising methods in the radio industry at the Astor. Although sessions are held in strict confidence, it is known that membership includes representatives from RCA, Philco, General Electric and other leading concerns. Purpose of sessions is to reformulate present advertising and merchandising campaigns conducted by individual members of the industry, with a more or less combined front to be presented. All results of the discussions will be made public at the time the session submits its recommendations to the trade. FCC Gag Rule Seen Washington Bureau, RADIO DAILY Washington — Sources close to the FCC say that an order will soon be issued making it necessary for all regular press releases to pass through the legal division before being available to the press. NAB Committee Meets; Carrying Through Plan (Continued from Page 1) ing through plans adopted at the recent meeting in New York, and will present proposals and recommendations at the New York meeting to be held after first of the year. Sessions continued late into the night and will probably run through Friday. Phillip G. Loucks, committee chairman, caught by a RADIO DAILY representative during "time out", intimated that excellent progress was being made in drafting a preliminary report. Hampton Moves Radio Dept. David B. Hampton, representative of artists and writers, has opened new quarters at 425 Fifth Ave. for the handling of all radio and theatrical activities of his organization. Kenn Randall will have charge of casting problems at the new address. Office is now interviewing people for a new Repertory Company scheduled for early spring opening. Sterling Products Renews Sterling Products has renewed three NBC-Red shows for 52 weeks effective Jan. 3. They are: "How To Be Charming," Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:30-11:45 a.m., rebroadcast for coast at 2:30-2:45 p.m., 44 stations; "Lorenzo Jones," Monday through Friday, 4-4: 15 p.m., 22 stations; "Backstage Wife," Monday through Friday, 11:15-11:30 a.m., 25 stations. Blackett-Sample-Hummert is the agency. * new: * HOWLERS . . . Boners as they have been "pulled" in all walks of life! 13 Five Minute Scripts . . . $10. STAR RADIO PROGRAMS, Inc. 250 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK CITY COfllinG and GOMG JEAN HERSHOLT will come to New York from the Coast for the Christmas holidays, and at least two of his Sunday broadcasts will originate here. WERNER JANSSEN and MRS. JANSSEN (Ann Harding) are in Baltimore, where Janssen will conduct the symphony orchestra for the season. JULIE BENELL and CARL GLICK leave Friday for Hartford, Conn., where they will be guests of honor at the performance of "Cold in the Hills" or "The Dead Sister's Secret" to be given by the Hartford Masquers. STANLEY WESSEL of the Wessel Co. is in New York. DALE ROBERTSON, manager of WIBX, Utica, is a New York visitor. STEPHEN P. WILLIS, general manager of WPRO, Providence, is in town. 11th Inter-City Link Goes on Air Dec. 19 WLAW, new station built by Hildreth & Rogers, newspaper owners, in Lawrence, Mass., makes its debut Dec. 19. It will be the 11th link in the Inter-City Network. Station will be fed through WMEX, Boston. WMCA is the New York station in the web. Bachman as WIND Rep Earl Bachman, effective today, becomes exclusive representative for WIND, Gary, Ind., and has opened his own offices, in this city. Bachman was with Gene Furgason & Co. until his resignation this week. Oldsmobile Buys Game Chicago — Oldsmobile dealers of Chicago area will sponsor the national championship pro football game between Chicago Bears and Washington Redskins over Ralph Atlass' WJJD and WIND next Sunday. Jimmy Dudley will be at the mike. Don Johnson to Write Don Johnson ("Professor Figgsbottle") has been engaged as a writer for the "On Broadway" dramatic program which immediately precedes his "Fishface and Figgsbottle" show over NBC-Blue network on Sundays. The first performance on which Johnson has collaborated will be broadcast on Dec. 19. YOU MUST TALK to the people of New York State — or else — you are passing up the richest market in the world. Reach Them Through THE MOHAWK VALLEY . BROADCASTING SYSTEM 29 West 57th Street, New York Telephone: PLaza 5-3269